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Joy at Home

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Everything posted by Joy at Home

  1. I know you didn't ask about this, but we use The Reading Lesson. Very simple to work through, has an online (or CD) component if you want it. I've used this for my last two and it's great. I also very much enjoy Happy Phonics to supplement. It's cheap, fun, and hands on. Good luck! Lisa
  2. Hi Heather! Sounds like you made the right choice for dd making the switch. I hear God's Design series is excellent. I'm nervous about starting Apologia next year with seventh grade dd. We have been completely lax with science, she is not very disciplined and has zippo study skills. It will be a VERY steep learning curve for her, for sure. Good luck!! Lisa
  3. Thanks for the response. I just talked with the teacher and she doesn't see a problem with it, as long as she can handle the math, which I think she can. thanks so much! lisa
  4. I have the opportunity to enroll dd12 in an Apologia homeschool class, which would be a huge help to me. However, the teacher alternates between offering General science and Physical science, combining 7th and 8th graders. Since she offered General science last year, she is moving on to Physical Science this year. We have never covered formal science, and I am concerned with starting with Physical science. I should add that this is not the most dedicated of students to begin with. However, I really think an outside class would be good for dd. She doesn't have many friends, and think this would be a good experience for her (though she doesn't want to go). It's only one day a week. What do you think? Would I be making a mistake starting her this year? If I wait, I'll have to wait two years because next year she'll be starting General science again, unless I wait another year to start dd in Apologia and enroll next year in General Science. Oh, I'm so confused. WWYD? Thanks so much! Lisa
  5. Kimm, I never tried using gelatin in my yogurt. How is the consistency when you're done? Is it thicker and more custard like? Sorry to hijack, but I'm also wondering how everyone flavors their yogurt? My kids like fruity yogurt, but absolutely NO CHUNKS (their words). Blessings, lisa
  6. I live in PA and hate the homeschooling laws here. Our portfolios were due June 30th, and I still haven't handed mine in. Wondering what they 're going to do to me. I guess it's the rebel in me. Blessings, Lisa
  7. She charges $40 per lesson, but we get them free right now because dh works on her farm equipment as a barter. thanks, lisa
  8. Okay, thanks ladies. It looks like FLL it is!! Now my next question. FLL goes through level 4. Are there higher levels slated? If not, do you continue with another program after, like Rod and Staff. Where would you pick up? Thanks again!! Lisa
  9. Thanks for all your replies. I appreciate all your experiences. Journey, I completely understand your passion for your daughter's skill in this sport. She sounds like a confidant and skillful rider, and it sounds like she's doing exactly what she wants to do. Most of the other girls dd's teacher coaches are very similar. They are wonderful girls, very focused and driven, excellent riders, and win many competitions. I'm just not interested, and neither is dd. I don't mind spending the money for dd to do something she loves without feeling like she needs to take it to the highest level to be justified. I've been battling this same thing with older dd 12. She drives racecars (called junior slingshots). She is a fair driver, not great but she holds her own. She's been racing for three years every Saturday, and has only won two races. This past year I feel like she's had the joy of racing sucked out of her by this pressure to win, win, win. Many people race for recreation, not just to win. yes, I know it's nice, but it's not everything to me. She loves racing. She doesn't have many friends, but in the racing pits she feels she belongs and is part of a group. I guess what bothers me is, what if my kids aren't particularly talented at what they enjoy doing? Should I choose that, unless they can excel in that sport it is not worthwhile to bother? Maybe someday they'll find a particularl talent or desire that drives them to push themselves to the next level or compete, and that's great. But if there is something, a sport perhaps, that brings them joy and makes them feel good, that is all I care about. I could care less about competing, truly. I want them to do what they enjoy and feel good doing it. Anyway, I appreciate all different schools of thoughts on this. Thanks so much!! Lisa
  10. Thank you ladies for your thoughts, and thanks for the resources. I will check them out! Blessings, lisa
  11. Dd 8 has been taking lessons for about a year. We barter with the farm next door - my husband works on her tractor when needed and my daughter takes free weekly lessons. DD has always loved horses and hopes to own one someday. My question is, what are your goals for your riding lessons? DD's teacher is heavy into competitions and horse shows, as I'm assuming most trainers are. She has other girls she trains around my daughter's age who are very good and compete often. DD on the other hand, is not interested in all. She is very shy and just likes to ride because she loves horses and loves being with them. She is not competition-driven. Personally, I'm happy about these because those horse shows are expensive and we'd never be able to afford it anyway. I've gotten the impression from the trainer that she feels like she's wasting her time because she doesn't see where all this is going. Being competition oriented, she sees that as the end goal, whereas we don't. DD just wants to learn as much as she can, not just about riding but about taking care of horses, in the hopes of having her own eventually. Just curious for those whose children ride, what are your goals? Do you compete, or just ride for pleasure? Just curious. thanks so much for your input!! Lisa
  12. Another vote for Tale of Despereaux. LOVED it!! Also, The Magician's Nephew, Wizard of Oz, Understood Betsy, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Charlotte's Web. Good luck! Lisa
  13. Anyone care to chime in with their preferences for third grade grammar? I was set to start R&S 3 (we have not done formal grammar), but we will be using WWE next year, so I started looking at FLL 3, and I really like it. I like that there's a workbook. Can anyone share their experiences with these programs and help me decide? Thanks!!! Lisa
  14. Nope, small house, kitchen table here. Though I've always dreamed of having a library. I'd take that over a homeschooling room. Lisa
  15. I guess I'm not the best person to speak because I just sold mine, but only because I really needed the funds. I hope to rebuy it someday. For me, what was easier was to start with a Student Writing Intensive course. DD liked it, and I got to see Andrew's style without having the burden of actually having to learn everything myself first. After having her work through, I could watch just the section I needed and have it make more sense. I think the SWI's are a good starting point for some families. HTH, Lisa
  16. Oooh, this opens up a whole new set of questions. How many of you are using older versions of Saxon? Are new versions consumable? Darn, I had old sets of Saxion 5/4 on up years ago and I sold them. Which version do you use? Why? Where is the best place to find them? Guess I have research to do. Thanks for the info!! Lisa
  17. Tammy, that's interesting. So you think you can transition from 8/7 to algebra? Is that what most people do? I have to say, I think I'm going to start dd8 in Saxon 3. We've been low key with math up to now, just working on facts, etc. But I like the idea of staying with something for the long haul. Did any of you use the lower levels of Saxon? Thanks!! Lisa
  18. I can vouce for the artisan bread book - what a treasure!! Not only is the bread the best I've had, but it's approach is so easy!! I can store a weeks worth of dough in the fridge and just cut a piece as I need it. I love it. Lisa
  19. Wow, I almost didn't click on this thread because I thought I knew most of them. Thanks for the great resources! I am particularly interested in the Foundations course. Can you tell me more about it? It looks like something I've been looking for. I was also interated in Picture This for next year. Someone suggested this on this site and I thought it would be a nice change, especially for my artsy daughter. Anyone use this? thanks so much! Lisa
  20. I have a 10 year old with profound MR, and I run the whole spectrum of emotions some days with her. I understand the strain and exhaustion. I also know the absolute joy and exhiliration of a new accomplishment, the pride of seeing her siblings help her without asking and seeing her as just another kid. Peaks and valleys. I will keep you in my prayers. It's hard to see the big picture some days, but she's with you for a reason. You are the perfect mom for that child. Note, I did not say you ARE a perfect mom, Lord knows they don't exist. But you are matched with that child because you are who she needs. You may not feel that some days, but I believe God, in his infinite wisdom, does. Bless you, lisa
  21. Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence for Saxon!! I feel really good about my decision now. I'm going to take the placement test, but I agree that 8/7 will give a solid foundation for pre-alg without overwhelming her. Thanks ladies! Lisa
  22. On my quest for a cheap math program for next year, I have the opportunity to buy Saxon Prealgebra used. DD is just finishing TT7. If she were to start Saxon next year, do you think Pre-alg would be a good place to start? I know TT is about a year behind (my opinion), so I'm trying to decide if she should be moving into 8/7 or pre-alg? I'm thinking Pre-alg should be fine, but I'll have to take a good look at the content of 8/7. Just curious what other's experiences are with Saxon for upper level math. Also, do you find the DIVE CDs helpful? DD kind of got tired of TT CDs toward the end and just used the book, but it would be nice to have a CD if we get stuck. thanks so much for your help! lisa
  23. I'm in that situation now. It's going on five weeks. After years of using media mail without incident, lately I've had two large packages either not show up yet or get lost. I've heard that it can take over four weeks, but that has never been my experience before. Yikes, what is going on at the post office? Blessings, Lisa
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