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Posts posted by pink&bluemommy

  1. I really like Food Rules by Pollan, makes a lot of sense.


    I also like this website: wordofwisdomliving.com (makes a lot of sense even if not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I especially found this post interesting about sugar: http://www.wordofwisdomliving.com/home/sugar-and-addiction.html

    He talks about limiting sugar to 2tbsp a day. Honestly that sounds like a lot of sugar but it is surprising what we eat that has sugar in it!

  2. In our church (I'm LDS/Mormon/whatever you want to call it), we believe that we will be blessed when we give to the Lord. I know we have been blessed by paying our tithing, the money needed has always been there even when a little tight. Of course we weren't eating out like crazy or anything during our tight times.

  3. Sounds like my 2.5 year old. HOnestly he is still pretty bad. Tantrums frequently. VERY MUCH DISLIKES daddy if I am around. Behaves tolerably with daddy if I leave. Honestly I have to get out without him frequently cause the leg hugging just drives me crazy! I feel like I have missed out on a lot with this baby, but am too afraid to have another cause he was so high needs (and still is). I keep hoping it ends soon!

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