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Posts posted by Clarita

  1. Team don't send the letter. I think all the above comments addressed all the reasons why you shouldn't send any letters.

    Gently what your don needs right now is not you going on a tirade against this girl's parents. What he needs is for you to instill confidence in him. He needs you to tell him this break up is not the end of his life. To tell him there are other girls out there whose parents would be thrilled that he is the one their little girl is seeing. 

    This is coming from someone who wasn't good enough to be people's son's friend (not even girlfriend). 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Spirea said:

    It's a nice long hall, so perfect for throwing and racing things.

    My long hallways are barren. My husband, kids and the cats like to use them as racetracks. We put up a batting cage in the backyard for projectile play.

    17 hours ago, Shoes+Ships+SealingWax said:

    We are in the minority, I suppose, in that we have a dedicated classroom.

    I thought about having a dedicated space, but our current stage school and play blend and it's easier to school and play in the same space. Plus, they have take so many breaks that the school day would be so long if I had to herd them from one space to another all the time.

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  3. My husband had a "high earning" wife for a while (one year where I actually earned more than he did - he is a little bit older than me so makes sense that he makes more). Having lived that life he prefers having a stay at home mom for a wife. Also he does plan to retire after the kids are done with college, or before if finances work out for that.

    Although when the kids are gone I'd hope to be able to get a job again, in my field. I wouldn't mind starting entry level again. I really did like my job. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Katy said:


    Beats me. I have never asked why I wasn't invited to parties, so I'm just as baffled as you are. I may have been snarky though and responded with because my name isn't Clara.

  5. We actually found a person who didn't have a flower shop but did flowers for events. That was much cheaper ($2300 for a 400 person wedding). Also apparently you can get a better deal on flowers if you don't specify the actual flower but just specify the colors; then they can just get in-season flowers which are cheaper. It was an outdoor wedding so it was just an arch, bouquets and flower pins, small vase of flowers on every table, and flowers to top the cake.

    We only got enough fancy cake for about half the guests and get a mass-produced chocolate sheet cake to cover the rest. (Saves the heartache when your guests don't finish the fancy cake.) The food caterer actually came up with this plan. He agreed it was a good idea not to get so much fancy cake, but he said you don't want to really run out either. 

    Learn from my mistake and do the reception at a place that can provide food. It is a pain (both wallet-wise and just finding someone) to find a caterer who can either transport their equipment and/or use someone else's kitchen. 

    Plan well for the wedding, but don't expect things to go according to plan. On the day of appoint someone in charge who kind of knows what's suppose to happen (seriously consider hiring out if you can afford it, otherwise find someone not of the wedding party or who wouldn't mind missing parts of the wedding) to deal with the day of stuff. 

    2 minutes ago, Katy said:

    es, I hear secondhand that people I've still never met are annoyed DH didn't invite them. 

    I heard first hand people who didn't know my husband or my name complain that they weren't invited. 

  6. I'm Chinese so weddings have been elaborate for a long time. According to the museum I went to while in Hong Kong it was always a day where the bride got to pretend to be royalty for a day. My mom was a little disappointed that I only chose to wear one outfit for my wedding day. When she planned my banquet for my extended family in Hong Kong I had 3 dresses and 3 hairdos to go with it. 

    However, in Chinese culture wedding presents are CASH. Essentially your guests paid for the wedding party and you should have some leftover to start your life together. 

    My parents did have me approve my wedding plans with both sides of the family. My mom made sure my MIL approved my dress and also that I would pay for my mom and my MIL to get dolled up. I paid for my entire wedding. I didn't just invite asian people to my wedding (nor did I invite extra guests to buffer) so, I did not break even at all on my wedding.  The way my guests enjoyed themselves though and the way my husband talks of it afterwards it was worth every penny.

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  7. The Expanse just finished off with 5 seasons. It's technically science fiction, but if I were to really categorize it is political intrigue and about people trying to forward their own agendas. There is more to tell after season 5 but they aren't slated for a season 6. It doesn't end on a crazy cliff-hanger; it's more like you want more of the story to unfold.

    Battlestar Galatica is really good too but I haven't been able to finish because it's long and it's a bit too deep. 

    I don't think either is predictable.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm against loan forgiveness because I believe the loans are the reason tuition is so high. I'd like to see the loans be treated like a new car loan. Cars are different than houses. While a car loan does have collateral at the end of the day a new car drops in price by 30% or more once it comes off the lot. So, a lender much rather see payments being made on the loan rather than have to repossess the car.

    In essence, I don't want it because I don't want to continue to feed the beast so to speak. 


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  9. 12 hours ago, Baseballandhockey said:

    So, I'm wondering what people think?  Is 3 years of middle school Mandarin enough to be useful?  It's supposedly the equivalent of 2 years of HS or 1 year of college.

    Let him drop it. It doesn't matter how many years he will take it, if he isn't excited about the foreign language it won't be useful. On the other hand if he was interested in learning the language it will be useful and he'll find a way to use it. This comes from someone who did 12 years of Chinese school ended up pretty illiterate. 

  10. Ugh. What a bummer someone needs to shake up the refrigerator industry. Ours can plod along for as long as we would need it to before a new one can arrive. I guess I should just hope that the issue was a bad connection or something and we are back to "fixing" our fridge every 2 years. 

    Technically our current fridge is a Kenmore but it looks an awful lot like an LG.


  11. 19 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    But dsil has been told this is "typical for silicon valley becasue there are so many tech companies" . . . so, is it the truth, or they're covering?

    Yes, it happens. It's not a good look and I didn't think it "happens all the time". I had an intern ghost me before. HR had to threaten him with getting the police involved because he still had our stuff. He came back to me asking if he could try again with excuses as to what happened. I believe I said to him you just had to reply with a sentence to all those emails I sent you asking what's going on. (An email I managed to send the day my father passed away to tell my team I won't be available for a bit.)

    No matter how bad a place was I'd at least give an official "I'm quitting." I can see not giving a company 2 weeks notice, but without saying a word... I know people who would keep that person's name and never hire them again.


  12. I tried using math 1. I think it's a strong program, but it wasn't for us (too much writing for the concepts being taught for my K4 mathy kid). I did use it to supplement Singapore Earlybird Kindergarten. We liked the explorative aspect of Singapore but R&S had clearer more explicit explanations. One topic in particular that I liked R&S approach/explanation was skip counting (and therefore coins/money). 

    The flannel board I think you can do without. Just do it on the floor. Although it is pretty easy to make your own by gluing/tape/attaching felt cloth on to a hard poster board (I made one, essentially with duct tape as the adhesive). In hindsight it would have served the same purpose if I just had just placed my yard of felt on the floor.  

  13. 4 hours ago, GracieJane said:

    I suppose this goes along with the concept of filial obligations, and maybe some of it’s cultural.

    Oh no this is purely a personal thing. My mom didn't want to hold her newborn baby grand-daughter and said up front when I was in my teens (no children in sight) I will not be babysitting your kids. In fact, my mom currently lives an ocean away from me, of her own choosing. 

    I think mostly it comes down to what your family needs and your own personality. Some grandparents take on the care their grandchildren because they have to otherwise those children's parents can't function well (reasons financial or otherwise). Other grandparents just love having grandchildren around.

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  14. 6 minutes ago, mathmarm said:

    I opted out of worrying about Public Education when I chose to home school my own.

    Ditto. (I may be a bit bitter because it turns out my district spends more per child than really good private schools in the area. We live in a bad district.)

  15. I don't believe parents are obligated to make sure their kids do better than they did. I mean there are so many things that are out of control for the parents, that I can't imagine this even making sense. 

    I will absolutely give my kids the best opportunity that I can possibly muster up to make sure my kids have better than I did. Just as my parents did for me. (My grandparents through circumstance could not do that for their children.)  There is zero shame though in my family for asking a child how their career choice is going to be financially stable or lucrative. 

    To the envy of my MIL and my mom and the chagrin of my husband, I probably will be the grandma who moves to be able to take care of the grandbabies for my kids. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

    There might be a new fix that works better people have found.  Just be prepared that if your try to buy one, it might take awhile to get it. 

    Yea I know how I can "fix" the original defect. It requires me soldering the wires together. My issue with that is I may (in doing so) mess up the connector; in which case I would have to hard solder into the fridge and it would be a big pain from then on out. We read a lot on our fridge and it's problem, most people either just deal with chipping ice off of it every few years or got a new one. (It took them years to send the "fix" out.) We've had the fridge for a little over 10 years.

  17. 55 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

    Depending on your make/model, it is an easy part to replace.   Ours was 30 for it compared to 3000.  Took about 30 minutes with interruptions.

    A little background on this is this fridge is one with a known problem. They had sent us a "fix" for it. The fix doesn't fit. We may or may not have broken it last time trying to "fix" it. So, I totally agree it is an easy part to replace. The two things would be do I want to sit around and find a replacement part for this (of which there may not be one), and also continue the song and dance of "repairing" my fridge every 2 years. 

  18. I wouldn't have known the Oscars happened this year had it not been this incident. So, I guess the actors did their jobs. (Maybe I'm too cynical, I do feel bad for Jada since the whole thing happened at her expense.)

    • Like 2
  19. I like french door with freezer on the bottom. I'm not seeing anything that really floats my boat, even if I pretend like money, is no option. Any thoughts. 

    Essentially our defroster seemed to have stopped working. We have disconnected everything and reconnected everything to see if that will fix the issue.

  20. 5 hours ago, Calizzy said:

    She came running in the house crying because she crashed into dh’s 3 month old car. She was very shaken. The other 2 kids were very shaken too. It’s still raw for dd. I think I will talk to her more tomorrow.

    I think you should just inform her that she can say no to these things, even from an authority figure. She already got her punishment/consequence for her actions. I think 13 can still be young to know authority figures can have bad judgement.

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