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Everything posted by momee

  1. About to place an annual legging and little girl dress order for possibly the last time :) boohoo I know she's gonna grow up and not want to wear those anymore but she still does this season so yay!
  2. Lol. She's still fine. Let me state for the record, I am in no way a proponent of going AGAINST the hive mind on this one, just saying maybe we're all wrong... Same thing with a quiche a few weeks ago. I wanted to let it sit in warm oven a few more minutes to slightly firm up. I forgot it was in there and we found it next morning. This was an egg, sausage and pie crust type thing. I wouldn't touch it, she ate it and had no problems. She also sticks pizza in the oven to store overnight. She's a wild woman! Anyway, not to stir stuff up again, just reporting back she's still alive and kicking :)
  3. Greige or natural clay for exterior siding color of a farmhouse style with a big, deep porch. Greige makes me think of the christmas pottery barn cover - but natural clay is classic and earthy. I can't decide. Counter stools - should they have a back or not? They definitely should swivel, right? I found these - http://www.ballarddesigns.com/marguerite-counter-stool/furniture/category/dining-kitchen/counter-stools/209413 is the price crazy for barstools? I'm thinking it isn't so bad but haven't shopped around in a while. Flooring - I picked maple but contractor is worried it won't take a stain evenly (as per the flooring dude). I dislike the idea of oak because I don't like the super glossy orangeish type I've seen everywhere. I'm going for more of a pottery barn, beach ish look and don't think oak is what I want. Any ideas? Stove will be between two windows. Does it matter if it is a stainless hood or one that matches my cabinets? I'm going for stainless due to expense but worried it might be a bit too shiny with all the windows in the kitchen. Outswing french doors won't have screens. Will I regret this or should I pay $$ to have retractable screens installed? Do I need to go to the plumbing store or is Lowe's fine for our fixtures? I'm thinking of doing greige ish - maple painted cabinets in kitchen. Should I just be normal and stay with off white? Again, going for natural beach-ish look throughout the room (all open spaced dining,kitchen and living area). Those are just a few of the things I can't get clarity on...
  4. She is still living :) No problems at all. I realize this game of intestinal roulette isn't for everyone, lol. I didn't eat any of it and practically smacked it out of a young child's mouth as they were sampling some BUT Granny is doing just fine, thought someone might be curious. Thanks for the input everyone. (Now to deal with Granny who is still - always right)
  5. "Oh my, I would not let her eat it. Things like a GI bug or foodborne illness are particularly tough on older folks. " Lol. Have you tried talking to an 83 year old about food, what is healthy and what is not? This~ particular 83 year old is quick to remind me she lived through the depression and many many years! food was not properly stored and they all survived. I get what you're saying but she'd rather risk sickness than waste food. Different mindset than we have today I think. Interesting...
  6. 83 year old Mother in Law who lives here says no problem. She's going to eat it and if still alive I will report back, lol. Here's the recipe...it is yummo! http://www.plantoeat.com/recipes/1281592
  7. I'll be tossing it. I'm trying to be frugal with food so of course this happens :) I love that you all get that this is a sad thing, lol. Thanks~
  8. Put on counter after dinner (7 or so) to cool, was wrapped and ready to insert in fridge. Come downstairs this morning and it is still waiting for me to put it away :( It is half a 9 x 13 pan of noodles, cream, stock, mushroom, chicken casserole. (dangit!)
  9. Fairfarmhand - that info does not make me any happier :( I am actually realizing how often I have been falling for sneaky labeling.
  10. deleted because I'd only be repeating heresay and have no official facts myself.
  11. My goal is to reduce grocery budget. Saying that straight out so you know where I'm going with my questions. Is Trader Joes/Whole Foods milk any different than say, Wal Mart's? (they both say RBgH not proven to be health issue) How about, say, Egglands Best eggs vs TJs cage free brown eggs? What is the REAL health benefit? Can't a big henhouse full of dead chickens and yucky diseased sick ones still be cage free? I guess what I'm asking for is help in knowing where to put my limited grocery dollars. What makes sense and what is me falling for a marketing ploy? Does that makes sense, I don't know how to word it. I feel like I'm buying some things out of "guilt" because they "look better" but in reality they aren't any healthier than a cheaper option.
  12. My fave http://www.plantoeat.com/recipes/1581251 I love it because it has a deep red wine flavor and after being in the oven for two hours is so fall apart tasty yet the potatoes are still just perfectly done. YUM>need mesome!
  13. http://blog.jennimullinix.com/what-is-a-spirited-child/ A grace filled and encouraging look at handling the challenges that come with kids who need a bit "more" of you. Sooooo remember those days with little ones. Just to encourage, they can grow up and become great friends of yours!! Keep the end in sight and stick to your gut. Courage and peace be yours moms who are battling your emotions and theirs. BTDT and sending hugs today to those of you in the trenches :)
  14. Chris in Va - hope I'm not derailing but have you read Getting Things Done? Either you have and you're restating some of the things you've learned or you haven't and might really enjoy it. He talks so much about the clutter in our mind and how it keeps us prisoners from fully concentrating. go to google search and type David Allen and watch any of his video introductions about his method. He talks about things that are on our minds as psychic real estate. I wonder what that would look like if we had a thread where women just do that mental "dump" of our psychic real estate. The boards would explode, lol. So back to the OP = remembering to slow down and not let everything roll together might help. Take one issue at a time? I know when I "go off" on dh or the kids - its really because everything has become too much and I'm about to explode. Just a thought to try to help...
  15. When you figure out that secret you can let the rest of us in on it :) I don't give myself enough credit by thinking after 21 years of marriage/parenting I've gotten any better but I know I have. Age helps tremendously. I think we mellow as we get older and realize those things will happen. If you let them get to you - they surely will. (Speaking as one who is dealing with alot of things falling in the dump lately - I'm exhausted and can't worry about each one. I'm learning my peace and rest has SO MUCH to do with what I allow to fire me up. I think it takes practice - tuning that stuff out and simply fixing the problem as best you can instead of reacting emotionally to all of it.)
  16. So great to hear I've inspired you, Scarlett. It is not for the faint of heart nor is it easy. I actually toy with not upping my game and doing more because it is so stressful. I work HARD the whole time. I also don't think it is something you will get paid to do unless you have done quite a few. That takes time. Start volunteering now, folks are always glad to have help with the reception/food/setup then you'll get your feet wet and see if the whole business is something you'd like to be around. My best advice is don't attempt the ceremony coordination until you're very familiar with protocol. Those duties are so important and require someone knowing what they're doing. Not that you don't - just that it takes time to learn to manage folks to follow you in that setting. Anyone can tell people where to line up - it is a whole 'nother thing getting everyone to quietly do it on time ;)
  17. I do not like it AT ALL. What are my options? (this is a boxed medium brown from Loreal or something simple like that)
  18. "And they are definitely take no prisoners type of people <grin>" Met a few of those myself (remember the one who scared the little flower girl?) Most likely they're not getting paid. People with bad attitudes won't be asked to do another wedding~that stuff REALLY matters when getting recommended by word of mouth. I don't want a single person at any wedding I've done to talk about my attitude. That's very important to me.
  19. "if you've ever been to a larger wedding with a lot of costs, you honestly might not have any idea IF they used a coordinator or not. Event professionals, at least the ones worth their salt, are like ninjas. They do their work seamlessly and without guests needing to take notice. They dress to blend in and they don't chat or dawdle. " Exactly my goal. I do not want any random guest to know I'm the wedding planner. Sometimes its obvious, like in the wedding I mentioned upthread about having to cross the horse track with the whole party, but even then my orders were quiet and my intentions were to keep focus off me. In the case of the wrong seating - that stuff needs to be worked out beforehand as much as possible. There are usually very limited seats that are in the important places, so I ensure everyone knows who is sitting where at the rehersal. That issue very much should have been clarified beforehand. You are right about getting a family member involved. Just because I get a family member to help doesn't mean I haven't done my job though. Finding out who the right :) family member to handle the issue is still me working for the benefit of the bride, kwim? It is a skill dealing with family matters but I guarantee they are present and need to be dealt with at EVERY wedding I've done. Some more extreme than others. In the case of a drunken guest - you work AROUND them. Having the bartender aware that cutoff of alcohol is a good thing usually eliminates too much of that. Alot of times drunks at weddings are happy and not too much trouble. Its more the late night issues that pop up and even then, rarely.
  20. I'm sorry to give that impression, I am giving a lot more written info than I planned to about this, trying to be as clear as I can. With a planner things would be easier on a bride and her family - not necessarily the case that without one it would be a stress filled disaster. I'm not saying anything like what you've insinuated. I appreciate your comments though. Thank you for participating in the thread. Anyhow, Seasider - yes exactly this... "OP, could you describe your target market a little more clearly? Do you work mostly with brides/moms who cannot or choose not to hire a full-time professional wedding planner? So they may be more cost sensitive than I assumed in my original response?" My target market is a bride who is not in the market for someone to hold their hand with all the pre-wedding details and shopping and picking out of decor. USUALLY but not always it is a cost decision. Full on event planners are quite expensive in this area. WAY higher than my fee. My target bride is one who probably has help, is confident in her ability to plan/decorate/organize, but does NOT want her mom or her other female friends to be "working" on her day. She wants them at her side, enjoying being a guest at her wedding, not helpers. The ones who have helpers (lots of cousins/friends/whatever who don't mind setting up, serving food, working with vendors/whatever) won't hire me because they don't need the help. Not because they're incompetent but because they are completely capable and have the workforce to handle it. I'm happy for them and wouldn't even want to take on a wedding like that. I'd be in the way and probably resented anyway, kwim? (WHY is she here when all of us are doing this?) Wow, I never would have guessed you all would be so interested. Weddings are a TRIP! So many emotions, so much money/time has been spent and it is a once in a lifetime (I hope and pray) for my bride. WHATEVER I have to do to help her that's what I do. You wouldn't believe some of the stories~
  21. At $16 - $25 a plate, dinner alone could quickly run you up in budget. Wedding dresses (I'm sure there are many who found one at Goodwill or Great Aunt Sarah handstitched it, kwim) are upwards of $750 - $5,000. Usually a locale around here that is something other than a church is roughly $2500 - $4000 to rent. Then you still have dishes, linens, silver, glasses, etc. Last wedding I did the family spent about $10,000. They had catered dinner with bbq and brisket and sides (not good food but a good caterer by reputation, it was just off that night I guess), the bride did ALL of the work herself, they rented the locale, paid the photographer (who forgot! to include formal pics of the bride with her parents :( - I didn't catch it because they didn't feel they needed to give me the photo list - can you imagine not getting a picture of you and your daughter?), they paid the DJ, had cocktail hour with two drink choices, the brides parents did all the flowers themselves and we all helped setup/breakdown. The $4000 got them the location. The manager on duty showed us where the kitchen was and went to her office for the rest of the afternoon. The groom even built the bar out of barrels! I mean this wedding was totally DIY, beautiful, but still...$10,000. You're always taking a chance when you use a vendor who is a friend. That photographer was super sweet but the pics were - meh - and she forgot, in my opinion a crucial photo! Cheaper is not always better. Just sayin'. (And I waived my fee in exchange for a service the father of the bride offers that is well worth my fee and more. We're friends...and he has skills!!!!!!)
  22. and not to stir the pot, but Beth S started it :) "ETA: I agree that the Hive is likely not your target market. There was no spare $1K in our dd's lean budget for a wedding planner." It is fine. I've gotten what I need. Thanks everyone for the discussion, it was very helpful. Just for further thought, you can imagine if even talking about wedding stuff (just me and my pricing) gets some people's blood pressure up, imagine, wedding day right before the ceremony IN THE VESTIBULE in plain view of the guests where the groom and his mom are bickering over where the dad and step mom are sitting because the "free" coordinator who came with the site said that is NOT her job :) Been there...seen that.
  23. "What does a mothers occupation have to do with how much they spend for a wedding?" Come on, I didn't mean to insinuate anything mean like that. I just said the women responding here are moms who are homeschooling and are looking to be careful with what they're spending, most of them aren't going to need to spend that kind of money on a superfluous service like mine. I have tried to word carefully and thankfully every response so as not to cause a stir. I'm telling you I think it is just dangerous to post here anymore. I'm so sorry I offended you. I'm also super happy you had a wonderful wedding. Thanks for taking the time to give input. edited because mom's does not need an apostrophe :)
  24. "The last wedding I went to my friend was the MoB, and she was literally running around the WHOLE TIME taking care of things. She did not get to finish one glass of champagne. That is pretty typical of a lot of weddings. So, it makes perfect sense that if you have enough of a budget, paying someone else to do that is a useful service. I've been to other weddings where the bride's friends and family served the food, or the drinks, or did this and that, and basically worked the whole time. They did not really get to enjoy it. " Exactly.
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