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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. I have about 100 paper tshirt order forms. There are 20 different types of shirts in 5 sizes. My job is to tally the number of each shirt in each size (we need 4 white XL, 2 gray L, etc.). This process seems fraught with places for human error. Is there a way in excel to tally numbers? For example, in the white XL cell, hit the space bar and it adds one so the number changes from 3 to 4? I'm open to any other ideas. I'm trying to eliminate human error as much as possible. Of course, eliminating the paper forms at the very beginning would be perfect but the group isn't ready for such a radical idea.
  2. I'm watching the first season of Shameless. One of the characters bribed his daughter to go to a purity ball. His wife asks if there are purity balls for boys and he says "No, why would there be?" Anyway, it just got me thinking. I've never seen any kind of purity event for boys. Is it a thing?
  3. DH just texted me. Looking for articles now. I'm glad and those police officers should be ashamed!!
  4. Why do the swimmers wear coats and gloves before the race? I assume they need to keep their muscles warm??
  5. I adore my mini food processor! I thought it was so dumb but I use it all the time and it takes up very little space in my dishwasher.
  6. I usually enjoy the made-for-Netflix series so, when this one popped up as recommended, I thought I'd enjoy it. I watched one episode and I'm totally lost. Does it get better or should I move on??
  7. I just read an article about the Trump boys and their love of big game hunting (this isn't political). I know lots of people enjoy hunting but the ones I know IRL hunt things that they will eat. I'm trying to understand what is enjoyable about big game hunting. Is it the thrill of killing something so big and powerful? How is shooting an animal you won't eat more enjoyable than hitting a non-living target??
  8. My Electrolux Ergo Rapido died. It was only $80 and it lasted 3 years so I guess I did ok. I'm willing to buy another one unless someone can suggest a better one. Don't say Dyson--$300 is too rich for my blood!
  9. I have cooked bacon. No tomatoes. No lettuce. DH hates eggs. Is bacon and cheese a good dinner??? Help!
  10. Warning-huge generalizations based on zero facts in this thread!! Thinking of the 5 physicians I know (pediatrician, 2 family docs, surgeon and one who works in a hospital) being a physician appears to be quite lucrative (based on house size, cars, etc.). Is being a physician in another country the same? Are doctors all over the world doing well??
  11. I thought this was a pretty good article about healthcare. I'm pretty sure it is going to get worse before it gets better. https://www.google.com/amp/www.fool.com/amp/investing/2016/07/31/are-we-witnessing-an-obamacare-exodus.aspx?client=safari
  12. Is that a real job or just something talked about on the Internet?
  13. If you've been keeping a speadsheet of my life, you'll know that I'm at an intersection. In one year, all my kids will be in school and I'll be 40ish. I haven't worked in 15 years and I have no idea what to do with myself. I vacillate between euphoric with the opportunities, mourning my youth and terrified of failure. I'm feeling good right now so I'm going with it!! I know from many threads that I am not alone. So, I'm starting Project: Phase II and I'm inviting you to join me. As I said, I have no idea what direction I'll go but I know I need more computer skills. I'm going to work on Excel, Photoshop, some coding. Maybe Quicken? What else? I also need to finish a massive declutter of my house that is about half finished. I have some projects around the house I want to finish as well. So, who will join me in this year long journey??
  14. I hope this doesn't come across as fat shaming. That isn't my intent. I grew up in the Midwest. When you went to buy a swimsuit, there were racks and racks of one-piece suits and one rack of bikinis that were only in small sizes and only purchased by those who were genetically blessed. Now, it is the opposite. One-piece suits are hard to find. I am currently in a watery local (in my Lands End tankini) and everyone is wearing a bikini. Young, old, trim and otherwise. So, why? I've never owned a bikini so I can't be sure but surely they aren't more comfortable?? And, if you are a normal size or bigger, there are more flattering options! Plus, it is just more skin to burn. What has changed that bikinis are now for the masses?
  15. My mom was having internet issues so I ordered a kindle fire for her on prime day and had it shipped to her. When she gets it, will she have access to my Kindle account? How does she set it up? I really do not need my mother seeing some of the books I read. #vampiresneedlovetoo
  16. Remember that Onion article about the mom doing all her normal chores in close proximity to the ocean?? Well, that's me. Yay. I need to plan low carb meals to cook on vacation. We'll have a full kitchen but I'd like to stay out of it as much as possible. Make ahead meal, maybe??
  17. Amazon Prine day. Should I get it??
  18. I don't get it. My neighbor posts everything on FB! She just posted a picture of the brunch she served. Serious question, what makes people think "I sure cooked a lot of bacon and eggs, I need to snap a photo and tell everyone"? I'm on social media a lot but that would never occur to me.
  19. Moxie

    GoT fans

    Who do I petition to get the GoT writers to take over TWD?? Because, THAT, was an excellent finale!!
  20. And I grew up in it!! What is the deal with people who can't have a fun night without ending up drunk by the end?? I assume they aren't alcoholic because they aren't daily drinkers. And, the wives/mothers hate it but do nothing to stop it! I don't understand.
  21. It's Friday!! Time to lighten things up around here!! When I'm Queen of the World, I'm going to outlaw those cute little kid shopping carts at the grocery store!! Get in, get your food, get out!! No playing in the store!! Also, female facial hair will be declared super sexy!! And, the Kardashians are voted off the island!!
  22. I'm pulling my hair out here. The swimsuit he wore to swimming last week is suddenly "too small". The one I bought him for this summer is "too big". He is in his underwear refusing to get ready for swimming. He has called me every name he knows and is yelling at the whole family. This is the shit they don't tell you when you decide to start a family!!!
  23. Harrumph. We can't afford DH's work insurance so we purchase through the marketplace but every year there are fewer and fewer choices. UH says they are losing money on ACA plans. Healthcare is a constant headache.
  24. As I've started looking at jobs, careers, and what to do with the next half of my life, I've noticed something. A shocking (to me) number of jobs require a Masters degree. It seems like there are two kinds of jobs. A low low paying job that only requires a high school diploma and a better paying job (but not huge money) that requires a Masters. Is a BA worth anything now? And what does this mean for me (always looking out for #1!!)? I have no desire to go back to school. The reason I need to work is to pay for my kids to go to college; they will be graduated before I finish a masters! Plus, the cost! That is going in the wrong direction. And a low paying job-our tax rate=not worth the trouble. I keep telling DH that our only option is to start some kind of business but he isn't convinced.
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