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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. It's the same old thing, year after year.


    Homeschooled dogs and socialization issues.


    Isn't there some sort of public obedience school that these dogs should be attending? Aren't you worried that they won't grow up to be like the other dogs? How will they have a sense of reality if they're never bullied by the bigger dogs???






    :lol: First, If I can't get them to obey in my own home, how will sending them anywhere else make a difference? Second, I want my dogs to be true to who they are and not influenced by peer dog pressure, ykwim? Last, I think there is enough bullying going on in my own dog family to give them the experience they need.

  2. I guess I should be prepared with an answer about taking our dog to the dog park since we are after all, a homeschool family. This of course must include our dog ;) "No, we don't take our dog to the dog park. We don't want him to learn other bad behaviors. He already has enough"

  3. I was laughing to myself the other day about socialization as I drove by the dog park. I was imagining how what a conversation about dog's socialization could sound like. "It isn't good for your dog to be alone and not interact with other dogs, how else will your dog learn to chase other dogs?" or "You know, dogs are pack animals and you really need to keep them connected with other dogs". Interestingly enough, I read an article in Reader's Digest that suggested taking a dog to the dog park really isn't that great of an idea. The dogs can pick up other dog's disease's and can be hurt if the dog's get in fights with other dogs.

  4. I would have been surprised by the response. After thinking it through, I would figure that either it was a secret or she just threw it together and doesn't have a recipe. However, if you found out from someone at church that they had the recipe, or if several others had it, than I would wonder what the deal was.

  5. Unfortunately, yes, apparently this is typical for him. I knew that there were issues. This is the first time in a long time that he was in our house. The other annoying thing was I specifically told him, here is what we need help with. I could tell he didn't want to do what I said. When I got more specific and said he could sand this or paint that, he didn't do it. Or he said let's not start too many projects. Basically he did his own thing. If I gave him any instruction, he ignored it or did it his way even when I told him to do it x way. This is dh's relative. Dh didn't feel comfortable supporting what I said. Apparently, this person can't listen to anything perceived as authority over him. Dh thought it would just make it worse so he let him do his own thing. After all, the things the person did were other things that we needed done too. Yes, dh and have processed this whole situation. I had told dh why didn't he just tell him those other things do need to be done, let's add them to the list, but these things are what we need to start with. Dh never thought of saying that. Unfortunately, in the moment, neither did I since I was so flipping angry about not being listened to. So, like I said, never. ever. again. Not worth all the discussion dh and I had to have after the fact.


    I think the hardest thing for me was growing up, I wasn't taken seriously. I was treated like I knew nothing about anything. People of course can still say things. But, in my home. No. Just no. Treat me with respect. Take me seriously. Listen. If you think the way I asked for something to be done is wrong, talk it out with me. Don't just ignore and proceed in the way you think is the right way. If you just want to be defiant because you don't like taking directions, good luck in life. I don't have sympathy for all your sob stories how everyone has wronged you and nothing is your fault. O.K. rant over :leaving: :rolleyes:



    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I read "using it as a paint shirt" to mean he was wearing it. :lol: Using it as a rag makes so much more sense. Well, not sense exactly. Still weird. But just weird weird, not back-slowly-away weird. Good grief!




    :lol: I have been picturing this all night. Since the person is so much taller than me, I think it would only go on around his neck. Yep that would be weird, weird.

  7. We decided it was time to paint some of our rooms inside. We had a relative over to help. As we are painting, I look over and he is using my good shirt as a paint shirt. The shirt was folded on top of the dog cage in a totally different area than where we were painting. Never asked if it was o.k. When I discovered "the rag", I very kindly said, "Oh, I think you are using my shirt instead of a rag." I went to soak the shirt to try and get paint off. Person asks what I was doing, so I tell. Next morning, person had gotten up before us to clean. He had dumped out the shirt and it was sitting on the counter. I again said, this needs to stay wet until I can clean it better. He just looks at me. As I am leaving to go somewhere, I can't find my coat. Person says, "Maybe it is soaking in the bowl". Grrrrr...... No, I'm sorry. Nothing. If you make a mistake, own it and apologize. I have tried to get this shirt clean. No avail. I realize it is just a stupid shirt. But I had only worn it once. It matched perfectly with a skirt I got. Moral: Don't leave clothes out when you are having people paint. *sigh*

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