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  1. I am a huge fan on swaddling - the miracle blanket is awesome. My singleton & twins needed to be swaddled until 7 months for any good sleep to occur. I am a pediatric PT and so often see kiddos whose parents say don’t like or fight the swaddle- once I get them swaddled up snuggly, they before more organized, calm and sleep so much better.
  2. How is it going? Is she able to nurse in sidelying? Can she tandem feed yet? Does she have a twin nursing pillow? How old are the babies now? It is awesome you are there with her!! Those early weeks were so challenging! I remember feeling so exhausted & mired in an endless cycle of feed, burb, change, sleep 12 minutes - repeat 😵 One of my twins wouldn’t latch for the first 10 days. Once he finally latched, I was thrilled. They get so much stronger & more coordinated with feeding & body control around due date. My oldest (singleton) was born at 41w, my twins: 38w2d - so all full term but the difference in breastfeeding was dramatic. Tell her great job!!! It gets easier!!
  3. The first few weeks of nursing twins was really tough. Mine were 5 pounders & gained very slowly - after some loses early on. My pedi was a bit concerned but supportive of breast feeding. Hopefully lactation recommends trying just nursing for a few days- no bottles & lets them settle in. Can you change them & give to mom to nurse, take them back for burps & settle back to sleep? I couldn’t tandem feed for a few weeks- but once we all figured it out - with the giant twin pillow - it was good & more efficient. Tell DD great job & hang in there!!
  4. Can you have it pulled & see if it bothers you & decide about implant down the road?
  5. https://www.newenglandedge.com/page/show/1407559-how-to-upload-your-team-schedule-to-iphone-calendar Maybe this will help
  6. Congratulations!!! I was thinking girl vibe for some reason! Hope she is feeling good!
  7. Hmmm, I’m a pediatric PT. The price is quite reasonable, but I don’t understand not using insurance, unless Medicare only allows so many per year or per episode.
  8. I did not have elevated heart rate concerns. Hopefully the anemia resolved & she stays hydrated. How is she feeling? Physically? Emotionally?
  9. I carried to 38 weeks 2 days (I am 5’8”). Mine are di-di twins. https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/di-di-twins#definition I nursed until 14 months (babies self weaned). I used tandem nursing as soon as possible (once on the hospital) and as often as possible with the huge twin pillow. The twin connection is amazing to observe. Mine are boy/girl so I wasn’t expecting the tight “twinness”- they are so bonded and so crazy in sync - though they seemed to ignore/avoid each other as newborns for the first 3 or so months. I was so sad & then they truly discovered each other and never looked back!! I often felt like an outsider looking into their cool world ( really only because I had a 2 year old singleton boy to compare to). So awesome you are nearby and able to help!!! Enjoy the crazy ride!
  10. Any tenderness when you push around in neck or shoulder area? Sitting up, left hand under your butt, look at right arm pit. Does this target the area? With right hand, gently add pressure on head in direction of right arm pit. Might be a spasm in muscle in that area. Can you tilt ear towards shoulder in each direction?
  11. Love this idea! Is there room to go 2, one for kids and a separate one for kids? How is your dad doing?
  12. I couldn’t send a pm- please send me Venmo info

    Thank you

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