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Everything posted by momee

  1. J. Jill. I would shop there all the time if I were a working mom. Their wearever line is pricey but SUPER comfortable and in my opinion, very classy but still casual for work. http://www.jjill.com/jjillonline/product/product.aspx?item=H9078C&rPFID=1257&sk=N&h=N Soo flattering with a tunic or if you're able to get by with it, a blouse. Beautiful fit I think. They just fall perfectly on lots of body types. The slim leg outfit on page 2 of the "banner" ad thingie is very nice, I think. http://www.jjill.com/jjillonline/prodnav/grid.aspx?pfid=1257&sk=N&h=N&click=header_SWN
  2. It's cauliflower! My goodness. My line is crossed too. Chatting it up and vulgarity belong on fbk - not a food site. What do I know, I'm old now?
  3. "You know what's actually pretty frickin' awesome? Cauliflower. " bon appetit website. That's the best intro they could come up with?
  4. That's strange, Rootann because I did the exact same thing, closed about 10 since last summer - I did it slowly over time. My score increased. Probably various other factors we aren't considering making each scenario different I guess. I'm not expert obviously, just sharing since it's a common thing people have said to me - beware of closing the accounts. Tricky and I'm sure it's all to the benefit of the banks, lol.
  5. I admitted a while ago on these very forums my issues with credit spending. I'd open an account - department store - get 15% off for opening account, spend, idk, 50% more than I would have with cash. I would then pay interest for the next year because I could only pay back $25 $30 per month. My financial habits are vastly improved all around. I've studied HARD and fought to change. But mostly wanted to debunk the myth that closing an account will hurt your score. Just sharing...
  6. And my score, finally, is better than it has ever been. I was careful to keep my oldest account open. We are under a relatively brand new mortgage so that old account and this new mortgage average average together to result in a poor rating in the "age of credit history" category. Only time can fix that one. Yes, it's true that closing them did cause a temporary score reduction (during which I panicked slightly) - so beware of that if you're about to get a new mortgage or other loan. But once it rebounded, it did so exponentially. It was only a couple months tops too and I just wanted to share it was a really great move. Hope this helps someone out there who was listening to myths like I was.
  7. Given society today, I don't think I'd put that much weight on the positives of "socialization". If "What I learned in Kindergarten" posters are true, you can learn all that in a Sunday School class or a lunch out and a trip to the mall every once in a while. Having homeschooled for the last...idk...15 years...socialization is small on my personal worry list.
  8. My 14 year old said mom, just because someone said something does not make it true. Wisdom.
  9. Have you ever just felt like retreating from people? I mean I am super outgoing, in my own humble :) opinion friendly, and generally don't have issues with folks. Oh my goodness. The pettiness and outright rudeness of some people lately has me feeling like one of those women who say - oh no, I don't do girlfriends, women are mean. They really can be~
  10. We got a Pottery Barn comfort roll I think it's called. REALLY wish we hadn't gotten a sectional, but love it otherwise.
  11. I get mine at J. Jill. Expensive but if you get with a sale - like right now they have 30% off, they aren't too terrible. Love their tunics over leggings look.
  12. The lists in WTM are pretty specific. Work through the whole theme...Ancients, medieval, Early or late am history - pair up with a SOTW audio volume in the car and you're golden, lol. In theory.
  13. I'd look at booklists from tons of curricula providers Veritas Press Sonlight Barefoot Ragamuffin - Wayfarers Biblioplan Tapestry of Grace Well Trained Mind Ambleside Online Memoria Press there is soo much out there. I just noticed there are a ton of books for sale on the used curricula pages right now. LOTS of historical fiction!
  14. I am not on facebook but would like to post quite a few Memoria Press items for sale from multiple cores. Would someone please be so kind as to post a link to the facebook group I can sell curricula to? The only one I keep finding is their official page and I know that's not the correct one. Also is there a Sonlight page to do the same?
  15. Where to go on the central east coast - kayaks, possibly ok with camping, no bugs, great seafood, reasonable distance to city life, beaches a plus Just looking for a week of peaceful family fun.
  16. Trader Joes use by date said 3/13. They were slimy when I opened the package (probably from smushed pea yuck). Rinsed them and they almost all look plump and pretty. I am so sad I forgot them, in the tiniest bag behind the orange juice - :(
  17. I'd love something with a simple, natural, homemaker theme. Gardening, home made pantry, healthy cooking, house management, entertaining. You know - being a housewife stuff :)
  18. Hope this doesn't sound like bragging, we've been in a small home inside a development for 22 years and have finally moved out into some open space and have LOTS of area to fill (imagine barren brown clay dirt - that was our yard!) so I have a ton to do. Front yard planted and mulched with 6 beds - various things...Buxus Dee Runk, Otto Lukens, Spireas, Iteas, Caryopteris, Crepe Myrtles, Miscanthus, Thuja Green Giants, River Birches, Amelanchiers, Vitex, Hydrangeas, Willow Oaks, Spirea japonicas, Syringas, Knock Out roses, Acubas, Bignonia vines, Virbunums, oh my I can go on and on. Lots of drainage issues still to deal with but the grass is greening up and coming in beautifully! Back yard tho... :) I've been designing, getting ready to order seed and digging in dirt with my "new" used tractor. Can't wait to drop buckets full of beautiful composted topsoil I've had delivered. We have a new construction home and sadly the excavator messed up in the back. An area that was supposed to be a patio is now a huge sloped mess. So I took matters into my own hands and have done the following : I put down landscape fabric in one part planted multiple aromatic sumacs and Grey Owl Junipers there and am currently by hand, unloading a ton - literally the first of 5 or so it will take to complete - of granite football sized rocks to hold the surface. Adjacent to this will be a retaining wall and an adorable boxwood lined herb garden. Behind that I'm planning on making! yes - me! making a painted white picket fence :)))) to surround it. Fruit trees and berry bushes will be along the borders of the fencing. I'm so proud of myself - especially because...I have...never!...grown one thing and eaten it. Plants for decoration - shrubs, etc yes in the old house... BUT never, not once planted anything edible. Can you imagine my excitement at having this experience?????? Woot~
  19. Just my humble opinion but I would leave the siding grey - save the money unless it badly needs it - and paint the trim white. The strong red trim, again only in my opinion, makes the house look smaller. I'd want the trim to accent, but not define. So much potential there and I love! our metal roof on the porch. Sooo pretty to listen to the rain in the summer under that porch :) Ours is a stronger tawny brown with gorgeous white trim. Looks awesome with the trees that surround us~
  20. "Our last system was bought at Best Buy. They are fantastic -- until you walk out the door with your shiny new purchase. Their tech team is not very knowledgeable - at all. I dropped my laptop off for warranty-covered repairs (it's a Lenovo) and they forgot to plug it in, decided to do some updates and drained the battery and still hadn't done the warranty work, so I had to come back to town (we are almost an hour out) another day to pick the system up. We've had other bone-head type issues like that. " Same! Same! Same! Same! You must live near me :(
  21. TheAttachedMama - I just wanted to commend you. I know how much work all of that is! I can imagine the hours you've spent thinking this through and deciding how you want your kids to learn. I know how many distractions there are and I have been around a while. I hope you are enjoying what you do and that your kids are learning a ton. Carry on - sorry for the derail. It just struck me and I wanted to say Yay!!!
  22. I just wanted to confirm your choice. We've done three other students with Saxon and have used Rod and Staff for K, 1 and half of 2 for my youngest. I'm thankful we have the manipulatives - like having everything I need at my fingertips and she likes to "play" with her math toys. I've watched a friend with a dd one year younger zoom past us in both understanding and recall. Just this month I officially dropped Rod and Staff in favor of the Righstart we've been playing around with. I can already (at lesson 22) see an understanding that wasn't there after two years!!!!!! of hard work at worksheets with Rod and Staff. Loved Rod and Staff but for understanding the concept of addition, Rightstart is proving to be the "why" we have been missing. I've also spoken quite a bit with the author of Videotext - the "why guy" and he wholeheartedly encouraged the switch when I told him the youngest wasn't able to explain why 4 plus 3 equals 7, only say answer by rote. Proved his point and confirmed his decision that we needed to switch. HTH
  23. Let's say you were trying to keep a gardening calendar (when to plant what) and keep track of lawn fertilizing needs and want a schedule of when to pay what bills and want to keep track of what to make for dinner next Thurs night for guests and want to note when you should start christmas shopping and when to buy easter candy Would you put ALL THAT on your google or iphone calendar (or paper planner if you use one)? I guess I feel like I just end up overloading my calendar. I have had times where I've missed things because my phone was constantly sending me reminders and I ignored some important ones, lol. I'd like to get more organized so that I'm not reactive/but proactive regarding maintenance, filter changes. I am just not sure how to balance those details with our regular busy family of 7 details. Also, have you found something app wise or software-ish that has helped you become more organized that might help a super busy family?
  24. No microwave here but thanks for taking the time to reply. I added 5 minutes and it turned out fine. The recipe wasn't a hit but the chicken was fully cooked in the time given + 5 mins.
  25. Anyone care to help a newbie out? I didn't plan ahead (whole reason for buying the instapot, lol) Also I've never used before, so may not even be possible...but I'm thinking it would just be a longer cooktime? http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2015/01/30-minute-pressure-cooker-pho-ga-recipe.html
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