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Posts posted by MBH

  1. Craigslist is great! I meet people in public places during daylight. Accepting cash only. I also know how to spot scammers.


    Scammers usually email in bulk. Therefore, they use words such as " I am interested in your item and want to buy it immediately using paypal". "I will send my shipper to your house".


    I laugh when I see these kinds of emails and press "delete" immediately. I don't even bother to answer them.


    If someone is interested in your furniture, he/she will include the word "furniture" instead of item.


    Start out by dealing locally.


    Once you learn how scammers write, then you can deal with people from other states.

  2. I told my dd that she needs to pay close attention to what is "given".


    For example with triangles, if what is "given" concerns two angles that are equal, (one being the right angle, and the other being an equal angle) then she needs to look at theorems that deal with two pairs of equal angels and one equal side (such as angle-angle-side theorem).


    If what is "given" concerns two pairs of equal sides, then she needs to look at theorems that prove the third side is equal. Page 224 gives a summary of these theorems.


    The more she practices the more she is getting "it".


    Please encourage your dc not to give up. My daughter told me the other day, that she went from hating theorems to enjoying them. Now she looks at it as a puzzle that she needs to solve.


    I had to sit there with her and learn this stuff so that I could help her out. Sometimes I watch the CD-Rom and then go and help her. I don't want to give her the answer, I want to make her think step-by-step.


    I know your dc will get it. It is not easy stuff. It takes lots of practice.


    I'll be praying for you and I pray for my own dd.

  3. Thank you for posting your prayer request. We will be praying for him.


    Phillipians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.


    Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,


    to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


    Study how David handled Saul's bullying; how Moses dealt with the Israelites who were constantly complaining about him; how Nehemiah responded to the critics who wanted to undermine his work and how Jesus managed all of the scoffers and antagonists (including the devil himself) who ridiculed Him.




    People will fail us, but God will never fail us.


    Thank You Hapax for these wise words. I completely agree. :iagree:

  5. Two things have helped me reduce the number of hot flash episodes:


    1) 1 tea spoon Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a glass of water before I go to bed so that I can sleep all night. If I am having a terrible case of hot flashes, I mix one table spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with a glass of water. I do this during the day whenever I need it. It is the cheapest remedy available and works everytime. Ofcourse I drink it with a straw to keep my teeth healthy. The acid from vinegar can be tough on your teeth. :tongue_smilie:


    2) Very important: I did an experiment on myself. On the days that I have beef in my food, I get a harsher episode of hot flashes. On the days I eat vegetarian (no meat or chicken), I do not get hot flashes and don't need vinegar in my water. Chicken causes a milder episode of hot flashes. I did this after reading The China Study.


    The China Study actually has nothing to do with hot flashes. The book is about proving that non-vegetarian diet contributes to cancer. I was trying to eat vegetarian and found out that I no longer had hot flashes as a side effect as long as I ate vegetarian.


    Cutting back on my beef intake has helped me tremendously.


    I hope this information helps someone out there who is not able to sleep at night.

  6. Chris,


    My Master Herbalist friend told me in addition to sugar, cheese is another food that causes acne in teenagers or even some adults.


    All of the library books that I have checked out on the topic of Acne, say otherwise. They claim that acne is not caused by trigger foods such as chocolate or sugar. So we did an experiment on my DD to see if they were right.


    She did very well as long as her sugar intake was reduced. She had to stay away from cheese for several months. Amazingly enough we saw the difference.


    Cheese causes bigger problems for her than sugary foods or chocolate. Cheesecake is the worst food for someone with acne problems. It has both sugar and cheese! :tongue_smilie:


    Even if acne stops after a few months of treatment, the scars can take between 6-12 months to disappear.


    Herbalist friend suggested more vegtables/fruits and less sugar/cheese. She also said home made tea from raspberry leaves helps to clean the inside. We have not tried this yet because I butchered my raspberry bushes last summer. But I know herbalist catalogs sell dried raspberry leaves.


    In addition to the diet change, we are using Proactiv (mildly) to keep acne from appearing. There is a major improvement since last year.


    I know with boys, it can be tough to convince them to change their diet.


    I hope you can find the right treatment for him.

  7. I'm sorry to hear that your SIL passed away.


    We will be praying for you and your family asking the Lord to fill your heart with hope and your day with peace.


    Please convey our deepest sympathy to your family.


    I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16 :grouphug:

  8. I agree momofkhm. I have never used a vest of that type for running. I prefer long underwear, cotton turtlenecks, warmups, neck gators, knit hats and garden gloves. On the few occasions when the temperature goes below 20 below, I might wear a parka; at that point I would want the sleeves rather than a vest.


    Keep a detailed journal of the temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and length of run. Also include everything you wear. You can use that journal to pick out the exact clothing you need in the future, even years later.

  9. I want you guys to know that there are normal kids out there who don't happen to read whatever books the OP is talking about. I don't even know what they are, have never heard of them and I'm a totally normal, well rounded adult. My daughters have never read them nor would they ever, ever, EVER want to.


    I don't disagree that many normal kids have not read these works, but perhaps they should give them a try.


    In the Introduction to his 1891 translation of the Odyssey, Palmer describes the poem as "A story of adventure, a story matchless in its combination of plainness, profundity, and range of human interests, and one that has probably affected western civilization more deeply than any piece of writing outside the Bible."

  10. Himom24,


    I think you write very well. However, I like the fact that you want to improve your knowledge of grammar and creative writing.


    IEW is great for creative writing.


    We also use Warriner's English Grammar and Composition (1977 copy). I love the way Mr. Warriner teaches diagramming. My husband learned Greek and Hebrew at Dallas Theological Seminary using lots of diagramming. Can you tell we are diagramming fans? :D

  11. i don't think this is quite the case. it is possible to buy on eBay with a credit card that will be processed through PayPal without becoming a PayPal member. also, some eBay sellers have their own credit card merchant accounts which don't involve PayPal at all. the new rules on eBay require offering PayPal or PayPal processing but if your eBay business also has its own merchant credit card services, you can offer that in addition to the PayPaling options.



    Here is my experience:


    I sold an item on ebay. The buyer insisted that he should pay via "Premier Account" (credit card) paypal or he would not buy the item and give me bad rating (unnecessary threats). I was obliged to accept his paypal payment because it is an ebay rule.


    Once he made the payment, my account automatically upgraded to "Premier" from "Personal". I had to work hard to revert back to a "Personal Account".


    This is why I will not be selling on ebay.

  12. All sellers are required by ebay to accept all methods of paypal (credit card payments as well as bank transfers through paypal) and nothing else. They are not allowed to accept personal cheks or MO. It is a new rule by ebay.


    Paypal has two types of accounts:


    1) Premier Business Account. With this account the seller gets charged everytime he/she receives money. The rate is 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction .


    2) Personal Account. With this account a buyer can send money (for free) to a seller who has a paypal account.


    All sellers must have a Premier Account if they want to sell on ebay. It is a new ebay rule.


    If a seller with a Personal Account sells an item and the buyer sends money using a Premier account, then the seller's account automatically becomes a Premier account without notice. This happened to me. They give you one chance to undo it and revert back to Personal Account. If it happens the second time, you have to go through the red tape to revert back.


    To answer your question, yes, you need a paypal account (Premier or Personal Account) to buy on ebay. You need a Premier Account to sell on ebay.


    You should contact your credit card company to find out why "paypal" appears on your non-paypal bill.


    I hope this helps.

  13. Some people have talked about getting ideas to celebrate Christmas in a way we used to: without materialisim, bringing back the meaning and the simplicity of the old days.


    I am more convinced of this since the young man's death at Wal-Mart. I am not blaming Wal-Mart or anyone else. All I'm saying is that we as consumers can put a stop to another scenario. (Yes, it's true that it happens at concerts and ball games too).


    Years and years ago, I asked my family if we could either stop exchanging gifts or draw names. I came to find out quickly that the idea did not settle too well with them. I was told: IMPOSSIBLE!


    That year I bought less for them.


    The next year I brought it up again. This time I could see they had softened up a bit. They said: Maybe we could exchange names.


    We did.


    The next year, they admitted that the whole shopping thing had become a burden, not financially, but physically.


    The next year, we decided to exchange gifts just between the children. It has been more managable.


    All we want is to teach our children the importance of celebrating the Lord's birthday in a simple way, not what it has become.


    If you feel trapped, as I did years ago, please know there is hope.


    I would love to hear how you keep your celebration simple, and yet meaningful.


    Thank You.

  14. I liked what Sahamama had to say. There is a lot of Biblical wisdom in what she said.


    One thing I would add is this: Commit to Pray for your husband and his needs just as commited your husband is to pursue school and work to provide a better life for you and your children. He works hard to provide for you, you can work hard to pray for him and for your relationship with him.


    A great marriage is like a Thanksgiving dinner. It looks great, but it takes a lot of work and preparation. I am reminded of I Corinthians 13. We can practice I Corinthians 13 in our home eventhough we don't see much of it in this world.


    I know how tired I was when I worked full-time and went to college at the same time. We did not even have kids back then.


    Your husband most likely is not depressed. He is dealing with a dark and ungodly world. When he comes home, he deserves quiet, peace and rest.

  15. Things I've done:


    -Adjsut my own attitude. I've realized this is just something we're going to always have to work on with him.


    -We make jokes or try to tease him out of his moods.


    -In times when he is really grumbly or mopey I have asked him to go to his room until he can stop complaining.


    -We do more active things about gratitude. I make sure he writes thank you notes for presents. We just made a thankful tree last night as a craft for Thanksgiving. And as part of our Christian faith we make a point of thanking God often for our blessings. I just feel like with him I have to work on it more. I saw a great idea somewhere else to make a Thanksgiving box. Basically just a decorated box but during the year we'll slip pieces of paper into it for things we are thankful for. Next year we'll open it and read it on Thanksgiving. I plan to do this this coming year to continue to work on this part of his character.




  16. We feel better after:


    1) Warm water mixted with 1 tsp salt. Gargle this mixture several times per day as necessary. I keep mine in a cup and warm it up in the microwave.


    2) Hot tea mixed with honey


    3) Hot/Warm chicken noodle soup


    4) Stay away from fried food, rough food that might irritate his throat such as overdone toast/bagel.


    I hope he feels better soon.

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