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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. If you have an Alta, do you find it accurate? I spend an hour walking around the grocery store today and only got 200 steps. Maybe because I was pushing the cart? Am I not wearing it tight enough (does that matter)?? My old Fitbit hooked on my bra. I really love wearing this one on my wrist but I want credit for every step!
  2. I was surprised to see so many in the WM thead talk about price matching. Ours quit doing that about 6 months ago. I suspect it has to do with Aldi's 99 cent milk. I assumed they all got rid of it but maybe our WM really is the very worst one??
  3. Warning--judgey post ahead! My kids go to school and we have to walk them into the building so I see lots of people everyday. There are really two kinds of women-SAHM's in workout clothes and women dressed for work (suits and scrubs, mostly). It bugs me. I get that they are comfy. I wear workout clothes when I work out. But, dang, so casual! And so painted on!! Most workout pants don't leave a lot of mystery. Are we going to get to a point where we wear our jammies in public because they are comfy?? Idk why this uber-casualness bugs me but it really does. Is it really so hard to throw on some pants?
  4. What would you serve if you needed to feed 20 adults lunch with a refrigerator available but no kitchen?
  5. I am friends with a woman who shares and likes hundreds of videos a day. I need to keep following her because she is a member of a group I am in and I have to see her questions and comments. How do I stop seeing all the stupid videos?
  6. Did you see that she remarried, three months after the death of her husband?? I hope the poor girl is in her right mind and that this is a good choice for her little kids. Yikes. http://www.freckled-fox.com/2016/09/a-new-chapter-heres-to-future.html?m=1
  7. My 14dd is in a dance competition that is being judged by local celebrities (so, people who know nothing about dance). She is doing a really great, award-winning, tap routine. The costumes the group wears are appropriate to the music. I just saw a video of her competition. They wear booty shorts and halter tops with sequins. About a quarter of the routine is tap, the rest is twerking. But I know this group will win because the crowd was going wild. The girls really are talented and the parts that are tap are pretty good. I hate that their coaches are so interested in winning that they pander to the lowest element.
  8. https://www.aldi.us/en/weekly-specials/aldi-finds-for-september-28/sept-28-detail/ps/p/ambiano-pressure-cooker/ Is the Instant Pot that much better?
  9. I'm working hard to declutter this house and I need to talk to someone about 'sentimental' objects. By 'sentimental', I mean objects that should be important but aren't. I'm not getting rid of actual sentimental objects (I have a huge box of homemade baby blankets that take up a ton of space but I'm saving them anyway because they are special). My MIL gave each child a Precious Moments figure at their Baptism. They are all the same one. They are all in boxes in a closet. I doubt my kids will ever want them. I certainly don't want them. A family friend gave us tiny baby spoons and forks with each child's birthday engraved on it. They are all still in a box, in a closet. I have each child's Baptismal Candle. Will they ever want those? Probably not. If my Mom handed me a plain white candle used at my Baptism, I'd probably be like, "WTH, you should have pitched this 40 years ago!" There is just a lot of that kind of stuff that I'm keeping because? I'm supposed to keep them? I don't want them. I doubt my kids will want them. So, do I get rid of them?
  10. 10yo and 7yo keep yelling "I poop in your face!" at each other and laughing like it is the most hilarious joke?? No one warned me about this! Refund!!
  11. I have an iPhone 6. In the past few weeks, the battery has gone nuts. The indicator at the top will jump from 49% to 2% in an instant but when I plug it in it will jump to 25%. The battery is running down way too fast as well. Any ideas?
  12. If this isn't your thing, no need to comment, just move along to the next thread. Brad and Angelina are divorcing. I'm kinda surprised.
  13. Ok, day one of no dairy is not going well. I've had 3 cups of coffee with no cream, scrambled eggs with no cheese and some nuts and I am legit starving!! Like, my stomach is actually growling and I'm starting to get hangry. What is going on here??
  14. I got a letter from my OB saying an audit found that I had overpaid my account by $92 so they sent me a Visa check card with $92 on it. Um, no. I paid you in cash, I should get cash back! I can't get $92 from the ATM. Plus, I'm sure they have some money-making deal with Visa so they are making money by billing me incorrectly!
  15. We currently have old 70's brown tile in our shower. We're planning on a bathroom remodel in the next year. One of us thinks that some white subway tiles would be perfect. One of us thinks that grout is evil and eventually looks gross without constant vigilance. This person wants a big plastic, easy-to-clean box. What says the Hive?
  16. I just started reading this. Anyone else read it and have any thoughts?
  17. Has decided, overnight, to homeschool her kids because her sweet snowflake can't go to the restroom as often as she wants. This should be fun to watch.
  18. I'm generally pretty organized but one area still confounds me--paper. I need a system. I have 5 kids in 3 schools and one homeschooled. I have scheduled, information about events, bills to pay, papers to file, on and on. I throw away what I can but some of it needs to be dealt with. Help me come up with a system!
  19. I'm exhausted, jittery, can't focus and have a slight headache. I've felt this way for weeks. I'm on thyroid meds and the last time I was tested, my dosage was changed because my numbers were worse. Could this be my thyroid again? I just feel gross.
  20. Finally, his wife left him. If I were her, there is no way he would visit my son without supervision. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/08/29/anthony-weiner-caught-another-sext-scandal/89526640/
  21. Because we're all so dang busy!! The last two weeks have been crazy and our dinner every night has been a giant serving of carbs! Spaghetti cooks faster than frozen chicken, kwim? Ugh, my pants are so tight.
  22. When you are checking out in a store and the cashier has to answer the business phone. Rage.
  23. Backstory--we started dd in HS PreK a year early. When we realized what that would do when she got to high school, we slowed her down and do she did 6th grade twice. So she has had lots of grammar and history. For 8th grade, here is my current, half-a$$ed plan. I'm tired and ready to move on from homeschooling. This is our last year. She will do the second half of a SL core. I don't remember which. MUS Algebra 1 Outside Spanish class Outside Writing class Outside literature class Faith and Life 8 for religion Second half of CHC science book (can't recall the name) I need more math to add to MUS. She hates math. She has talked about doing cosmetic chemistry some day so I need to find books in that direction for fun. She loves to read so I thought about she and I tackling The Well Educated mind together?? Maybe geography? Grammar? Help a poor, tired mom and give me suggestions. I need to get this planned out this week.
  24. It was a printable math game. There was a house or a car and a bunch of luggage with numbers on them and the object was to pack the house or car and get the most points. I saw it on the internet and now I can't find it!
  25. Ugh. Perfect job. They need someone 8-1. I can only work those hours three days a week. The other two days are 8-11 because I have to get DD to her homeschool activities. I doubt I get it. Really freaking stinks.
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