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Posts posted by pink&bluemommy

  1. No chewing gum.  He eats dairy, red meat, and probably all those things above without a problem most times.  We did have frozen orange chicken last night, and we have it somewhat regularly, though I never have been able to pinpoint the culprit because I wasn't paying attention.  We will see I guess.  For the most part I make everything from scratch except on rare occasions.

  2. The child is a boy, 8 years old.  This seems to occur about monthly.  He will wake up, eat and then start complaining of nausea/stomach pain around his belly button.  He will be hungry and eat normally throughout the day but tends to have worse pains after eating something.  He doesn't throw up or have diarrhea during these occurrences.  I haven't done anything to track food/digestion to this point.  Before this current bout (today), I always thought it was a little constipation.  He has been going regularly this past week, but did struggle with a little constipation at the beginning of last week at the start of our vacation.  The past few days he has been a little weepy, depressed, and anxious, particularly at bedtime.  The stomach pain will kind of come and go throughout the day.  He manages to play outside some, and jump on our indoor trampoline at times.  We do use some essential oils so when he has one of these, i tend to start on the digestzen on the stomach for the nausea/pain and some onguard on his feet because I'm never quite sure if its a bug or one of his bouts when it starts off.  I've been googling today and am pondering a few things, but thought I'd see if it triggered anything in your mothering experiences.  I've started a food/poop/feelings/pain journal for him to see if anything jumps out as a trigger.

  3. So, if I give him a few sounds he can come up with the word, at least three letter ones.  I've been trying it out here and there.  I think we will get there.  And he has an ophthalmologist appointment in a couple weeks too just to be on the safe side.

  4. I've had mine since January 1.  I LOVE it!  My goal is 10,000 a day.  I generally get 3500 in the morning before breakfast between the treadmill and 30 minutes of strength training/yoga.  Then I seem to easily get the rest in naturally through the day.  Occasionally I have to hop on the treadmill at night for a little while.  I've just kind of told myself I can't go to bed/relax for the evening till I've hit 10,000.  It works for me.

  5. I know my son is young to be asking this about really in the scheme of things (he turned five in May), but we haven't really made any progress in reading/blending.  I tried to start Phonics Pathways this year, but he couldn't even blend the two sounds so I took it back to the library.  I decided he still needed some work on letter sounds so we started the AAR Pre-level about 3-4 weeks ago.  Its going well, he actually likes it (though has had a hard time rhyming).  Additionally we have been reading the I am Sam readers (we got to about 7-8) and then this week we were going back to one and reading one a day.  So, yesterday, we were reading the word am.  I was helping him blend (he really just wants to guess) and we're saying aaaammmm and then he continues on with the sounding on his own and guesses mat.  He does wear glasses and has an astigmatism (in both eyes).  I have made him an appointment with the ophthalmologist (he has only ever been to an optometrist) to check out his eyes sometimes turning in.  Maybe he needs to go to the doctors that also do vision therapy.  Maybe he just needs to mature?  


    I have a hard time being patient, both of my other two I taught to read using 100 Easy Lessons (but that didn't work for Paul and looking at it again I'm not sure it would work right now either) and they were reading well before Kindergarten.  And I'm trying not to jump all over the place since we just started the AAR.  I mean, i didn't learn to read until the end of kindergarten (and was chosen to be part of a group to learn to read early, mid-80s).  So I don't want to stress him out if he's not ready.  But if there is something wrong it seems like it would be good to start working n it now.


    Advice?  Encouragement?  All accepted!

  6. We've used and loved all of real science odyssey level 1! I've thought about noeo physics but that particular one seems to be the least liked. So I'm just not sure where to go next. I am interested in doing the rainbow curriculum in a year or two but I need something in particular for the 6th grader until then. May redo chemistry real science odyssey with my two youngest next year. Just for a little more info.

  7. Preferably together.  I am happy to do it with them - they don't have to do it independently, but I just don't have the time to piece something together.  I would like to do lots of experiments, but I don't want to have to go find all the little obscure dodads that might be necessary (and add up expense wise) so an option of adding on an experiment kit would be nice.  I don't want apologia or elemental science, Christian or secular I could go either way.

  8. I got an email back saying their was a corrections file on their website for some of the quizzes (the link to it wasn't working but she sent me the file in an email.  I guess I would expect a letter be sent about corrections at least when buying curriculum).  It still didn't address the material not read from Usborne but experiments done and definitions written.  She said there was a lot of other information in Usborne.  I guess I still think they could say read the upper left corner of page 88 about air pressure and not have to read the whole two page spread.  We will keep up with it this year since I spent a good bit of money on it, but will probably be looking for something else next year.

  9. I sent them an email today after being less than impressed and wondered what other people's experiences had been with the program.  Here is the info I sent:


    I purchased physics for the grammar stage to use for my third and sixth grade kids.  We have just started week 2 and I have found some errors or mistakes in grouping assignments.  We are following the two days per week schedule.  Week 1 day 1 the kids are asked to define gas (which is covered in day 2s reading - yes I could give them the definition but it would be better the next day).  In the quiz for week 1 the kids are asked to circle the two main components of air (material which is covered in week 2 day 1).  For week 2's assignments the kids are asked to define air pressure and do experiments about air pressure but are not asked to read the section in Usborne ABOUT air pressure.  If I wanted to correct and do this much work to figure out what ya'll are doing, I wouldn't have had to buy your materials - I just could have bought Usborne and the experiment books and put it together myself.  I bought this to make it easier on me - open and go.  It would be nice if you sent out a corrections sheet if ya'll have found and correlated any of these mistakes already.  But I'm just into week 2 so I have no idea what I will find later on.  I had heard good things about you guys and was excited to start this, but even the kids miss our old science (R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey - though I had no other choice but to switch since the don't have physics).  I'm sure I can muddle our way through this year's curriculum (I do have an engineering degree background to fall back on), but I sure thought it would be easier.

  10. All of my places are stand in line and order places, whatever that is called.


    We can split three of the waffle sandwiches from that place in Liberty square for our family of 5, three kids - two of whom already eat like adults!


    Yak & Yeti was easily splitable.  A couple meals and some egg rolls is plenty.


    The Epcot Mexican place is a good value - the nachos are HUGE!  Easily enough for two adults.


    I thought the pizza at Pizza Planet was quite good and HUGE.  Two pizzas fed me and my three kids.


    Don't forget about the free soda at club cool at Epcot!

  11. There will probably be a shared drive on the ship (or at least so many sailors with external hard drives) that he can probably watch whatever show/movie he wants to and download any music and books too.  My husband also got access to Rosetta Stone.  And those monthly port visits (more or less) are plenty frequent to update or get new downloads from wifi.  For the shared drive/external hard drive stuff your husband might want to have a laptop too.  We are almost 5 months down for our deployment.

  12. Probably something I can pick up at Target.  I have terribly thick hair (its long currently but I am getting 12 inches chopped Wednesday).  I want a blow dryer that gets hot and has a high air flow.  So, what's your favorite?

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