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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. I am looking to get an evaluation, but it seems there is a wait...so until then, I thought I would pick the hive mind  :001_smile: .


    DS 10yo (almost 11). This is what we know for sure so far....he has Aspergers, low processing speed and poor working memory. He also struggles with executive function and emotion regulation.


    We have a lot going on between my DH and my kiddos, so we have tackled the worst problems first and worked down. I am now trying to figure out this problem that I've been watching for years, but have just been able to start looking for evaluations on it as it wasn't the most pressing problem before. I hope that makes sense!


    Anyway...he reads at grade level. He started reading late (basic CVC words in late 1st grade and fully reading in late 2nd) and it was a struggle, but when it clicked he caught up. We waited until reading was going well before we started spelling, so he was behind, but again, he quickly caught up and is a pretty decent speller.


    Here are the problems I am seeing:


    1. He still confuses pqdb mostly when writing, not so much reading.


    2. Sometimes his numbers or letters are flipped, but most often it is errors like was is saw, or a math answer that is 5321 will be written 1235. The digits or letters themselves may be flipped, but most often they are not. The other thing is it isn't consistent. He can write several problems correctly and then start flipping them. When you ask him to tell you what the answer is orally he will say it correctly, but he won't usually notice he wrote it wrong until you tell him so. 


    3. He prefers to write in cursive, but he connects all his words together in one long word for the width of the entire page including the margins (top, bottom, and both sides :001_huh: ).


    4. His hand is cramped when he writes and he complains. His writing reflects that in how thick the pencil is on the page and how cramped and squashed the letters are together. No amount of pencils grips, fountain pens, mechanical pencils etc have helped him use less pressure both in pushing down on the paper or in gripping the pencil.


    5.  He also doesn't have a lot of reading stamina. He seems to tire easily. He rubs his eyes and then starts making more mistakes. Before this happens his comprehension is decent, I wouldn't say it is stellar, just average. After a few pages in, comprehension goes down. So while he is able to read and comprehend at grade level, he isn't able to sustain it for the amount of time a 5th grader should. His standardized test scores (we are required to take them in our state) have been on grade level and a few areas above grade level (some areas of math).




    This is of course creating problems in math and in writing. He is fairly good at math, especially in geometry and things you visualize. He is amazing at designing and building contraptions. He loves anything mechanical. He has had his vision checked and it is perfect, so I know it isn't that, but of course it could be that something isn't working together or ???? 


    Any ideas???

  2. My mother was similar to forty-two's sister. She was afraid we would become overweight and she said so all the time. We also didn't have a lot of money, so I am sure that played into it too. I think for my mom, she didn't realize that we were also getting a lot of sugar/carb foods that just didn't stick to us long, so we were always hungry. They made meals, but seconds were frowned on usually. I also have low blood sugar issues. My parents say I was always the cranky one....ummm ya.  :glare:


    So maybe it is a combination of issues? Either way, it does sound like they are truly hungry.

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  3. Anxiety, frustration, discouragement



    1. Mental health issues within immediate family. (not myself-but dealing with them on a daily basis) This causes me anxiety because I never know when or how long the next "episode" is going to be. 

    2. Not getting to do things or have things work out the way I had envisioned (usually due to working around the issues in #1)  Frustration and discouragement. I used to be more free spirited. I love to go places and travel. I feel stymied by those around me. I feel like tension is common within our family, and that is now how I had envisioned it to be.

    3. Having an Aspie. He is a joy, but I also find the challenges sometimes overwhelm me leaving me anxious for his future, frustrated with the issues, and discouraged that it seems like nothing I can do helps. 


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  4. To me the difference between looting and getting supplies is in what is being taken not who is taking it. Maybe this isn't the way the law thinks of it...but this is the way I think of it. If in a crisis a person enters an evacuated home or store to get food, a pair of clothes, or a blanket because they are cold and hungry...I think that is getting supplies and should be understood as humane. But if a person enters to gather objects that are not really necessary for emergency survival such as things of monetary value like tvs, computers, and jewelry then that is looting. It is stealing.

    I'm just waking up though and I have a head cold...so maybe this is Utopian in thinking...

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  5. Waterproof hiking boots is what I wear. Kids wear the same unless they are kids who must go through the puddles...then they get rain boots. In my house everyone has 2 coats. A thin one that is just a rain coat. Sometimes it rains a lot but is warm so a warm coat would be too hot. Then we have a warm coat because the winters are cold for a few weeks. Really cold and icy. Last year most of December and all of Jan didn't get above freezing much so the raincoats would have been insufficient.

    • Like 1
  6. Second half of list. Had to stop before I was done typing last time  :001_smile:


    Paper/bathroom items: TP, Tissues, soaps, toothpaste, shampoo etc.


    Bottled water


    Meds: EmergenC, benedryl, epipens, advil


    Stock the freezer: fish, veggies, bacon, fruit, cheese, butter


    Pantry: pasta, spices, dried fruit, other grains/items not bought in 25 lb bulk amounts


    Safety: lighters, flashlights, batteries, gas for generator


    For the chickens: put their water heater in 


    Stock the cars with chains, warm hats, coats, gloves


    We don't get a lot of snow here, we get ice. It is also very hilly. Ice and hills are not a good combo. 


    Last winter we were snowed/iced in completely the week after Christmas-near the end of Jan. Even deliveries didn't attempt our street. That was a long time! We make sure we can make it fine if we cannot get out.

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  7. Brother, janome, or an vintage machine. One feature that helped my dd at the same age was a speed regulator switch. She has a brother and it has one. It slows the machine way down even if they push the foot peddle all the way down. They can speed it up a little more once they get the hang of it.


    I wouldn't buy any other brands of cheap new machines. They have all been cheapened to the point that they are pretty unreliable.

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  8. Alternately, there are also allergy drops instead of shots. I've been doing those and they are working awesomely for me. They work on the same premise as the shots, but you can self administer at home, only have to go into the office about 3 times per season to pick up more, and no needles! The downside is that most insurances do not cover it, so it is oop. For me that runs about $300 per year. It has helped immensely. I used to be severely allergic to grasses and have to carry an EpiPen. Now I can get by without taking even Zyrtec for most of the season. I have completed 2 seasons and have 3 more to go for full effect.

  9. I shop every other weekend....it takes me about 5 hrs. This is 45min drive in and 45 min drive back, plus lunch, and multiple store shopping. Costco and local small grocery store are always shopped...in addition sometimes trader Joe's, target, Walmart, Joann's, or Nordstrom rack if other items are needed. It saves time and gas if I do it this way instead of once a week, but I do not particularly like losing a day to shopping every other week.

  10. My upper elementary kids like the smaller 5 star Mead planners. They have a lined section for each day with check boxes and then a whole month calendar. I write appointments in the calendar so they know when something out of the norm is happening. On the daily pages I list their work for a week in the daily slots. They check off the boxes as they complete their tasks.


    My DD in middle school doesn't like you use her planner, but she has time management issues and always stays more on top of things when she does. Her planner has the month calendar and daily sections too. The only thing different is hers has time blocks so she can plan not just what she needs to do, but when she is going to do it. This helps because she has to be realistic with her time instead of Dorking around thinking she has plenty of time later and can play.

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  11. We also use this for apps for my DD.


    One of my DSs gets overwhelmed, so while he does some work to completion, the rest is by time in a loop style schedule. He actually gets more done this way because he doesn't sit there frozen by the stress of all that must get done. He knows that he is off the hook at the end of the time no matter how far he got in the loop and that he can just pick up from where he left off tomorrow.

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  12. Here is my list of a dozen irrational hates:


    1. I don't like feet...I really don't like being touched with them.


    2. Don't touch my pillow, ever! And especially don't touch it with your feet!


    3. The open mouth, uncovered cough. Hate it!


    4. Arms around my shoulder. It isn't comfortable. I'm short so it feels like a taller person is using me as an armrest.


    5. Beat-boxing, tapping, clicking repetitive noises.  :smash:


    6. Reorganizing my kitchen drawers or pantry by a person who doesn't cook. No I don't care if it is a more practical use of the drawer to have the measuring cups across the kitchen by the sink instead of by my bins of dry goods just because they fit the drawer by the sink better. No I don't want the dish towels by the dry goods because they fit the drawer I store the measuring cups in better...I use the towels at the sink. And so on...


    7. People who change their minds about the food they like and don't like and then get irrationally angry with you when you buy/make the food item they liked only to find out they hate it now. (looking at you DH :sneaky2: )


    8. Calling people I do not know. I seriously get stomach knots over it. I don't mind calling a friend or relative I know well, but I hate calling a business or something.


    9. The non "two way street". People who can't stand it when you do xyz and get really angry about it. Later they do the same xyz and you find it really frustrating that you got called on the carpet for it, but now it is supposed to be ok they are doing exactly what they were so upset about to you...so you mention it and they don't see it at all and get even more angry that you are insinuating that they did anything wrong. So unreasonable...maybe this one is a rational thing to hate. Hmmm...well I still hate it a lot, so it is staying  :tongue_smilie:


    10. People who always arrive late.


    11. People who pull out in front of you and then go under the speed limit on a high speed limit road (like 45 in a 55), and then later when you come to a slow speed limit street they speed (like 40 in a 25). 


    12. Costco food samples. They just make a paper cup mess in the carts and on the floor, block all the isles with groups of clueless people who in their interest to get a tablespoon of special item from a box, can, or freezer pack don't remember that this is an isle to drive carts down, and the person handing out the samples is adding to the noise with the drone voice going on and on about the product even when they get the lame dryer sheets and nobody is mobbing their station.  I am there to shop and I cannot get around your stupid road blocks and I don't want to hear the blah blah blah at each end of every stinking isle.  :toetap05:

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  13. Ive had a high end kitchenaid for the last 10 years...the only reason it lasted that long is my DH was able to make many repairs to keep it going. The last straw was when it had a slow leak out the bottom and warped my flooring. We replaced it about 6 months ago with a Bosch 800...this is their upper mid-line, not their high end, but not the entry model either. It has more drawer flexibility and better drying than the entry model. The dry is still not quite as good as my old Kitchenaid, but it is decent. It cleans better than my kitchenaid did. The cycle time is about the same. It is quieter until it drains; for some reason the drain is really loud! I don't notice the lack of disposer because my husband promised to take on the job of emptying the catch  :001_smile: . 

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  14. I have shipped back stuff on Amazon that I thought was silly...but sometimes they changed their minds after I reasoned with them. Examples: I bought a case of canned food. The case came so squashed the cans looked like hourglass shaped. They wanted me to ship them back, but they were heavy and it wasn't something safe to use so why would they pay for shipping on it?


    Another was a large coffee table size heavy book. It was listed as good used. It apparently had been used for a collage because many of the pictures had been clipped out. I called and asked for my money back. They asked me several times why I didn't want the book if it was the correct title. Uh... because the pages are not all there?!? They made me send that one back in before returning my money...again not something they can resell. I could have saved them money and time by just recycling it.


    The last one is kind of funny. I ordered a box of 12 red erasable pencils. A single pencil arrived with a bar code sticker stuck on the pencil that said 12 pencils. I called Amazon and asked them to mail me the other 11 pencils as I'm not willing to pay $7 for one pencil. They wanted me to ship the one pencil back. I said that seemed silly when I want the pencil I just want 11 more. The guy on cs said he had to ask his manager. They ended up agreeing with me. A new box arrived with 12 pencils. I left it at that....bakers dozen.

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