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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. I'm spelling out the site name to avoid trolls. A friend told me her high schooler is logging things into Raise dot Me and getting scholarship money. Random things like "visit the college-earn $200". I'm a natural skeptic so I thought I'd check here.
  2. I listed something on eBay yesterday. I was surprised this morning that someone with a 100% rating and 4K transactions bought it and sent money through PayPal. This afternoon, I got a message that he wanted to cancel the transaction. Grr. How do I do that without it costing me?
  3. And how the heck do I get rid of it?? My right hip bone hurts when I sit too long. It is like a band of fire on the part of the hip that sticks out and it wraps around the back maybe 4 inches? It hurts when I step but not when I touch it. It gets better and worse depending on how much I have to sit. Ibuprofen and aleve don't help in the slightest (and they usually do-I take very little medicine). I have no plans to see a doctor about this unless it is something serious. It is mostly annoying at this point. Heat? Ice? Exercise? Rest? Any ideas?
  4. Someone on the phone thread said "there are no secrets, secrets end marriages". My bff shares everything with her husband including personal health stuff I've told her about myself. As a result, I am very careful about what I share with her. And she has something going on in her life right now that she can't share with me because she doesn't want my DH to know and she assumes I share with him like she shares with her DH. I absolutely do not and I've told her that. So, can we discuss privacy in marriage? DH and I have access to each other's phones. But I'm 100% ok with someone talking to me and asking me to not share it with DH. We are married not sharing a brain!
  5. I swear, I looked for a non-political article to share but came up empty. This video was the best I could find (meaning no commentary). This is um.. not subtle. Is this show being marketed to kids or adults? https://youtu.be/Wllc5gSc-N8
  6. I've been using Google Drive more and more for typing out documents. All my kids have Google accounts through school. So, why am I still paying $8/month for Office? Any reason I shouldn't just fully move to Google?
  7. I've decided that shampoo is awesome! It makes my hair clean! And it smells pretty!! Yeah for freaky chemicals!!
  8. DH and I went to see John Wick 2 this afternoon. It is rated R. Over 100 people are shot. A woman slits her wrists. Lots of language. This is not a movie for kids yet, there was a boy and an older man watching. The boy couldn't have been more than 8. Every time I see a grown-up movie, someone has a kid in the theater. I don't get it.
  9. I swear, I've been in a head fog for years. At this point, i don't even watch shows where they talk too fast (Gilmore Girls) because I literally can't follow them. Anybody ever fix this issue?
  10. Happy Tax Day to all my fellow self-employed peeps! Here's hoping all our hard earned cash goes where it is needed and not to buy gold plated toilet seats!
  11. First it was the NES Classic that my ASD child was obsessed with that we couldn't find. Now it is the damn Switch. Wth, Nintendo?!? Does anyone know how I can track ones of these down (not on eBay)?
  12. My small kitchen is covered in a layer of fine black powder and I think it might be the WalMart candle I'm burning?!? Is that possible?? That's can't be good for us, right??
  13. If they could make a pill that gave you 2 hours of having a child's outlook? I'm watching a group of tiny kids at swim at the Y. Messy hair, little tummies sticking out, having a blast. One little girl jumps more than she walks. It must be so amazing to be so in the moment, having fun, not a care for anything.
  14. Here's my (long) tale of woe. We bought this house 5 years ago. It is in a great location and I like the neighbors but I hate hate hate the house. We bought it for the location and because it is big and was $50-100k cheaper than the houses around it. We bought it knowing that it would be a 10 year project updating it and fixing broken stuff. The plan (bwahahaha) was to do the work slowly, with cash, doing the work ourselves. In reality, nothing is getting done and won't any time soon. DH is super busy and, turns out, hates diy projects. The IKEA kitchen we were going to put in is a laughable memory. There is just no way he will tackle that. Our options are 1. move (tempting as this place also has an occasional flooding issue we can't fix) 2. live with this falling apart, hideous house 3. pay someone to fix it up. We don't have the cash for that. How do home improvement loans work? Given that I have kids starting college in 2 years, should I just suck it up, save money and live in this fugly house?
  15. Is Moxie stuck on a 9 hour car trip and bored to death??? Yes!!!!
  16. Is there any way to tell the difference between pink eye that needs meds and goopy red eyes due to a lingering cold?? Also, why must children get sick on the busiest day of the year?!??
  17. Scroll down for spoilers Well. Hmmm. That was anti-climactic. The whole thing was fascinating and I'm glad I listened but, nothing.
  18. Lay it on me!! I need a fun, easy read.
  19. I have that kinda expensive, metal, hand-crank pencil sharpener (I forget the name) and my children always make a mess with it. Is there a sharpener that doesn't shed pencil dust and shavings?
  20. This keeps happening!! I'll do great with working out, start to see progress, hit a busy patch, miss a week (or two) and then struggle to start all over. How do you make workouts a priority when you are super busy?!? I can't seem to manage it.
  21. I eat a lot of raw, non-starchy veggies. If I prep (cut and wash) them on the weekend, how long will they be edible? Any tips?
  22. I do a lot of volunteer work. It is easily the most frustrating part of my life!! I have a woman who wants to help and we need her help. All our communication is through a FB group. She says to me "Oh, I'm on FB but I miss things. I have email but I literally never check it. Can you just text me when we have are having a meeting/discussion/etc?" So, since we need her help, on top of everything else, I have to remember to text this person because she can't be bothered to check her email. I have such a love/hate relationship with volunteering.
  23. I'm pretty laid back. Things happen, I get it. My bff is not like this. She always asks for compensation. If you were in a hotel with no hot water for 24 hours, would you ask for compensation and what would that look like?
  24. 100 years ago, you could take food into the museum to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Is that still the case or do you have to buy there?
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