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Beth in SW WA

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Posts posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. How does this work? Does he communicate with the prof? Who grades the final?


    I think I read that the student doesn't receive credit from the university but do they receive any feedback? Are they auditing an actual university course for free?


    And how does everyone like the courses? Too difficult, too easy, fun, boring, low or high quality?


    Thanks to everyone for taking the time to answer my multitude of questions!


    Ds said the Stanford CS 101 class was a breeze. He got 100% for the class. He watched the lectures and I saw him taking notes. He plans to take more.

  2. I'll add Zoomtool, even though it's hands-on and not a book, but if you look at the manual for Creator 1, it challenges us to build 65 tetrahedra and 65 octahedra, expanding upon the concept we learned from Beast about triangle inequality. I'm still debating how useful this is for DD in the overall scheme of math, but I've noticed DD laying out the struts to have an initial plan, building them, and then looking at how to change the angles.


    Dd7 is getting Zometool Creator 3 for her birthday this month. I'm excited to open the box and get going.

  3. Beth, I am obviously not close enough to drive to you, but media mail would probably make it to you next day since I'm only a few hours from you. I am going today to stock up on some books. I have hours to browse the books, as the kiddos have their standard Wednesday afternoon at grandmas :D.


    Just saw this! Thanks for the offer, Lisa! I just searched for this thread to post that I bought them all at our local Costco this weekend.


    Dd9 can barely pull herself away. She's quoting lines from the books to me constantly. :tongue_smilie:

  4. What we're doing lately is certainly 'different' for me. Rosie's Education Unboxed videos and Crewton Ramone videos are offering the deep, conceptual math teaching that my dds thoroughly enjoy. Cuisenaire Rods and MUS blocks have turned our math lessons upside-down. In a good way. :) What 2nd grader doesn't want to learn algebra after watching those videos?


    Here are a few blog posts highlighting our new math resources.

  5. My dds like Beast and MCT but I doubt they/we would enjoy BFSU. I have an aversion to pdf curriculum. (Don't ask why.:tongue_smilie:)


    For science, my hands-on, visual-learners love labs (real labs in a lab environment -- not a kitchen). They take science classes from various venues. At their ps science class they get to touch and experience the concepts the teacher is teaching (stuff I don't have access to here) in a group setting with a PBL flavor. Perfect fit all around.


    They like building robots and creating Scratch programs.


    For history, they enjoy picture books and videos. Their grandparents just got back from 2 weeks in Italy and brought back a video on Pompeii which the girls are glued to right now. We also travel as a family to historical places rather than just read about them or watch videos.


    Dd9 will take World Geo via Athena's next year. It's a hands-on, visual approach w/ MtWBH.


    Can't help much with Latin. We did PL, parts of LFCA and VL. Mandarin seems to be a better fit. They are obsessed with all-things-China currently so that helps fan the flame.



  6. So if your child is in the middle between where Beast Academy currently starts and where AoPS picks up, what do you use? DS is currently using Saxon 65 and I'm thinking he needs a switch.


    Add Beast if your ds enjoys puzzles and problem-solving. You will be surprised how much is there for a 4th/5th grader who already has covered this content. It is presented in a different way.


    I would not suggest Horizons. It's a snoozer. Try Crewton Ramone if you want to change things up a bit. Your ds might enjoy seeing his boys and other students learning cool concepts. Ya never know. My dds love him. Rosie at Education Unboxed has some fantastic lessons also with C-rods. (Yes, a 5th grader can learn from her, too.) Use a white board instead of paper/pencil with both CR & EU.



  7. A word of warning: if your kid hasn't had outside or online classes before, you may want to start with one or MAYBE 2 classes. In addition to the class time, there are a couple of hours worth of assignments, many of which required my DS to learn how to do something new. For example: when he took the MCT Town class, he had to create a cartoon to show the vocabulary words, and the same week in the history class he had to use a different website to create a trading card of an explorer (online research, image search, learn to use the website, create the card, edit the card, etc). It seemed like almost every week there was something new he needed to learn to do the assignment, and he quickly got overwhelmed. He was 8 at the time, and in addition to the 2 online classes he had 2 co-op classes and 2 weekly educational clubs (all 6 of which required work outside of class) -- basically there was NO time for any other school work that semester besides homework for outside obligations. We both learned our lesson about outside commitments, LOL!


    This may not be an issue for some kids -- just something to consider, especially for younger kids.


    Are you referring to Online G3 classes? Kirsten from Athena's told me that the homework load per class is up to parents as many projects are optional. I am expecting a heavy workload for dd9 with her online classes.

  8. Just wanted to let everyone know that THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE IS UP!!!!! This link will take you to a more organized place to view all the videos. If you are referring people to my videos, please use this link...





    The new website is fantastic!


    I love the videos that you put up today. I know what Aly and I will be doing this morning for math. :) Thank you, Rose!

  9. Thanks, Beth.


    Do the kids get to see each other? Or hear each other? I've never joined a webinar or online class. I think DD will be very excited to meet your girls since we've been looking at your blog.


    Not sure. I'm assuming it's like Potter's School. Teacher is on camera, the students will be on audio/text. Interactive White Board. I could be wrong. Kirsten is great. Just email and ask.

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