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Beth in SW WA

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Posts posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. Love it! We just started HoE and I'm very pleased with the way Dd has embraced it. I don't think she will be going into a STEM field, but I still want her to love math. I'm going to show her pictures of Aly playing with the pawns. She loved looking at both of your girls using blocks for algebra.



    HoE is genius.


    Today she figured out how to add the opposite of a number -- on her own. She hadn't used the green cubes in that way before. She also chose to use the 'symbols' this time on the white board. Her mental capacity has changed so much since the last time she did HoE (6 months ago).

  2. Have you looked at Montessori Math? I use this http://www.brilliantmindsmontessoristore.com/pages/Math with my younger 2 and it is wonderful to see what my 4yo can do. She can add or subtract to the thousands and understands place value.


    It gives the hands-on aspect that helps younger kids visualize math.




    For the OP: I am doing MM and BA next year with my ds7. Instead of concentrating on accelerating him through the grades we went wide. We completed about 6 different math programs last year, but stayed around his grade level. He was able to do TT4 in 2 weeks. I had him take the quizzes until he scored less than 95, but he did above on every test. I really wouldn't recommend it for your son at all.


    We do tons of hands-on visual math. My dds love it. Dd9 doesn't 'need' the hands-on as much these days -- but is sure is fun! Pics here of BA, SM, TT, Education Unboxed, Crewton Ramone & MUS alg from this week.


    Dd7 asked if we could do more 'algebra' today. Thank you, Rosie, at Education Unboxed!! :)

  3. Life has its ups and downs. But yesterday was a good day for my little guy. He's really starting to make this piece sing. :001_smile:




    It's been a ton of hard work, but this week he kind of hopped to the next plateau.


    Hope you experienced some plateau leaps this spring too. We can't be playing the Sisyphus look-a-like contest ALL the time. ;) A momma needs a few leaps once in a while in order to maintain her sanity, eh? :001_smile:


    Peace to you and yours!



    Enjoy your little people

    Enjoy your journey


    Wow! Thanks for sharing!!!:001_smile:

  4. Beth could you give examples, pretty please??? I need to move us forward with the CWP at some point....


    Rosie, On this pic attached you can see part of the bar model for 5^2 - 4^2. I made a simple model and we first filled the model with squares. After she 'saw' the answer with the rods, we erased the squares and I just wrote the numbers. Clear as mud? :tongue_smilie:


    You gave me the idea in your video on squares.



  5. Yes, you should be able to use the MUS blocks for all the activities in the videos. The MUS blocks are actually better for building than plastic C-rods because the plastic C-rods bubble out a bit on the edges so you can't stack them to make a "wall" for a building.


    See Crewton Ramone's videos (google it!) for more ideas of how to use your MUS blocks.


    Dd7 worked through the problems in Rosie's videos yesterday using both C-rods and MUS blocks -- but not in the same problem. Hope that makes sense. Pics here.


    ETA: We made SM bar models for some of the problems also.

  6. My ds came across this lesson dealing with extracting square roots in his R&S Math 8 textbook, and was quite confused over the explanation. Their explanation confused me as well. Is there anyone else who has used R&S math 8 who can help clarify how to go about teaching this? How important is this for him to understand this concept now? Does he need it before algebra I? Thanks.


    The videos on this page may help. This

    is fantastic. :)
  7. FWIW, it's cheaper at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Hape-International-HP897537-Mosaic-Puzzle/dp/B0033ZBRCO/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1337871883&sr=1-1 (why oh why do I shop for birthday presents at the last minute? This would have been great for ds6. Ds4's birthday is today and ds6's is in two days, so we'll celebrate on the weekend. off to the store :auto:)


    Thanks! Dd7's bday is next month. This looks perfect. I'm also drooling over Zome.


  8. I guess I would ask.....for what? If it's for MUS you don't need cuisenaire rods also. If it's for Miquon, then you wouldn't use MUS blocks but you'd need the cuisenaire. If it's for activities with cuisenaire rods that were posted recently (the videos)....then I'm sure you could use your MUS blocks and do the same thing.


    Was this helpful??? I'm not sure that it was. :001_smile: Maybe you could clarify.



  9. Beth, I'm getting ready to order the blocks based on your great examples you have posted. Thanks for doing that! Can you please link the blocks you think represent the best value? I would really appreciate it.


    I wish I had ordered the combo kit.

    You can always email CR if you have questions about anything.


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