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Everything posted by TulaneMama

  1. trying to make travel plans and squezzing in some more schooling while we are on the road. any subject.
  2. I am struggling with when to go over DSs work with him and have him do the corrections. He is doing very well working independently and I want to continue to foster this in him. However, we do still need to go over his work and I would like him to make corrections to some of his assignments. What works for your family? Do I set aside a day to do this with him? Do I correct it at night and then go over it all with him first thing in the morning? Do I correct it as soon as he finishes it (give him a few minutes of free time) and then have him sit back down and go over it with me? I just do not know.
  3. http://www.sfreading.com/resources/ghbgrd5.html# DS likes the worksheets. Easy grammar seems very similar and I am just wondering if I should move over to the program or stick with the Scott Foresman grammar. thoughts?
  4. DS is taking violin, but i can't seem to fit in actual studies of composers or types of music. should I worry about this? he is 10 and in 5th grade.
  5. wanted to ask though, about Grammar Land...our grammar work does not follow the order of of Grammar Land...just have him read a few chapters a week?
  6. thank you eternalknot. Jean in MO we have to have reading as a seperate subject that is taught...makes it interesting sometimes.
  7. okay - i will give it a shot this week. I think that I will use Grammar Tales as a teaching lesson before DS dpoes his grammas assignment, but that I will also have him read from grammar land on his own. thanks for the ideas.
  8. subbing...not that we will be doing it in 2.5 months (that is AWFULLY fast) but am interested in ideas on the highlights of the time period.
  9. my girly learns differently than my DS. She is all about the glitz and glamour and hands on activites. I am not sure where to begin with her but am already imagining doing things differently with her. And I will need to pull DD2 in eventually. learn to read in 100 easy lessons and I think I will stick with MUS Primer and HWOT. the rest is a mystery!
  10. :lol: grammar land seems age appropriate for DS. i ordered grammar tales based on rec's here and it seems very juvenile but some of you have mentioned how you were able to incorporate it into your lessons, withg wolder kiddos. DS is 10 and in 5th grade. Just wondering how I could use these resources. do we read a little every day? include the book as we reach the parts of speech in his current lessons?
  11. I agree with the previous poster. DS is doing the work from web from a free site and he is really enjoying it. And learning which is most important. Just go with it and enjoy the process!
  12. Just looking for something for the last few chapters; starting at chapter 32. TIA!
  13. For a Reading requirement for the state. The laws are vague as to what reading constitutes. Excelled 5th grader
  14. Other than reading and reading comprehension. I am looking for something to do with my son to cover this course and to change things up a bit for us. I was thinking of possibly doing something about the newspaper. I remember doing a project in school where we had to clip parts out of a newspaper from each section and glue and paste them onto paper and then put them into a binder. I think that we also had to summarize the passages. I do not fully remember what we did. Anyways, this is a possibility and it is all that I have come up with so far. IDEAS: *Newspaper Study
  15. it really would! just imagine the day. We do soo much reading as is, but it just seems silly to have to do something twice when what we are studying and learning is substantial.
  16. When your child reads a book about a related history subject, do you count that as both History AND Reading? For instance, DS just sat down and read a book about George Washington as part of our history studies. We also have a book, Johnny Tremain, that DS is going to read. Just wondering if I can kill two birds with one stone.
  17. okay erin - i think this might be where we are. I am going to try having DS put sentences back together and throw some long and challenging ones his way. We both get it and understand the parts of speech and how to diagram.
  18. yep - this is what I am learning here. It is just hard for me to imagine a court viewing this the same wasy as I do though. It is schooling and learning to me and should count. So many people who are not in the HS world disagree.
  19. would I put that under science for the most part? i guess it would depend on what activity id done and discussed each week.
  20. wow! how silly of me - I never thought of doing it that way!
  21. perhaps, smrtmama, we need to do more work on incorrect sentences. Diagramming, at this point, is monotonous and neither of us is enjoying it. He understands it, I understand it, but that is it. It seems like a waste of time. Maybe we also need harder sentences to diagram. something that would pose a challenge.
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