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Everything posted by Islandgal

  1. I agree. I said exposure to foreign language and culture, but everyone seems to only be picking up on the foreign language part .😞
  2. It was not meant as a dig. I was replying to Homeschool Mom on what I feel the benefits are of being exposed to different cultures, not only foreign languages taught in a textbook, that can be obviously limiting, but the culture itself along with the foreign language. She was saying that there really is no need for Americans to learn another language. Which I totally understood. I'm glad you're one who understands that people live differently, and is accepting of said differences. To compare your living conditions to those whose wealth exceeds yours in the same country is not a fair comparison and is not what I am speaking of. To truly compare, you'd have to compare the living differently to a third world country without the first world resources. Which is what I was referring to.
  3. I absolutely agree with your point that most will never use or need a foreign language in U.S., or for conducting international business. I feel that the exposure to a foreign language and culture broadens the mind, as well as, teaches empathy, and brings awareness that others live differently. Which I fear is sadly lacking in the U.S.
  4. I find this dialogue about having a foreign language but not needing it fascinating. The rest of the world has recognized the need and the value of having at least one other language added to their skill set. Times have changed, we are living in a global market. China, for example, also a superpower, is aware that being fluent in another language can only forward your agenda in today's economic climate. In for a penny, in for a pound, I suppose. Throughout this thread, what I've been trying to convey is yes, of course, there are loud, off putting American tourists. The larger issue, in my opinion, is the quiet superiority that often times shows a lack of inclusion, and a lack of willingness to grow and adapt to the ever evolving world. It is not unlke white privilege, only seen upon self reflection, and most times not even then. This is one of the reasons why America is perceived by the world at large of thinking they are better than anyone else. Make America great again......
  5. I've found with business attire, most begin the week more formal and end more casual, unless there is a meeting or if she is having daily interactions with clients. Then she'd have to stick to the formal attire throughout the week. Most companies prefer to keep that standard. It also depends on the field. Maybe she can do a mix. She can wear a blazer at the beginning of the week and the dress you mentioned upthread on a Thursday/Friday.
  6. More often than not, when speaking to people that are either looking at migrating to the U.S. or sending their children to college, North Carolina is fast becoming the first choice.
  7. Interestingly, I was taught far more U.S. history in high school (grades 7-12) almost to the exclusion of any other, including my own country's and the U.K.'s. Which I always found strange, seeing that we were a former British colony. Looking at it in hindsight while reading through this thread, I'm wondering if they were preparing us to go off to university/college with an understanding of a culture and history that some would end up in, thus having a smoother assimilation. Foreign language was mandatory throughout high school in my time. It has now become mandatory from the primary level, beginning in grade one. I wouldn't say I live in the most progressive country either, far from it! Which is why I find myself frequenting this board so often.😉
  8. Yes, they do. Forgot about them!
  9. I keep quoting people by mistake, sorry. It depends on what her style and budget is. My preference is Ann Taylor.
  10. I have a question about the sealants, if you don't mind me asking. The dentist suggested my 13 year old son get them, but he has never had a cavity. Do you think it was worth the investment?
  11. My dad can't spell for beans either, and he is not a product of the system! 😀😃
  12. Funny enough, my dad just last year discovered that his biological dad is Australian, and he has three sisters that live between Melbourne and Sydney. We're supposed to visit them this year. I'm excited to see Australia and meet my long lost family who have been very warm and welcoming to all of us. It came as a shock to them my dad even existed.
  13. I only said I would have run because I wouldn't have made this my first topic to really delve into on the board. I'm with Rosie, we will all live, but thank you!
  14. I think it should have been one of those JAWM threads, or at least a general hey, we want to know what you think but take it easy on us. I would have stayed FAR away. I appreciate those that were open and receptive. 🙂
  15. You didn't offend me in the slightest, I knew what you meant and what your intent was. It was bugging me because I felt that it was a good opportunity to convey what I have been trying to get across this whole time, but hesitated because I wasn't sure how you'd respond.🙂 I should have made that clearer, sorry about that.
  16. Frankness is not implying that non Americans must be resentful towards Americans because they are "privileged" enough to afford braces. You have absolutely no clue if my children have braces or not. If you would have asked, I would have gladly answered you. Your comments are based on nothing but what came to your head at the moment. It's utter nonsense and contributes nothing productive to this discussion. That is what makes it hypocritical. Everything I have said in this thread, I have experienced myself. I can not say that enough. I have NEVER made broad generalizations either, I have always prefaced everything I said with some, not all, etc. I listed the traits I admire about Americans when you specifically asked, so how you have that impression that I am ignoring the good in America is beyond me. I have gone out of my way to be polite and kind. What bothers me the most about this, is after all of these pages of discussion, this really is your take away, non Americans may be resentful because of braces?
  17. This comment you replied to was not directed to you, it was directed at Murphy. Yes, I resent Americans because of your perfect teeth, how did you guess? Oh I know how, because I'm such a shallow, stupid non American I must not be able to see beyond some pearly whites. To be frank, you've been touching a nerve with your closed minded comments. So incredibly hypocritical.
  18. I was going to let this go but it's been bugging me. I want to say this as gently as I possibly can, because you have been super receptive and supportive, and I thank you for it. I'd like to draw attention to the statement that I highlighted. Can you see how saying this may be perceived that because a fellow American said it gives the point made validity, and may come across hurtful or dismissive? In my opinion, using the term whitewashing suggests that the people were being dishonest. It all goes back to if you aren't sure of something, ask. I don't mean to offend you or pick on you in any way at all. I just wanted to point out that sometimes innocent statements made can subliminally show or can be perceived as superiority on some level, even though I know that was not the intent. I was not hurt by this, personally, in any shape or form. It was bugging me because I felt that it was a good opportunity to show what I've been trying to convey this whole time.
  19. Masterbooks may have some courses that suit your needs. They're also geared towards independent learning.
  20. The best way I can explain to you is, you know when you go over to a friend's house and you're able to relax and let the conversation flow? That's the non American to non American. Non American to American is more like you're visiting your very particular, judgemental mother in law, and you have to constantly watch what you say cause it may bite you in the rear. The love is the same but the communication within the relationships is different. Hope this helps! You seemed genuinely curious. 🙂 Please don't take my choice of words literally. It is only an analogy.
  21. I'm genuinely sorry if I offended anyone by my posts. I feel that I have tried to only answer questions asked, without going into too much detail about my own experiences lest I rock the boat further. Which may have been a mistake on my part, and perceived as generalization. My brother is married to an American and is an American citizen, I have close cousins and friends both married into the military and civilians. My entire life, I have travelled to various parts of the U.S. multiple times a year. I have probably seen more of the U.S. than some Americans have. Americans are always in my country for work or play. To negate my personal experiences as untrue or invalid isn't fair. Some may not care for my opinion, but I ask that you take it for what it is, an opinion that happens to be true to me. It is not politically correct to voice it, unless specifically asked, which it was. Speaking as a non American who is often hesitant to post here, there is simply a cultural difference in communication style, that makes us think twice before we submit a post. My opinion is that most who live in a country in the commonwealth tend to communicate in a way that may come across as rude to others. Our humour and sarcasm specifically can be misinterpreted. I personally don't see it as being disingenuous, I actually see it as we care enough about other's feelings and thoughts to pause and reflect before hitting that submit button. My country is often a target for such stereotypes, (ironically by Americans) and it is what is it, a stereotype. When I do see or hear it, I use it as a learning experience to either educate myself or others. Once again, I sincerely apologize if anything I said was offensive, it was honestly not my intent. I'll go back into my shell now.😉
  22. I want to thank you for starting this thread. It has been an ice breaker for me. I've been lurking for a long time and feel like I've gotten to "know" or at least get a feel for all of you here. I was hesitant to post before for fear of being misinterpreted due to different cultural communication styles. My culture tends to communicate mostly with sarcasm, which can be difficult to decipher using this particular medium. This topic has forced me to throw caution to the wind and dive right in for good or ill! I appreciate your graciousness in what can be such a polarizing topic.
  23. Yes, undershirts are a must in this hot, humid weather. I almost wish they made them for women as well!😉
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