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Posts posted by Servant4Christ

  1. 44 minutes ago, Renai said:

    We use Hatch (or Anaheim) green chile, which is how dh has always had them. The type of pepper used is regional. Most of the restaurants in our area use Hatch (from NM) or Anaheim. (I can't say "all" because I haven't eaten at every restaurant.) I've never had them in a poblano. Rellenos - it's a double L, no I.

    Are Hatch/Anaheim super hot? I need a good pepper recommendation (not a bell pepper) with a little heat, but not ulcer inducing heat. As for spelling: I would normally catch that because spelling is normally my strong suit/ pet peeve. Let's just blame me running on 2hrs of sleep and only 2 cups of coffee today.

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Renai said:

    Listening to music at midnight; my favorite pastime.

    Listened to "Barber - Figaro's Aria" just because I like it.

    Looked up "Carmen" and chose "Habanera" at random. Didn't know I knew that. 

    Now I want to see both...

    I also kinda listened to the others, but I'm tired, so going to bed. Gymnast will listen tomorrow.

    This is the only word that stuck out to my blurry eyes at this insane time in the wee hours. It reminded me of the talk we once had about chili riennos. I think that's how to spell it. Hot hot hot peppers they were. I couldn't taste anything for days afterward. It burned off all my taste buds or something. 

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

    That’s ok. It’s what your life is about right now.  My life is about weed whacking. Yours is about edpos. 

    This. GB, I'm right there with you edpo'ing like a mad woman some days. And tbh, I really have never seen so many 'ode to weed whacking' pos anywhere else but ITT so it all washes. That's why ITT only makes sense to those of us who check in regularly. And for the record, I have never used SOTW either. Also, I don't think I'd survive weed whacking so I'll just keep cheering: Go Jean go!

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    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Slache said:


    So unchristian!

    I tell my friend who is very much interested in why I believe what I believe even after some of the trials this life has thrown my way that the Bible is so much better than any of the literal thousands of books on her kindle or bookshelf. It has everything in it! Then I pull out my Bible and read some jaw-dropping story to her and we discuss it. 

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    • Thanks 1
  5. That's awesome, @Green Bean

    I actually went back and looked at CLE again and you are right. The TM for the light unit method has full solutions. The TM for the textbook method only has the answers without full solutions. I found the TM next to useless because everything the student needs is right in the textbook. They do have a full solutions book that would've been perfect for using the textbook method. I honestly think that if we'd have been in the proper grade for the age from the start, CLE would've been fine for us, but I am also very grateful for R&S because some stuff that CLE phases out (assuming the student has mastered it) is continued throughout R&S to make sure it's not forgotten. I LOVE that in R&S, Roman numerals are practiced regularly. Oldest finds them in the oddest of places (near the copyright in his reading books)! Also, money is still being practiced in fifth grade! He's counting back money in what I call banker's style, which most kids have no clue how to do in this day and age.

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  6. I did! It looks like a good combination of the things I like about both SWR and R&S. I stopped looking when I realized RSTL uses the Elson Readers. Elson Readers have stories about Santa Clause and the Easter Rabbit which we do not celebrate, though my children know that other children do. Maybe those stories aren't included in the RSTL program, but I didn't look further into it to find out.

  7. I wish I would've required cursive sooner. Oldest can write all his letters in cursive so doesn't need a program for that, but he doesn't always remember every letter from memory. We'll be working towards that this summer because I really want to have all written output in cursive next year. I'm seriously considering teaching cursive first with my youngers because of this. I can absolutely see the benefit in how cursive helps with letter/word spacing.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I looked through WRTR (not the edition you recommended to me a while back because I couldn't find it) and preferred SWR when skimming them side by side, but I honestly can't place my finger on exactly why. I'm not exactly thrilled with the amount of needed components to get the most out of the program, but everything except the learning logs appear to be reusable. That's definitely better than replacing a ton of workbooks. As different as the two programs are, I'm seriously trying to choose between SWR and R&S Bible and Nurture Series.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Green Bean said:

    Absolutely hated it! We lasted 2 days before calling it dead. It was so confusing., not enough practice, and zero review. So many pages and parts was irritating. But mostly it was head scratching confusing. I’m glad MP has a return policy cause VT was exorbitantly expensive. We are Saxon all the way now.

    Eek! That's so odd because it is supposed to be highly recommended by Jay Wiles. Guess I'll be looking into Foersters and Jacobs! Thanks

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  10. On 3/8/2022 at 7:49 PM, Green Bean said:

    Do you have a link? I bought Videotext but we can’t seem to get it going. We aren’t good with videos.

    You bought VideoText?! How do you like it? I've been trying to decide between this or a combo of Foersters Algebra and Jacobs Geometry for highschool.

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