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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. I love everything about my charge hr except the band. If you can sell and switch I would while it is still saleable. Mine is nearly 2 years old and is the band is falling apart. In reading complaints, this is very common, and is probably a big reason the charge2 has replaceable bands. I'm hoping to find one on sale before mine falls off completely.

  2. Miraflex...best thing ever! They come in lots of colors and styles. They do not have hinges or any pieces that can break. They often are marketed for babies and toddlers, but they do have some more grown up styles too. While my son still doesn't prefer to wear glasses, he has not broken them since we bought these frames. Before I found miraflex we went through 3 frames in 2 months. This was the titanium with spring hinges And the hard plastic kind too. It didn't matter...they just kept breaking.

    • Like 2
  3. They have the stuff that protects from leaking clear up the back, that is what makes them great for sleeping. I have had no problems with leaks at night, and I have had issues before with the extra long pads leaking.


    As for the smell, well I am not going to lie, but the end of the day they do have a faint smell. As I mentioned before, this is not a smell that you can smell when they are on, only when you pull them down. I suppose people who sweat more or something may have a stronger scent.  I can say they do not smell as strong as a pad. I do not know about after childbirth...they were not out when I had my last baby. 

    • Like 2
  4. Yes you can attach pads...it is no different than reg underwear in that way.


    Working out...i do it, but this is not super comfy as they are meant to lock in moisture (away from your skin it's true), but they just don't breathe super well during workouts. Expect to sweat more in that area.

    • Like 1
  5. my wonder is what about clots? I usually have small clots, so I'd have to wipe those off or something? Seems..icky. 


    I have small clots too sometimes, I just wipe them off with TP when I use the restroom. No biggie deal. And Im not a person who ever took to cloth pads or anything. One thing I like is that the insides are black, so you dont really see anything (except a clot). It is like it all just disappears! 

  6. On heavier days I use them with a tampon...once it is pretty light I only use the underwear. I even use the ones with the lace on top overnight without anything extra and never a leak.


    I had problems with disposable products making my skin irritated (not tampons though)...so I gave them a try to see if it would help. I have not had any irritation since.


    I have 3 of the styles, the sport, the boybrief, and the one with lace on the very top (dont remember name right now). I do not care for the boybrief one and I usually wear boybrief type underwear...they feel like wearing spanx. Eek! The sport cuts through the cheek a bit making them a little more cheeky than I expected.  :lol: The lace on top one fits really nice too...I do not find that they run small, they are supposed to be a little snug to hold stuff in kwim? I used the measurement size chart, measured myself and went with the size on the chart. No problems.


    They are surprisingly thin and do not rustle or anything, I usually cannot tell that I have anything different on. They do have a faint smell if you wear them overnight or by the end of the day, but only if you take them off and try to smell them. It is not like other people can smell them when you walk around. I am very sensitive to smells, so I would notice this if it was a problem.


    Hope that helps!

    • Like 9
  7. I used to work at the Allison Inn. I never got to eat at Jory, because they only let employees eat at certain times. It is worth going to the Allison to see the amazing landscaping... but two people would have a hard time eating there for under a hundred dollars, I might think.


    You can if you eat in the lounge area with 2 people off the bar menu. For four I agree...there is no way to stay under a hundred. That is why I said it was out of the budget.


    I love that place though, the grounds are beautiful. My DH and I go there as a cheap date. You can go when they have music in the lounge and sit by the fire and play board games (that you bring). We just get dessert and usually can do it for about $25. We walk the grounds before it gets dark and then come inside. 

    • Like 2
  8. I get it! In a 1.5 year span the clothes washer, fridge, dishwasher, bread maker, crock pot, kitchenaid stand mixer, and gas cooktop all broke. Dh was able to fix the cooktop, stand mixer, and dishwasher but the rest were all a loss.


    This year the microwave, dishwasher, ac, and car are all getting flaky. Not looking forward to all that dying!

  9. They earn allowance, but it is tied to schoolwork/behavior and not chores. We call school their "job" and they get paid for the "quality" of their "work". This includes attitude, turning in completed work on time and well done, and good chapter quiz scores.


    Chores for us are just things that we all do because we all live here. My children are allowed to "hire" a sibling to do something for them with their allowance money if they choose. If I have to do something they were asked to do, they must pay me for it.


    I give them a lot of freedom in how they spend their allowance. There are some things I say no to if I simply do not want it in my house or something...but for the most part they buy legos...so no complaints from me. 

  10. I leave correct unmarked. I vary in how I mark incorrect answers. Sometimes I circle it. If there isn't space for circling I may put an x or check next to it. If it is a spelling error I often circle it with sp written Above it. In writing I use underlines for incorrect capitalization or tense or structure. I also add arrows with words written Above for missing words. When it has been corrected I star over my error mark.


    *Ok do not know why my stupid phone insists on capitalizing the word Above....

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