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Posts posted by Clarita

  1. 2 hours ago, KSera said:

    People aren’t unhappy at the idea of any old billionaire buying Twitter, it’s Elon musk in particular. He is not a rational guy.

    But also who cares. Twitter doesn't even have a monopoly as a social media medium. Everyone can decide to use a different platform if they don't like him; they can choose to stop telling everyone what gets posted on Twitter as news. 

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  2. Is a "grain bowl" something more than I have a grain and I put whatever else I made for dinner on top of it??

    I've been on a polenta, and quinoa kick. Trick is to make them with broth then I wouldn't want to taint it with any sauce. As easy pairings I start with the culture that tends to eat that grain and cook that food for dinner. Then as we eat it the family might envision other pairings with the grain.

  3. 2 hours ago, EKS said:

    There are two issues with this when you use Saxon. 

    Clearly I don't use Saxon, I flipped through a copy of it my MIL had and I didn't think I could teach it. Just trying to help with ways to make doing a large amount of problems palatable.

    We love Singapore at our house, but with that one you have to do the teacher's manual stuff. The workbook may not be enough practice, some of the practice is in the stuff you are doing in the lesson. Some people complain about the lack of review in Singapore. I don't really find it a problem, but we talk/do math normally outside of "school-time".

  4. If all she has trouble with is the sheer number of problems, then reduce the number of problems. If you feel like she does need to complete each problem then reduce the number she sees. Photocopy the page and cut out sections of problems to give to her or write the problems on a separate sheet of paper with less per sheet.

    If writing the answer is a problem then you can write the answer for her as she does it orally. You can also use number cards (if you feel like she needs practice recognizing the numbers), this is small pieces of paper/cardstock with the numbers 0-9 written on them. It's more work for the kid to present an answer but sometimes the movement helps them. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, katilac said:

    What type of work? I have never, in my entire life, heard a male past puberty being told to smile (except for a photo).

    Engineering, but we also get told a lot of other rules that might be perceived as common sense elsewhere. Like, you need to have your clothes on in the office to how close you should stand near a person.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

    I’ve been told all my life to smile.  I notice men are rarely told to smile.

    Maybe I used to work with too many men. I hear men get that advice too. A lot ignore the advice unless they want a promotion. 

    I did dance when I was little so smiling was so ingrained in me that I will smile with tears streaming down my face and while I'm trembling in fear. I had to learn to smile less professionally; apparently it made some of the foreign clients think I was eye candy.

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  7. I don't even like extravagant wedding proposals. I actually witnessed a ballpark jumbotron marriage proposal that got rejected. I think if you are doing something like that just do a between the two of you beforehand and then when that is a yes then do a surprise grand gesture.

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  8. I think the worst thing in our house was the entrance to the attic was in a bedroom closet, which I hate and is fairly common (my parent's house was in the linen closet).

    We have three electrical boxes strewn about the house; the upside is they are in convenient places. I can absolutely picture the next owner going WHY?!

  9. We have a touch faucet. We love it and when the batteries run out it becomes a regular faucet. I use the hose and the touch all the time. I use the hose for cleaning large dishes and the sink. The touch is super useful when you are cooking and perhaps have food gunk all over your hands, not to get food gunk all over the faucet. 

    Although they also now have foot control faucets. It's not really new because I think hospitals have things like this. Touchless Footcontrol (grohe.us) My next kitchen faucet I might consider having foot control. 

  10. 50 minutes ago, WTM said:

    She said she wanted to explore why people chose not to be Christians. When asked if she wanted to go to youth camp this summer, she said no- that she’d prefer  a camp that fostered / allowed open discussion and debate about faith. To be clear, I don’t think she knows exactly what she’s looking for. And neither do I - I’m here to learn.

    Why do you think people chose not to be Christians? Maybe start by being that person for her to have an open discussion and debate about faith with. 

    The thing about having open discussion and debate about faith is, is it's a really tough topic. It's not a discussion filled with a lot of fact at the end of the day it leads to eternity (or what happens to you/your soul/consciousness after your brief life on earth). Not to tell you what you or your daughter actually want, but a safer place to start might be just an open vulnerable conversation with you or someone in your immediate family.

    I did not grow up in a Christian household and converted in my teens. My dad had a different faith than I did. 

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  11. I would ask your local people where your family would normally hang out to see if there is a significant coverage difference between the two. You can also have a friend go to your house to make sure their coverage is good. I would think in this day and age unless you are living somewhere rural the coverage is very similar. After that I would just go with whoever can offer you the best price for what you need/want.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

    DD most certainly does not see anything wrong with her actions and I don’t think I’d make her write an apology that is false anyway.  She is very much if someone is actively harming someone else, stop them by any means necessary, and her brother was being harmed.  Nothing we say is going to change her viewpoint at 9, anyway, so DH and I have decided to just skip the bus from here on out.  We aren’t going to put DS6 in harm’s way anyway, and it’s simpler to just drive both of them to school.

    That's probably best. I mean if she doesn't need to be on the bus again then no apology is necessary. 


  13. If it were me and my kids. I take my kids out for ice cream. I'd tell my daughter in this instance I side with her. As for the letter of apology I'd still make her write it. I'd phrase it to her like every action right or wrong does have a consequence. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. Feel free not to make it elaborate just the minimum requirement. If I'm sorry is good enough to finish the suspension, then so be it. Or the @AnotherNewName apology would be perfect.

    Next, I'd enroll my kids in martial arts so the next time the take down hopefully can be done more swiftly and more embarrassing for the other kid.

  14. 1 hour ago, KungFuPanda said:

    Why am I ever making brown sugar?  Why don't recipes just tell you to add white sugar and a certain amount of molasses?  Is there any advantage to combining them outside the recipe first?

    Seriously I have the same question. We've started making brown sugar ourselves, the only thing I can think of is the amount called for is so small (like a tablespoon or something) that it's easier to mix a cup than to mix based on a tablespoon of sugar. 

    I have also wondered about the baked pasta thing... I'm nervous to just try it once even though I guess it doesn't have to be a huge loss.

  15. If you have time two books I found super helpful to start is Well-Trained Mind and The Brave Learner. For Well-Trained Mind read the introduction stuff then you can skip to where your child is (like you don't have to read about high school right now).  Well Trained Mind has some solid curriculum suggestions and well as "what to cover" suggestions. The Brave Learner shows you how to teach your children without having to replicate the school environment.

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  16. Mine was not yet 2 when pandemic started. She definitely had some separation anxiety when we first emerged from the pandemic. Also she is still a little wary of new kids (although she is progressively getting better). She started off refusing to even say hi to other kids. Now after a few months of being able to see other kids on a regular basis; she is starting to have her own friends. 

    Of course this is just one kid who was my more clingy kid to start with.

  17. 55 minutes ago, katilac said:

    If you can do it, it's great to make the choice you want and not the choice other people think you should want. 

    My favorite job had a check box on the performance review for I am happy where I am I don't need to go anywhere. (Essentially, I don't want a promotion line.) It was a breath of fresh air instead of having to put essentially my bosses' jobs down every time for "where I want to be in x years."

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  18. We financed one car through the dealership. They offered us 0% interest. Apparently car dealerships make their money through the financing not the selling of a car?? That's the deal we were offered after we insisted on paying in cash (or check). You would have to pay a higher down payment than the advertised loan. You may try asking for a better deal if you can pay more down payment or pay it off quicker. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Arcadia said:

    The groom side pays the bulk of the wedding expenses as is tradition.

    MY family was disappointed because I married "an American," even though my mom really liked my husband. They couldn't complain too much because, we paid for our own wedding. 

    3 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

    My friend’s wedding in Hong Kong (in-laws) started with mahjong sessions in the morning until time for the wedding dinner.

    Our hong Kong wedding was too small for this. I've definitely been to a few relatives wedding which had karaoke and mahjong as the entertainment. The mahjong barely paused for the dinner.


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