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Everything posted by TexasProud

  1. Yeah, I love Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, but I found both Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail really boring. If I remember correctly, I fell asleep during You've Got Mail. So now I have to ask, ( No judgement!!!) what is it about this movie that makes it a comfort one for you? Special memory?
  2. Yeah, virtual just won't work here. We have spent hundreds of dollars with a mifi/attenae set up to be able to get fast, reliable internet. Most don't have that. And our town internet is HORRIBLE. The internet IN TOWN went out for several days last week. There is only one cable internet provider, so no competition. Internet needs to be a utility that is guaranteed like water and electricity these days. Hope that isn't too negative. 🙂 Back to happy threads.
  3. Yes, I am with you. This makes no sense at all. You are much safer going there than I would be taking a trip in my car to New Orleans. Praying you are able to go and have a wonderful time! What a wonderful opportunity for your child!
  4. Never heard of Local Hero... Looks sweet. Will check it out! Thanks!
  5. LOL. I only got a smart phone in the last couple of years, so paper maps are a must. Our children just drove in our small little town. No getting lost here. Don't know if it is bad or not, but the first time they drove longer than 30 minutes away was going to college. 🙂
  6. Yeah, Legally Blonde is one of my faves in that genre. Been awhile since I've seen Sweet Home Alabama. Definitely putting it into the queue. Thanks!
  7. LOL, mine got dumb phones when they started driving at 16 and no smart phone until college. We are considered pretty strange around here! Their friends had phones in early elementary school.
  8. Cannot wait to 1. Finish seminary! 2. Publish devotions, articles ( already done to a certain extent) and maybe a book. 3. Many, many mission trips. 4. Making Tea anywhere we want anytime we want. ( Really enjoyed that this past year before our youngest came back for the summer.) 5. So many fun trips: Route 66, Driving Alaskan Highway, Canadian Rockies, New England Fall Leaves Trip 6. Possibly starting an after school program modeled on the one in Central America, but in our own town.
  9. OOH. I haven't seen that one. Will put it on the list. Thanks!
  10. That's a great idea. I have my matron of honor that we lost track since Covid. I will reach out today. Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it.
  11. Let's share the movie you watch when you need your spirits lifted. For us, Mamma Mia is our guilty pleasure. Love that move. Also silly, the movie RV is one of our favorites as well. Completely silly, but relatable.
  12. Well, half the time I do not know where my phone is LOL.. I do my posting here or on Facebook (very rarely) on my computer. I do not do much on my phone. My daughter teases me that she if she has one phone call, she will not call me because I never answer. 🙂
  13. The only thing that would give me pause might be the plane right, but that would not be a deal breaker for me. We are going to Colorado for 2 1/2 weeks at the end of August/ beginning of September in our RV. We will do plenty of hiking and fishing. Hubby and I are counting down the days! Colorado is our happy place.
  14. Believe me. I am not in a hole. Tell you what, I will be positive for the next few days so you will feel better. Really, I am fine.
  15. Am I not then being selfish?? Putting people at risk?
  16. Let us wait about 5 years and see. Without vaccinations, this surge is going to be much more deadly. We have lost 600,000 so far. I am guessing another million in the next 6 months for the US alone. We really do not know how bad it was in India, Russia or China or many, many other places in the world. It will keep mutating since people can get it more than once and after they are vaccinated. it is going to kill many, many more before this is over. We have only begun.
  17. Thought I would put this here. This article does a REALLY good job of describing the vaccine hesitancy and it not all being white Trump voters: https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/03/unvaccinated-texas-demographics/
  18. Yeah, I do that a lot already. Doesn't help. The only thing that seems to keep me sane is interacting WITH PEOPLE IN PERSON every day. I really hope this gets better before the middle of fall. Hubby is leaving for 2 1/2 months. Then I will REALLY be alone.
  19. See I don't get it. She posts stuff like this all the time: Yet no one is telling her she is too negative. I post my frustrations off and on.
  20. I am not. Just frustrated. I have tons of goals. I am continuing my A plus average in seminary, which is pretty rare. I am not staying in the fetal position. I have a right to be frustrated and here on this board is the only place I can express it.
  21. An acknowledgement that none of us have the control that we think we do. Just really frustrated. I will not stop what I am doing, but my life was finally starting to come back and now I am just watching them live while I sit here protecting everyone.
  22. Not enough. It will not stop the trajectory of my part of the world. Plus, that just means my life is miserable.
  23. I was replying to the poster who told me there is always something we can do to make a difference. Nope. Sometimes what we do makes do difference at all. None.
  24. Yes, this will just change our society, much like the Black death in the Middle Ages. The way of life completely changed and many, many died. Just a repeat now with same results. Nothing I can really do to change it.
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