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Posts posted by pink&bluemommy

  1. Yeah, I'm guessing he is just more resilient!  We're waiting to see if anyone else falls prey.  Company is waiting to decide!  My back feels a little achey and I feel tired, but I wonder if I'm thinking about it too much.  And I didn't sleep too much last night worrying about him, etc (even though he slept just fine!).  


    I'm not sure that this child has ever had a flu vaccine?  We have only had them very rarely.  Hmmm, maybe we did, I vaguely might remember getting him one and me one his first year, so that would have been late 2009.  I bet the other kids didn't get one though (though maybe they have had 1-2 flu shots in their life).

  2. So, yesterday ds (4) started running a fever and very lethargic, and even took a nap (never happens!).  I made an appointment to go to the dr at 5.  He started complaining of a sore throat before we went.  They did a throat culture and flu swab.  He came back positive for strep and negative to flu.  But the dr said if he left the flu it might come back positive after an hour or two (the fast test frequently was coming back negative for them).  He gave me a prescription for the strep, and for flu (semmetrol) and for nausea (ds threw up once at the doctors, I think more as a gaggy on adenoids thing, he never complained of stomach hurting and has been eating just fine).  Anyhow, they did call me back an hour or two later and said the flu test had turned positive.  But, pretty much as soon as we left the drs he has perked up.  This morning he is acting completely fine.  His throat doesn't hurt, he isn't lethargic, I'm guessing he isn't running a fever.  I'm wondering if they screwed up the labs in the office (they did have to redo the strep swab cause someone threw it away before they had cultured it).  He just doesn't seem sick enough to have the flu.  Woudl the antivirals start working that quickly (he had one does before bed last night).  I believe the strep, his throat was nasty and the fever was more on strep level than flu level (101 or less).


    Why I'm probably more curious and questioning is we are supposed to have family coming to stay at our house Wednesday for 5 days.  I'm just  not sure what we are really dealing with here!  Could he really have the flu and feel this good?

  3. Which one? And then you need to update when you've used it!


    Ok, DH and I went to BBB today to look at toaster ovens. He went right to the Breville and he compared all the rest of the toaster ovens to the Breville.


    We got the Breville. :laugh:


    We did have a 20% off coupon.


    He seemed quite excited that it could cook two 9" pizzas at once! :w00t:

  4. A friend of mine has had some issues with her bosch recently, she even got a new shaft (they have changed the design a bit to make it sturdier) but still had to send the machine in cause the new shaft didn't totally fix it.  Its only a 3 year warranty.  She has done some digging and some machines from five years ago have had some problems.  She has been borrowing mine to keep herself in homemade bread.

  5. So, my husband spent too much time buying himself things with his Christmas money (from my parents) to have thought about what to get me (and he insists that I have something) to get me something that I really want (etsy jewelry).  I'm a little ticked.  I don't like buying things to buy something.  So, if you know of something I should want for Christmas, let me know!  Haha!  Just a little irritated!  We do have amazon prime.  I like cute fun rings/pendants.  My problem with rings is I'm solidly a 6.5 which can be tricky.

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