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Posts posted by Clarita

  1. 6 hours ago, GoodnightMoogle said:

    I even have my little guy sleeping in a floor bed right now, much to my mother in law’s chagrin 😂 we will see how that pans out when he starts really crawling.

    If she thinks it's a safety issue, my eldest figured out how to climb out of his crib (aka could launch himself over the railing) at 9 months old. At that moment I felt so guilty not having him in a floor bed.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Now THAT one I know for sure wouldn't work with my kids, lol, because I've tried it. If I spend a lot of time talking to them about how I empathize with their struggles, they get way too hopeful than I'll give in, and then they stay upset much longer. Empathizing about "big feelings" works if it's an outside force causing it, but not if it's mean mama refusing to buy a lollipop 😉. In those cases, it's best to just tell them "no" kindly and send them off somewhere to calm down without my aggravating and mean presence. Not as a punishment, just as a break. 

    I still need to try the fantasy thing, though! I've never tried that one at all. 

    I thought this one didn't work for a long time with my eldest, then read elsewhere that I may be dwelling on it too long. I usually tell him "No" then queue meltdown. I respond with "Are you disappointed?" "Yes" "I can offer you a hug and/or you can go to your room to process your disappointment." Keeping the empathizing short has worked miracles.

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  3. No real input into what actual math curriculum to do, I'm looking for kinder math program for my own kids. I did graduate with a MS in electrical engineering and just wanted to put in a little warning. Do NOT base any choice of college/community college/high school math course over whether your child will be able to "skip" math courses. Most 4 year university engineering programs will only let you skip maximum maybe a year of math. They actually want some of your college math courses to be review (also applies to science courses).

    The whole "being able to skip classes" was pushed a lot on me in high school and the reality really didn't match the hype.

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  4. Your little one is still a baby. I wish The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies came out before I had my first child. I feel like that book would have (and has) put me on right track on how to foster independence and self motivated learning in my children early on. 

    I don't planned to use "Montessori Curriculum" past kindergarten (I prefer Charlotte Mason/Classical).    

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  5. I feel so unprepared now... My plans so far. This is my first kid I'm homeschooling and he does present some challenges. He is advanced intellectually but maturity-wise very much his age. 

    Reading: Waseca (we tried AAR and it was not a good fit for us, he was not mature enough for the amount of repetition) 

    Language Arts: unknown - love the idea of MCT, but again it's not offered for kindergarten.

    Math: unknown  - I wish Beast Academy had a Kindergarten program. My son is doing really well using Montessori materials but I would like something more structured so I don't miss anything.

    Handwriting: unknown - I don't need anything fancy or pretty just get him to be able to write legibly enough. (Figure if they can learn copperplate on their own. ;P)

    Science: unknown - We have a kiwi crate subscription... I bought a set of biome readers from Waseca so I could use that for some geography/science

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