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Everything posted by praisefor3

  1. do you do formal math instruction/curriculum with your 4th - 6th grade dc (during your school year)?
  2. I did an internship there for 5 months during my senior year of college. What a wonderful country and there is a great and strong group of missionaries of several different denominations. I worked with Southern Baptists and always thought I'd go back but haven't been yet. Praying for his safe arrival.
  3. I want to plan each subject individually (in detail each day) but with no dates and then be able to pull from each subject and combine all subjects on one page with calendar dates. Hope that makes sense. So if I plan out Algebra and then plan out Geography, then say I want Algebra 5 days a week and I want Geography MWF, will it put it on a calendar for me?
  4. whether they are written out or on computer...What do you do when you take an unexpected day off? I would really like to map out the whole year for each subject this year but I don't quite know how to handle variances. I know some of you are great about not letting anything change your plans but we just aren't that way. I would definitely change plans if an unexpected relative or opportunity came our way so I'm not sure how to make these flexible. And what if we decide to focus that day on more math and don't do history? Then PART of the day is off schedule but the rest is on. Forgive my "stuck in a box" thinking and help me solve what is probably a minor issue but seems rather big to me at this moment.
  5. Child #3 is the first one to not have started ps kindergarten so I'm looking at options out there. If you used a specific curriculum, can you tell me which one? I wanted to do this in poll format but I'm not familiar with all the choices so I couldn't list the options. Repeat answers would be great as I'd really like to know which ones stand out. (And, of course, if you used one that didn't work for you I'd like to know that, too!) Thank you! And, of course, the title which I apparently can't edit, should say "use" not "us." Sorry!
  6. If you have no one to pass it to, then, yes, I agree with getting rid of it. In my case, my wedding dress is one of the most special items I have. My mother made it for her wedding in 1953. It is beautiful satin and gorgeous. It cost her $18.00. My sister had it slightly updated in 1974 for her own wedding. I then did little to it in 1987 for my own. At that point we realized the gown had cost each of us $6. I enjoyed putting a note in the wedding program about the history of the dress. Then in 2003 my niece wanted to wear the dress. At this point it was obvious it needed updating. My sister put a couple hundred dollars in it (not sure exactly) and had the dress updated. The top is somewhat different, beads were added, but the same basic "core" is still my mom's. The investment of the dress went up but my own daughter can't wait to wear the dress, too, meaning it's value will once again increase! :) Most of all, I love knowing we have something so special as my mom has passed away. Without that meaning, though, and especially without someone to pass it to, the dress would not be meaningful or worth saving. We are especially thankful for it as my niece's house (the last to wear the dress) was flooded by Hurricane Katrina and the dress would have no doubt been ruined. Thankfully it had been moved from her house before Katrina was even on the horizon.
  7. We've used Singapore for 3 years but I wasn't aware there were game cd's! Can you link me to these? I'd really be interested. Thanks!
  8. more blue than purple so DH could handle it. I LOVE it. Everytime I walk in their I feel peaceful and it reminds me of seaside and adirondack chairs and big porches with rockers on them. I don't know if that is conducive to learning but it definitely gives good feelings!
  9. Just amoxicillin because he has only been on an antibiotic a few times in his life and in those few times never had any trouble responding. None of my kids has ever even had an ear infection which I understand is quite rare so they are definitely not antibiotic resistance.
  10. DD10 has had allergies in the past. However, it seemed like for the last couple years he was much better and we stopped his maintenance dose of zyrtec. Little did I know that he was just tolerating symptoms that became "the norm" and was dealing with a lot of head congestion - just no dripping nose, which would have been obvious. Yesterday he woke up with 102 fever, very sore throat, head ache and throwing up. Thinking it was strep we went to the doctor. Strep was negative but ped diagnosed him very clearly with a severe sinus infection. One nostril completely swollen shut, etc. He said that in 24 hours after starting the antibiotic ds would feel much better and by Monday morning ds would be ready to go to camp! Last night ds's fever reached 104.3. We got the fever down. When he woke up this morning it was 101.5. Tonight fever was 103.5 after 2 hours on his maximum dosage of Advil! Fever is coming down again but...obviously no camp for him tomorrow. Any thoughts on what is going on? Is antibiotic not working? Could there be something else I'm missing? The sinuses are clearly infected. But why isn't my guy going to be better in time for camp? Any input would be greatl appreciated.
  11. that ds5th could read this summer? I really don't want to do a whole unit on this as it doesn't "fit" with my plans. However, I also don't want to miss this opportunity for him to learn about the process "live." Any suggestions on factual books that a 5th grade boy might enjoy?
  12. Yes, I was referring to Sonlight Science for grade 5 which is mostly on the human body, although like the pp mentioned, there is this strange diversion to word processing. I think some of the books have changed this year. These are the books that are now used:The Boy's Body book, Almost 12, Food & Nutrition for every kid, Improve your survival skills, Dry Bones, The Human Body, The History of Medicine, Blood & Guts, Intro to Word Processing, and Usborne internet linked Complete Book of the Human Body. I have never used Sonlight before and, actually, have never used a "package" like this before. The thing that appealed to me about God's Design was that it seemed more simple and something I could add to rather than spending $150 (120 if I order from Rainbow except the IG.) But if the SL program is really great then I can do this. I just don't want to end up not using it. I will definitely go to the blog and look at what has worked. I was hoping that God's Design was my answer but I definitely don't want dry and boring. And I'm not real good at knowing how to "spice" like some people are. Thank you for the help.
  13. Science 5 (human anatomy) or God's Design for Life. Oh please oh please could you compare these two? Or just the pros and cons of one of them? It is my final elementary decision I have to make! Thank you!
  14. $12-22 is a very small price to pay to leave a good impression on another business and to make your sign look its best. I wish all my lessons learned only cost me twenty bucks. :)
  15. I guess some Blockbusters are owned differently (a corporate store versus a franchise.) Our Blockbuster decided to go back to the OLD policy and we, of course, did not take the time to read all the signs, knowing the new rule. So when they tried to charge us a fee the first time we took advantage of the grace period we thought still existed and they said we should have read the signs...I had a discussion with our 18 year old salesperson until she recognized that they should wave our fee "just this time."
  16. 1. When I look at it at the hs conferences the vendor makes it sound like I need to spend $1000 (or maybe $10,000:)) on videos. 2. It seems like I need a year just to review and learn the program by myself before I can even use it with kids. Considering that I relish even having the time to eat breakfast when it happens, I don't see being able to spend this much time learning this program. 3. I have a masters in education. I made the highest score in grammar on the act that is possible to make. Yet I shudder in my boots when I even hear the letters IEW in that order because I feel woefully less than able to get ahold of all that IEW tries to teach. Now keep in mind that I have only been hsing 3 years. My oldest is a senior this year and my youngest is 3. I have read this board faithfully since the beginning and it seems like some people "get" IEW and some people don't. I think I must just be in that "don't" category as I have WANTED to like it, use it, understand it but, honestly, the marketing of this program tends to make the new learner very overwhelmed. I guess I am drawn to WWE even though, (another frank admission), I do not care for SOTW, because it sounds...so...simple. Start here...teach this...have them write this...I don't have to watch hours of dvd's or understand Andrew Pudewa concepts or be able to know what order it all comes in because it starts with 1 and goes from there. :) I truly say this in a rare moment of confession and not in wanting to slam IEW. It just finally feels good to say that (and I'm sure this is only a reflection on me) IEW overwhelms me and I just haven't been able to get it. :001_huh: Oh...and thank you for all your help over these last 3 years that I have read in silence but applied in many ways. And, yes, I do use VP Bible...but it did take me awhile to "get" that, too. :)
  17. I did not do a good job of teaching writing in the last 3 years (when we started hsing.) It has taken me awhile to grasp this concept. DD10 is very strong on grammar - but not so much on writing. I've ordered WWE but not received it yet but I THINK it sounds like I will be able to use the text as a foundation for knowing how and what to teach and will just jump in wherever I think we are ready to start. I did not order any workbooks as I worried he would think they were too young. Just wondering if anyone else is going to use WWE for older grades and what your plan is.
  18. She LOVED Notgrass American History and certainly learned more in that year than in all previous years in ps. It is chronological...but it also comes from a Biblical worldview so I don't know if that is something you want or not. It does require reading but it is relatively easy reading and a pick up and go book. He might really enjoy it.
  19. We started hsing when middle ds was starting 2nd grade. After researching I decided on Rod & Staff. You have to realize that he had been indoctrinated enough that anything pertaining to "school" was not a good thing. Still we started with R&S 2. Other than cutting back on some of the exercises and using the workbook so he didn't have to write as much of the grammar, we followed it all the way through. We then did R&S 3 and R&S 4 in subsequent years. Now we are about to start 5th grade. It became an easy habit that he never questioned doing. I have been amazed at how much he learned during those years (don't tell HIM) and how good he is with grammar. It came easily to him during that time. Because we have such a good grammar base, I have now decided to take THIS year off of grammar - sort of. We are going to do LLATL to focus more on writing and reading as well as adapt some of SWB's new writing textbook in places I think he is weak. (He loves to read but we probably did not do enough dictation/narration in his first years since I was new to hsing.) The grammar in LLATL will be a breeze for him so he'll have something easy but the writing and literature studies will help him a lot. We will eventually pick R&S 5 back up, which I think is pretty advanced anyway and since we will probably stop at R&S7 I have plenty of tiime. With my next one I will follow a similar pattern but begin the writing focus earlier. HTH.
  20. I have a thousand dollar order so I compared everything with Amazon and CBD using a chart (and the sick part is I actually enjoy doing this!) and...hands down RR was cheaper on 99% of the items. I've found if it is more of a book not necessarily specifically for hsing, Amazon can be cheaper. But otherwise I was blown away how much I saved with RR on the whole order. When I do have some things for CBD that I want to order I put enough of the items that are the same price as RR into my cart, along with the specific CBD things I want, to reach the level I need for free shipping (assuming I have a code) and I'll do the same for Amazon if I've been waiting to collect but then the rest comes from RR.
  21. We aren't typical Sonlight users. In fact, the only thing I've ordered from them is the microscope. But I do like looking at the catalog. We are considering using the 5th grade science for ds5th this year. DH thought that the program seemed a "bit much" but I'm thinking it could be a good fit. Either way, how difficult would it be for us to just pull out this one subject for ds and be able to use it having never used Sonlight before? And is this specific one a quality course?
  22. 600 count 100% Egyptian cotton king sheet set (includes sheets only) for $68. Would you buy???
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