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Beth in SW WA

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Posts posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. For a younger child who is not ready for AOPS or Dolciani, what would be better - TT algebra or MUS algebra? We're in MM5 and using various other books like HoE, but after watching CR videos, I want a book that guides us, that is not formal algebra, that is hands-on and fun. I'm trying to take two paths at the same time - introducing algebra while finishing up elementary math.


    Excellent idea!! Do it!


    I don't think I can buy both TT and MUS, however. We're actually not even video people, but CR was nevertheless enjoyable. I may not even buy the video component of TT or MUS if it's not needed.


    Hmmmmmm.... I would continue to use CR videos since they are so inexpensive. He has a ton there to keep you busy for a long while. Oh, how I wish I learned alg like this at age 9.


    ETA: Rosie made these videos at Education Unboxed.


    Do you have blocks?


    Did you see Rosie's videos w/ the C-rods? I love it! We have so many options.


    My hybrid approach seems to be working. The blocks work well with any alg program so you could get plenty of mileage if you purchased a box. CR's are the best deal.


    Here is dd9 doing TT Alg 1 w/ MUS blocks. She is obviously feeling quite clever here. I love these aha moments. :)


  2. I have used TT geometry, and I find TT to be on the lighter side.


    Dd had prealgebra this year in public school. She was 3 percentage points away from qualifying to take algebra next year. I don't think I want to have her go thru a prealgebra course again, as I think she could handle a slow-paced algebra (and then see where she tests for 8th grade to determine whether or not to redo algebra with different materials or just go on to geometry).


    Would TT be a good choice for Algebra? I would like something that gives plenty of practice and has clear explanations. A dvd is a bonus, as my skills are a bit rusty, but it's not an absolute must.




    Would it be better to just do a different prealg program and do al in 8th?


    Sounds like TT Alg 1 fits your description. The new 2.0 version is wonderful, imho. Perhaps your dd should try out the samples.



    I haven't really considered Beast, b/c the following books aren't out yet, but perhaps it would be a good stand-alone addition. Thanks for mentioning it!


    I forgot to mention I Hate Mathematics. It's a big hit here as well as this pic implies. It was dd9's go-to book for months last year. Most of these books will be at the library.


    ETA: We also have Mathematicians Are People Too and the Sir Cumference books. All good.

  4. I guess I'm just shocked that there could be any objection to a discussion against supernatural beliefs in a secular science book.


    Stripe's point about him being religious indicates that he's not anti God or anti religion, so take his wording based on that background.


    I'm pretty religious myself, but I like my science texts to stay, well, scientific. ;) Once you start making allowances for religious/spiritual thinking, the question comes: "whose religious/spiritual thinking do you accept?" and then it becomes a whole messy can of worms. That's why I too, don't touch the creationist/religious based texts with a ten foot pole either.


    My religious belief is not founded upon scientific thinking, and my scientific thinking is not founded upon belief. Each has its own place.



  5. Great class, great tutor, the fee is within your capability...I don't see a problem.


    Lots of outsourcing going on in the homeschooling world these days, especially for those of us who are homeschooling because we want our kids to have the best education possible. There's no rule that says Mom has to personally teach every class every year.


    Does that help? :cheers2:



    Dd9 attends a chem class with a tutor. No shame here. :)


  6. My guy didn't like CWP or Zaccaro either.


    Has Button read The Number Devil yet? Giving it to DS a few years ago opened up a whole new understanding of math for him. If he likes The Number Devil, you could follow it up with the Penrose books by Pappas or introduce Penrose first followed by Number Devil.



    Dd enjoys Math Curse, Penrose, Story of Pi and The Number Devil. I just ordered LOF Geo and Advanced Alg. She wants the whole set of Fred. She loves Beast.


    I will look at Doodler's list also.



  7. DD and I had a lot of fun yesterday watching CR videos and using our base-10 blocks and rods. It's kind of strange solving for quadratics when I'm not even sure DD gets the concept. :tongue_smilie: I haven't paid $5 for the advanced algebra videos since we actually haven't finished MM5 or 6 and I wasn't sure how to teach algebra along with elementary math. I was thinking of doing something like MUS or CR, so more of a relaxed introduction to algebra for a young child, who is not yet ready for AOPS/Dolciani. We also just started HOE, which I would use along with a relaxed algebra program.


    I thank HoE for lighting the alg fire in dd9. Dd7 is anxious to work on HoE a bit more this summer.


    As for CR, it would be worth $5 to check it out. I just paid $24 for the year.





    The password-protected videos have been helpful for dd9. We also enjoy this 2-part lesson on x^2.

  8. Slightly OT....


    I've been reading through my AoPS Alg 1 text to see how it teaches certain topics as compared to what dd9 is using now (and what older dc used for alg).


    My thoughts are similar to what I feel about AoPS Prealg. Thorough, rigorous and wordy. I will use AoPS Alg 1 chapters 10-13 with dd9...eventually as review. I can't imagine using this to teach alg to a youngster.


    Crewton Ramone, MUS alg 1, TT alg 1 seem to teach the same content in a much more relaxed, fun way. Even LOF Alg (which dd loves) is a walk in the park compared to AoPS Alg. But we already knew that.


    AoPS is awesome. Don't get me wrong. DD14 will read through the quadratics chapters this summer to prep for next year. It is phenomenal instruction.


    Someday dd9 will be ready for that level of problem solving. For now, she loves algebra. She dreams about it. Talks about it constantly. I guess I'm doing something right. :)


    Pardon my digression. Thinking out loud here again. Like I do. :tongue_smilie:

  9. BA will work best for intuitive math students who are visual-spatial learners.



    I'm not sure if my dds fit this description -- which could explain some frustration.:tongue_smilie:

    BA is fun and challenging for dds. BA3B is perfect for dd9 who is working on perfect squares/square roots/completing the square.


    Dh spent a couple hours on BA3b with the girls tonight. Dd7 is learning much of this for the first time. She loves it.

  10. (x-post) Here is an email from BC. Contact Denise. She'll hook you up. :)


    Thank you for your interest in Better Chinese. From looking at your children’s age, the best series to start with will be “My First Chinese Readersâ€. I have opened an online trial account for you to view the first volume of this series. Below is you login information. You can login through our website http://www.betterchinese.com:'>http://www.betterchinese.com:


    In this trial account, you will be able to see the animated version of the lesson stories. It also include other activities such as exercise, other stories, voice recording and many more. For this series, it also have textbooks, workbooks, and many more support materials.


    Please let me know if you have any other questions. You can purchase all the materials on our website http://www.betterchinese.com. Have a nice day!

    Best Regards,

    -Denise Chen



    640 Waverley St.

    Palo Alto, CA 94301

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  11. Sigh. Edited to remove explanation...


    I apologize for my earlier remarks. The person in question is a member here but currently banned so I don't think it's right for me to talk about him. My comment on this thread was inappropriate, and I happily concede that people can like and learn from others even if one party has a very rude personality. (Case in point, I've been rude in this thread and expect to have friends in my life anyway. Ugh.)


    Let's forget it ever happened, please disregard...




    CR is actually quite harmless.

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