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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. I actually bought some used. It ended up being a fiasco since I could tell what was sent to me was photocopies and not the original. They did send me the originals in the end. This wasn't from a seller on this board. I didn't even know that was their policy until recently. It ended up not being a good fit for our family so I never gave resell a second thought. I actually still have the materials I bought.

  2. Yes, Anabaptist and some Baptist don't like the term "Protestant", but it is accurate. They are subsets of Protestantism. This is proven by history.



    It is true that by the dictionaries definition that Anabaptists fall under that category. However, Anabaptists don't identify themselves that way. They consider themselves separate and a third way of looking at faith. This is why there is a site called Third Way Cafe (http://www.thirdway.com/page.asp?Page=2423_About%20TWC). Just because someone categorized Anabaptists that way, doesn't mean that it is true historically or today.


    Here is another article about differences specifically related to Evangelical faith communities:




    I not trying to cause an argument for arguments sake. Just like other faith groups want their distinguishing beliefs clarified, I think this is important to clarify as well. Anabaptists get "lumped in" with the Protestants group. However, they are not. Like I posted eariler, Anabaptists wouldn't say they were Catholic or Protestant. Historically, they were persecuted by both faith groups because of their differences. Anabaptists embrace some things in the Catholic church and Protestant churches, but there are also differences which make Anabaptism a third way of living out faith. I will add that Anabaptists do "look" more Protestant than Catholic today.

  3. No,uh-oh. Just confusion.


    Is it the old stand-by that Catholics aren't really Christians or that some people who profess Christianity really aren't.


    I shake my head and wonder if people ever read a history book when confronted with the first.



    Just have to say though that some Catholics do say they aren't Christian, they are Catholic. I have personally heard this said. So, has my dh. Not trying to cause a big todo. I am always surprised when I hear this since I consider Catholics to be Christian.




    If you are a Christian, and not a member of the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches, then by definition you are a Protestant (leaving aside the whole controversy over the LDS church for simplicity's sake). You may be a non-denominational Protestant, but you are still one.



    Actually, Anabaptists don't consider themselves Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox or Protestant.

    Again, not trying to cause a stir. I have seen this said several times on the board. This doesn't mean that their aren't Anabaptists who don't identify as Protestant.






    This is a great statement in the thirdway article:

    Ultimately we are not so concerned with being Anabaptist, Catholic, or Protestant, but simply being faithful disciples of Jesus!


    This is true for myself. So, I would say for me, the SOF is irritating because I don't think people's differing faiths should be nit picking one another but trying to be a faithful disciples of Jesus and trying to learn and grow on our journey of faith with one another. In my opinion, we focus too much on what our differences are and that separates us. Of course, I get that those differences is why we have different faith groups. It wouldn't have too separate us if we could ask questions and be open to hearing and learning more about the differences. It could be enriching. Since that doesn't seem to happen very often, I am not sure why we don't focus on our commonalities. There are so many things we have in common than our differences. .


    Oh my gosh! :eek: That must have been absolutely heartbreaking for you! :grouphug:



    Yes. It was difficult. He actually was talking about how he would marry my mom's doctor if she wasn't already marrried. My SIL and I just looked at each other in disbelief...Did he really just say that? So, I can totally relate to the OP. It was really like he was erasing any memories of my mom ever having been alive by moving forward into a different life.

  5. Yikes! I wouldn't send money. I would have your nephew over or send cards, gifts etc. Things that let him know you are thinking of him. As far as facebook, I would put it on ignore. Grief does have people do strange things. My dad remarried very quickly after my mom's death. In fact, he was already talking about remarrying before the funeral ended. This was hard to take. :grouphug:

  6. when I see those listings - I always wonder what planet they live on. It makes no sense.


    :iagree: I always wonder if anyone will purchase at that price and if you really wanted to get rid of it, wouldn't you make the price more reasonable? I am just thinking sit on the book for years until someone buys it or make some money by lowering the price and selling. Hmm...I think I would lower the price.

  7. Yes, I have felt excluded. I had visited various groups to find the group that is the best "fit" for our family. I visited a Catholic group which I loved. However, I am not Catholic and they only allow Catholics to join. (I get it. If you have had experiences of being excluded from the Homeschool community, you want your group to be likeminded). I either am too conservative or too liberal. I have learned to not share stuff with people about how I homeschool, what I believe,etc. until I know more about a person. Some people just can't handle who I am, what I think, what I believe. So, I have a lot of homeschool aquaintances whom I know. Others I consider to be my "go to" group. I am fine with this. I have discovered that really, I am not much into the social scene as I once was. I think I have just learned to embrace that I am more introverted rather than extroverted. I find though, that this feeling like I don't fit doesn't just happen in homeschool groups, it carries over into other social circles too. It isn't just the homeschool community. It can be the religious community. In fact, a lot of times it is just being with any group of people. I have had to come to terms that in general, I just don't fit. I think this to do with a number of things, belief differences, how I process things and my personality.


    I would love to see different groups and types of people being able to get together and just learn and grow from one another. I hate that Homeschool conferences exclude religious groups that don"t fit a particular mold. I don't feel threatened by religious differences and really, when it comes to homeschooling, that is just a facet of why people are homeshooling. For me, it is more about learning how other people Homeschool than what religion are they. Hmmm..don't know if that makes sense.

  8. Nope. I wouldn't. I still really watch what I say. The thing about something conterversial is you have to be willing to take the heat that goes along with it. I will, however, admit, I don't mind reading controversial threads. I just don't relish the thought of getting set down a peg or two.... It isn't even that I mind someone expressing something different. It is just sometimes the expressing of a difference is...harsh.. :leaving:

  9. Yes, I would register since people are asking and want to give you a baby shower. This way you can get what you really need and you don't have to keep telling people over and over. How wonderful that people want to still celebrate with you. Congrats!

  10. No, I wouldn't do it. What if the child gets hurt? What if they say you did something innappropriate? She having surgery in March, there is time to come up with a plan. Maybe the mom needs to take time off work and watch her dd if there aren't other options. This just seems really strange to me. Be gracious. Be kind. But don't do it. Offer to take a meal over. Something other than watching the child.

  11. What is the worst thing that is going to happen if you set a firm boundary?


    I have to look at my fear and see what is causing me so much stress by having my voice. Personally, I have found that a certain type of person shuts me down. I have no problem being clear and honest in my other relationships, so If I find that my voice is getting lost, it is time to create space. It might also mean ending the relationship. It isn't that I am not clear, it is the type of person that shuts me down is a master at not listening and turning what I have said around. I have to remind myself my other friends don't do this. :grouphug:

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