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Beth in SW WA

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Posts posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. Well, now I realize that I can't sign up till next fall which would be a year from now. And to get the discount, I have to pay now for a class that is not starting for another full year. Why not just offer one reasonable price and offer normal registration. That makes more since than having to prepay for "generic" classes to avoid paying full price.




    That business model seems to resonate with customers. I was happy to pay early for a discount.

  2. What is your favorite Prealgebra/algebra textbook?


    We are heading towards that direction and want to hear about the different choices.


    Dd9 used a hodge-podge of fantastic resources over the past couple years.




    TT Prealg/first half TT Alg 1,

    Cybershala online classes



    Cybershala online,

    TT Alg 1 (second half),

    MUS Alg 1 (second half using blocks),

    Crewton Ramone


    I am looking at Kinetic Books Alg 1 for this year (after a successful free trial). We plan to camp out in Alg 1 for at least another year or two using various resources.


    I am self-educating with AoPS Intro To Alg (which appears to delve into alg 2). I sit in on Abi's online classes with Rachna via Cybershala (from another computer). I learn something new about algebra every day. It's a drug (and I appear to be addicted). :)


    My olders used CD prealg/alg but it is not suitable for younger alg students.




    ETA: Dd9 loves LOF alg books.

  3. Dd9 is currently taking English 102 (Eng II) with Bethany Hathaway via Landry. We were on vacation and missed the first 'live' class on Monday so we are watching the recording today and starting the assignments. Looks fantastic. Bethany seems perfect for this subject/age range.


    I am so relieved not to teach writing to dd. She is very sensitive about her writing so feedback/instruction from an objective source will be appreciated. :)




    ETA: Bethany is passionate about grammar. She appears to be solid on her MCT materials (Town, CE, Poems) and is quite enthusiastic. I am really enjoying her style. Granted, I'm only watching the first recording.

  4. Would this program work well for a visual learner who very much enjoys science? She would be using the middle school modules.


    I will know more after we get going. The middle school modules are very meaty. The student text/workbooks are excellent.


    Did you try the sample?

  5. In the teacher edition, if you click on a unit and lesson that you want to assign, the Lesson Level Resources will show up on the right side of the screen. Click on Lesson Student Resources, and check the box under Assign for any resources you want to assign. Then click the "A" button and you will be taken to a page where you can name the assignment, select student(s), and select an availability and due date.


    Thanks--I hope this helps!


    I should have read this before spending an hour on the phone with tech support (in India) today. He couldn't help me assign the lessons.


    Now I see how to do it based on your instructions. And it works.


    Thank you!

  6. Mine's Alli with the i :), and yes, she's the dragon, snake, lego lover (she and Joshua were side chatting about legos a good part of the time. I'm hoping the webinar is put somewhere that mom can go through it-since Alli was on her headphones, I couldn't hear the sound part of it). She's ready to get started-it's almost enough to make me want to sign her up for something other than the Mythology class so it will start sooner.


    I had my dds on separate computers without headphones. It seemed to work fine. I like hearing the teacher when my girls do online classes.


    Athena seems fantastic. Dd9 starts World Geo next week. Mythology in about a month. Dd8 starts Beast next week.


    I've been looking for a way to connect our girls. Maybe they can chat in the private forum. Dd9 was over the moon when she found out there is a mythology chatroom.

  7. DD7 just did the orientation, and despite lots of technical problems, is SO excited-she really enjoyed communicating with the other kids online and discovering common interests. I think this is going to end up being a really good thing for her emotionally and socially-and maybe help provide some of the academic interaction she so craves :).


    I missed this thread when I just posted a similar question.


    Was your dd the dragon lover? I told my dds that I bet I know who that student is. She shares a name with one of my girls. :)


    My dds were Abi & Aly (duh).

  8. My 16yo loved Kinetic Books. She was very disappointed to have to switch to another program after finishing Algebra II. She is using Thinkwell for Calculus now and while it's going okay, she really would prefer to use Kinetic Books. They just haven't come out with new levels fast enough for her.


    We didn't have any issues with the lack of solution manual or TM. My 16yo was a beta tester for the Algebra I program. My 19yo was a beta tester for the Algebra II program. They both thought KB was the best math program they had ever used.


    Thanks, Angie. It really is a fantastic program. It was your enthusiasm for it and Maria Miller's endorsement that made me give it a second look.

  9. I let my kids work very independently.

    They can read - so they can take in information.

    I see my role as a facilitator, not a teacher: I carefully select materials for them to use.



    Dd9 is doing middle school level work in all subjects (which is why I'm responding to the OP) and needs direct instruction in math and writing but it should NOT be me as teacher in those cases. I have outsourced those subjects. We mainly discuss lit, grammar & history. Science is taught by tutors/teachers and we will supplement at home with other resources facilitated by me.


    I do love to stand at our white board and work through alg problems with her, diagram sentences, etc. But she definitely needs a formal class/teacher for algebra, writing and science.



  10. My dd has not accomplished near as much as I would have liked this past month. She is working on the essays for the common ap this week. Yesterday she printed out the essay questions in the supplements tothe schools she wants to apply to. It is going to be a long few months at this rate. I'm trying to not nag her, but her procrastination drives me crazy.



    Summer is proving to be a tough time for ds to stay on the ball re his common app essay. His top choice locally opens registration on Sept 1. He plans to hit send that day. Not sure he'll be ready. I am not sure how much to hound him. Thankfully dh is overseeing ds's college hunt/app process. They seem to communicate better about the whole process.

  11. Is anyone using this with Mac OSX 10.8? Any flash issues?


    We are finishing up our free trial month. Dd15 is using the last chapter on the quadratic formula to prep/review for alg 2 next month at school. Dd9 is working through chapter 4 on graphing and sections on quadratics towards the end. They both love it. They both prefer it to TT since KB does not have audio besides the lecture videos and explanations.


    Has anyone had issues with NOT having a solutions guide or TM?


    I am about to purchase KB Alg 1 for the school year. The activities are clever but not silly. It is simple and to the point. Not too wordy. Ds would have enjoyed this back in the day.:)


    Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!



  12. Great question! I'd love to hear from people who actually know how to make this happen (Hint: that wouldn't be me, LOL). I've been reading and gleaning from this blog. Beth is here on the boards, hopefully she'll post to this thread, too. She's done all the "legwork" on tracking down the best resources and ideas, so I'm just tagging along. ;)




    We're not doing classical/TWTM. We are heavy STEM-focussed with a strong emphasis on music. We are doing Mandarin since my dds are Chinese. Latin/Greek roots only. Greek mythology is big here. We put a strong emphasis on quality lit & writing materials/instruction.


    STEM is expensive. Every penny is well spent on fantastic math & science tutors/classes. I am not a fan of co-ops for stem. I want the best instructors.


    More details on what we use below in siggy.


    Fwiw, my olders did classical in middle school. I wish we did more STEM.

  13. :iagree: Rather than flying through an easier program, give her something with a LOT of meat to chew on. If she's in TT3 at 5 years old, I can guarantee she'll be into the prealgebra/algebra type levels by age 6. You're going to run into a problem. Get her in a program that slows her down a bit and makes her really THINK.


    Also, TT is pretty expensive for an accelerated child, and your username suggests that you prefer to be frugal. Can you afford $500+/year for multiple levels of TT? :001_huh:



    Dd9 started TT 3 young (along w/ SM) and thankfully I already owned all levels through 7. It is an expensive way to go....but it worked beautifully for my dd9 who deals with perfectionism, loves the computer aspect, works at own pace, skips problems/lessons as needed, likes instant feedback, etc.


    Just take the placement test and see which level works. Don't pay attention to the grade level on the front cover. Just go with the level that works.


    We love TT here. I am waiting for the new alg 2 2.0 to arrive any day. For the right student, TT is a win-win. But yes, very spendy to accelerate through TT. Multiple kids sweetens the deal. :)




    How/when did you receive your password information?




    From Ben:


    If you pay for a password or ANYTHING ELSE a pop up page with a link to a page containing the password appears. If you have pop up blockers enabled, Paypal can not pop up the pop up page and then you have to hassel me with an email asking for a password. Usually I just respond to all notifications of payment from Paypal with the password...but several people don't get those because they don't use the paypal email for anything but paypal so they often don't see the email I sent. Sometimes it ends up in the spam folder. This is of course my fault. I was going to employ a password fairy to put people's passwords under their freaking pillows but she turned out to be just as unreliable. She was often hopped up on fairy dust. And what with all the teaching toddlers to fly and stuff the liability was just too much.


    With regard to MUS blocks being cheaper. Yes they are. Even if you factor in a password for 24 bucks. And by "cheaper" I mean cheaper. Most people move up to Mortensen blocks after they figure out the other blocks actually don't work as well...but you can make due if you have to. Like the lady who is using cuisenaire rods and doing quite well making vids and mods to her materials.


    As for not being able to figure out how to order all I can say is there are links to the combo kit everywhere and I added vids to the starter kit page...for now that's about as good as it gets. There is a getting started page in the works.


    There was a time in my life when I was a real people person...but after 22 years of dealing with people and math: not so much anymore.

  15. Yeah, I've already watched the videos (which really helped me understand bar diagrams) but now I'm just looking for problems to practice. I own CWP for levels 3 & 4, so I wouldn't be out any money. I'm just not sure where in the sequence Singapore expects students to be using bar diagrams to solve the problems.


    Just start with level 3 if your dc are savvy on multiplication.

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