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Ting Tang

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Everything posted by Ting Tang

  1. Thank you everyone. Yes, I do need to protect our homeschool day better. Short of my daughter quitting her sport, though, it's nearly impossible to schedule her lessons for afterschool hours. However, one option might be to lessen the frequency and extend the lessons. After our next round of appointments, I am only going to schedule those later in the day, too. That will help. We have a lot of appointments lately, such as the orthodontist every two weeks in addition to regular ones and car appointments. My daughter has learned how to balance lessons with school time. I am not worried about her. I also recognize it isn't fair to the other kids, though, so sometimes I do think school would be a better place. Looking at their schedule, it is almost as crazy with two partial days a month, institutes, etc. I will see if I can get more cooperation from my husband's family about not allowing the kids to loiter and indulge. I love the Vegas comment---that's exactly how it feels sometimes! I know it sounds stupid to put something before school. I will check out some of the mentioned resources. I hope it is not too late. Today they all worked off a detailed list, which included chores, and that was good. I've been meaning to do that for a while again. It just took my oldest child more time to get to his. We didn't have to be anywhere, and that felt good.
  2. I just read about an 85 year old Holocaust survivor who was taken hostage by Hamas. Can you imagine surviving that and now going through this? Ugh. I know horrible things happen in America, but sometimes I am so glad I am here instead of somewhere else.
  3. I actually think this is part of what brought on the shingles since it seems to be triggered by stress. I'm starting to take things off my plate. One extracurricular lesson is coming off my plate, too. I realize I am trying to be good at so many things but seem to be failing by being everything to them.
  4. Yes, in my head I know this. I just wonder if I need to shift some responsibilities to the school and eliminate the temptation to go there during those hours to help fix the issue. I think my kids take advantage of her. My oldest will leave the house even if I say no. I think at times it is his lead poisoning playing into his defiance. I think I need time to collect myself. I totally agree---it gets harder and harder as they get older.
  5. You're right, and my husband says this, too. My son had just come inside after spending time with my SIL and his cousin. I wasn't happy with this trip at all this weekend given my condition and a rough harvest season, but I figured he could go because he and the others would have complained about not going. So when he came home, I figured we could get something done. Nope...it's a holiday! Yes, I think school is the best answer for my family. I don't really want to do that, but it has gotten worse with each year. I promised if I couldn't do a better job than our local school, it would be time for them to go back.
  6. I've mentioned this many times, but we live nextdoor to my in-laws. My husband farms with his dad. It has its perks, but it also has a downside. Over the years, I feel I have lost a lot of authority over my own children. My boys in particular like to head nextdoor, and they are often indulged. I mean, that is what Grandmas do---they get treats, iPad time, etc. My husband is more authoritative than I am, but he earns the money for our family, and he can't be here all the time--as a farmer, he is gone days/nights seven days a week at certain times. My kids don't really respect me. It's my fault, not that I haven't done my fair share of yelling, but... They talk back to me. It's really bad with my oldest son, and it has trickled down. Today it is my youngest who is being defiant. My SIL came to get my nephew, who was staying with Grandma this weekend. So today they had outings and invited my sons. I didn't go because I have shingles. We normally do school on this day, even though kids are off. My daughter did school today. Well, I asked the youngest (age 6) if he wanted to do school, and he backtalked. I already know this week we will need to take time off from school for my daughter's private lesson, son's orthodontist, piano, etc. I'm honestly so tired of it, and I am tired of yelling, pleading, etc. This year we are already off the schedule I prefer, so I do think we are "behind" on lessons since we take summers off. I think we should put the boys back into school. The local school has so many partial days, it's crazy. But they get our own time off here, and now they want the public school time off, too. I think it is too late with my lack of authority, but honestly, I just kinda want to be selfish and take care of me and not deal with them all day everyday anymore. Living nextdoor to my in-laws was probably a bad idea. Maybe that sounds horrible.
  7. I agree that it is hard to understand. I tried to read about the agreement made and we read a bit last year, but I still do not have the answer. The worst part is the terrorizing of ordinary civilians happening right now by Hamas. Maybe someone else will chime in. I don't see why we can't discuss it. I know many have empathy for Palestine and are more vocal about it these days, and many side with Israel. And then there are those of us who think it is all horrible what happens to ordinary people caught in this conflict on both sides.
  8. Yes, laws like this one will make grocery shopping a lot easier. I know highly processed foods tend to have longevity and are "easy," but there is nothing easy about suffering the consequences of a bad diet.
  9. The Western diet is the "cancer" diet, among other things. Honestly, I hope it keeps going. I'm sick of seeing how much sugar is added to foods you wouldn't expect sugar to be in---but there is disagreement on the dangers of sugar, too. So that is probably far off. At least in CA, you won't have to buy foods that contain these chemicals.
  10. California on Saturday became the first state to ban four chemicals used in well-known candies and other foods and drinks because of their link to certain health problems - including cancer. I am on board with this!
  11. May I ask who/why/etc.? Are you concerned about the relationship beyond texting? My brother used to pal around with kids my parents didn't care for, and that was before cell phones. I know it cannot be easy. I am not there yet with my own.
  12. My in-laws live nextdoor to us, and he is staying there. My mother in law is undergoing chemo treatments for metastatic pancreatic (oops I first said breast, she had that before) cancer, and I have the wonderful shingles. He just stopped in our house, and I am not dressed because it hurts my rash. My sons help with farm work at times--my 11 year old can drive a tractor with the grain cart. My nephew lives in the suburbs. To his mother, this is like a big fall festival---it makes it hard for my FIL to concentrate. BUT I do think these farmers truly love what they do---mine just don't want things to make it needlessly more difficult. They had a raccoon in the combine yesterday... but all my husband heard about was how downtrodden my nephew was. Meanwhile....lol
  13. I think seeing our President slip a bit, physically and cognitively, isn't good, either. Yes, one should be able to do what one loves, but these are public service jobs. Isn't there a way to be in public service without the risk to our nation's well-being? Republicans and Democrats. This isn't about shamng one party over another. Mitch McConnell is the same.
  14. My husband farms with his dad, who is in his mid to upper 70s. My husband dislikes the idea of hiring anyone. One of his siblings is having her son, my nephew, stay with them this weekend for four days to help "farm." (we live nextdoor to each other, and I have shingles...woman doesn't get it) He is 11. She thinks it is party time, and my FIL is just trying to be extremely careful. Their motto has always been, "don't fall."
  15. Yes, if your child doesn't pay, you have guaranteed that you will pay it. My parents only co-signed my first year on a loan, and they did remove their names after so many consecutive payments, though. You should look into that. I don't see why your child wouldn't be able to reconfigure payments based on income or whatever---the worst thing that can happen is your child applies and is denied based on loan terms. I'm not up to date on current student loan things. They stink. Many times anything you do to reduce the payment now will just prolong the debt. I had about $60k in debt, and it's gross how much more these companies actually collected from me. My loans were completed paid off this year, at age 42. I finished grad school at age 23.
  16. You haven't been to my house then. LOL We only have two blocks for the kids, though. They don't get as much as others, but I still feel this way. This kicks off the sugar season, which isn't healthy for any of us.
  17. He is 11, and he is here for an "alone" visit, which he's had multiple of this year. His sister has a college appointment, and college is still two years away. You'd think they'd have put a halt to this visit, but nope. And my MIL loves her grandkids too much to say no. So she is on the road to go get him. I cannot drive, even if healthy, because my son has an important class for his martial arts promotion test.
  18. She says she can do that, but I’m honestly not sure how well. I was thinking of having her do these drills at home to help, but I certainly don’t want her to get hurt since I’m not trained. Her ballet teacher said she could help, but due to her back, she cannot spot. And she doesn’t have mats in her studio.
  19. Conservative rural community member here. I make bags with both. The kids seem to love little erasers, stickers, etc. I do not particularly love Halloween, but we participate. Even for kids without allergies, it’s a great idea to mix it up. Kids are getting orthodontia earlier, too. Personally, the less candy, the better over here! Candy is also so expensive. Oh now I’m remembering why I hate Halloween lol….
  20. This place is the only place that has cheer classes. We don’t have any competitive cheer programs local to us. 😞 She can do the backbend from standing and gets up. She stretches daily, too. She does illusions, laybacks, turning leg holds, etc. I was wondering if it might be a strength issue. She is 8, and she skyways needs reminding to feel her muscles and make them work. I didn’t want her to have to learn tumbling while older, but at the same time, I keep throwing money at this, lol.
  21. For well over a year, my daughter has been trying to learn to do a front walkover. She took private lessons at the YMCA last year and a couple of summertime clinics. She is now enrolled in a recreational gymnastics class, which is mostly tumbling and some bar/beam. The front walkover is a supplemental dance skill that would be helpful to learn. She just lands with her feet too far out and struggles to get up. She's made progress, but it has been slow, and that is probably because it isn't practiced enough. The class she is in does not focus on this skill; they do a bit of it but also cartwheels, back handsprings (for her, drills). I noticed the next session went up in cost by $20. She has fun there, but it isn't her main thing, and I really need to take something off my plate. It's also a 25-30 minute drive, and I already drive super far for her other lessons. I need to decide this week whether or not to sign her up for it again. Do you think if we purchased a mat, it would be safe for her to practice at home, given she's made progress? She does cartwheels and roundoffs. I've run out of options as the YMCA doesn't have enough staff to teach her anymore (she was doing that while my son was in his class there), and there really isn't anyplace else without joining a competitive place just as far away. The one dance studio discontinued tumbling during Covid and never got it back. I don't want her to get hurt. There are many online tutorials, but I always thought that was frowned upon.
  22. Dang wrong board again. I am sorry. Moving it there.
  23. You could do an outschool class for the experience--it doesn't have to be ON the topic of technology. It could be a writing class or something that requires use of it or simply platforms that are used in schools. My son is taking pre-algebra through Mr. D Math, and he has already done two assignments using Excel Spreadsheets. There are easy ways that will not stress you out to incorporate it if you want to feel better about things. We haven't done much, but I am glad my son is already getting Excel experience. That's pretty cool---and truly useful.
  24. Thanks so much everyone. So, this is a long weekend, and my SIL is having our nephew visit. He will stay with MIL nextdoor, who just had a chemo treatment. They are taking the other to a college visit (she won't even graduate for two more years). I really hoped they'd have canceled this weekend. Now my kids will be bugging MIL even more if he is staying there, and it will stress me out. SIL wanted to know where I got shingles. Um, from myself and stress? lol Can't make this stuff up.
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