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Everything posted by Leonana

  1. Paula's Choice products worked for me, specifically the beta hydroxy lotion. http://www.cosmeticscop.com/acne-and-acne-treatment.aspx
  2. I am in a similar situation. My dh lived on his own for 17 years before we married, yet he got us into debt over and over again. It's almost like an addiction. Although, his family was not rich. My dh's spending is on get rich quick schemes, so I think it has more to do with self-image. Anyway, in our case there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. With the slowdown in the economy, our credit is really bad. He can't get any more credit, and he sees that there are no more bailouts, since we've exhausted all of them. For the first time in our 11 year marriage, I really see change in his attitude towards money. Of course, we have little money for retirement and dd's education, but at least I can sleep at nights. So you never know, there is hope! So true!
  3. One of the reasons I chose SL is that the Bible is separate from the history/lit. There are areas where I usually disagree with the interpretation of the curriculum author. I like to do my own Bible study.
  4. I like the Living Math website. My dd loves living math books, and they help to cement the concepts. There is also suggestions for games. www.livingmath.net
  5. I taught my dd to read using a combination of phonics and sight words. If I had used phonics only, I don't think she would have learned to read, or at the very least enjoyed it. I believe she is one of those 30-40% that pick up the patterns naturally. What I haven't seen addressed is that there are kids who do not do well with phonics only, and my dd was one of them. I think she is a whole to parts learner, and Reading Reflex, combined with the Pathway Readers, worked well with her. She is 9, but reads at a middle school level, perhaps even high school. She can read new words, even difficult ones. I asked her how she learned them, and she said closed captioning. I have a hearing problem, and she watches all of her shows with cc. I had to admit, it made me laugh.
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