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Everything posted by Servant4Christ

  1. School went so well today that I'm wondering if Oldest is coming down sick or something. He says my math games make it more fun. Hurry, check his temperature.
  2. Delayed birth certificate? Is this like back in the day when everyone was born at home and the dr travelled through and recorded the births that had occurred while he was away? That's how it was for my grandparents. The dr actually filed paperwork with the wrong birthday for my grandpa and wouldn't you know that my grandpa passed away on a day between the two dates that are only a week apart. Caused quite a mess of paperwork.
  3. Somehow, I forgot to put these two things together this morning. Must not've had my coffee yet. Oldest didn't figure it out, either. Thus, we are almost mid-schoolday.
  4. Sorry I'm so late seeing this. I admit I don't know what a hot plate is, but a crockpot is absolutely doable. Chicken and dumplings, mac n cheese, roast with veggies, chili, meatballs in sauce, loaded potato soup..... I don't know you're family dietary restrictions or preferences, though.
  5. Now I know why I'm not losing weight in spite of Newbie being soooo BIG! I discovered the deliciousness of heavy whipping cream in my coffee and have been indulging for about two weeks now. 😂 #mysterysolved
  6. Today, I'm drowning in book reviews. We need more books for Oldest and I've stumbled onto several that I'm weeding through. I'm checking for age appropriateness, moral value, and of course, where it lines up on our booklist by historical order. 😉
  7. Newbie (3 months) and Middle (2yrs) are only 1 size apart in diapers. This knowledge came to me by accident last night.
  8. Ugh, that stinks. I'd be tempted to put the pages in protective sleeves in a notebook and have the kids use wet or dry erase pens so you can reuse them later.
  9. I taught the most teacher intensive subjects during the youngers naptime. We also schooled Math and English through the summer at half pace to get a leg up on the next school year so we could take days off as needed during the few weeks after giving birth without falling behind.
  10. Haha! Just finished reading through and others already said the same thing! Good luck! Please let us know what they say.
  11. I haven't read beyond this post, but my initial thought would be to contact the company and tell them your dilemma and ask their opinion. They may surprise you and say photocopy away or they may even offer a downloadable pdf version if it's out of print. You never know.
  12. Just pull up the barcode on your smartphone and scan it. The orange tower of doom spits out your stuff like a vending machine on steroids. The hardest part was walking that far from the car with pregnancy related nerve pains. I went into labor the next day.
  13. Must be nice. I always get told my stuff isn't groceries so thus I must go visit the tower of doom.
  14. Afsa= a fortress of stress and anxiety? Something like that.
  15. Don't forget to tell her about banishing the goat! I was seriously confused thinking everyone here has goats! And then I wondered if bunnies were code too and found out the bunnies are real. 😂🤣
  16. Math went for an hour and a half. This is half an hour longer than I planned and Oldest never even realized it because we were playing math games. Sneaky math booyah
  17. Bookie! I've missed you! Ooo, your blue hand went away! How'd you do that?! Hmm, I'm thinking maybe it goes away at the 1 month mark? That's my current theory, anyway.
  18. Saturday school for Oldest! On the docket: MATH!🎉🎉🎉 I'm not mean. We took off the last half of the week because Oldest was full-on attitude and I was full-on frustrated to the point that I was having difficulty separating my role as mom from my role as teacher. So today is 1hr of focused math only. I think we're going to try playing some math facts games with a deck of cards along with textbook work on the white board.
  19. Hmm. Thoughts on the blue hand: Maybe multiple criteria must be met such as x number of posts, x number of reactions, or x amount of time elapsed since account was opened? Maybe it'll disappear after a month of regular posting. That's in a couple more days, so we'll see. Just random thoughts.
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