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Everything posted by d.g.

  1. I just signed up to be a beta tester for this yesterday, and there are already a LOT of things I've found to use this year with my K-er ds. I'll be using it mostly as a supplement for the extra resources, though there are a few "pathways" I might do entirely. It will be interested to see how this works out, and what changes as more testers give their reviews and suggestions.
  2. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Kansas, but I guess we're not well represented on this board. :D You register as a non-accredited private school with the state once, and you only ever have to send in another form if you move to a different address. The registration is not subject to anyone's approval, either. The form took me 5 minutes online. We're supposed to meet for a "substantially equivalent" amount of time compared to the public schools, and teachers are supposed to be "competent," but neither is defined and no one checks up on it. No legally required or suggested subjects, either. We may seem to be in the middle of nowhere (and some parts of Kansas are) but we have it pretty easy, schooling-wise.
  3. Wow...I got sick the day after I posted this, and then completely forgot to come back and check for replies. Thanks, ladies! I'll be getting copies of all 4 SotW texts next week (got a good deal) so I'm going to read through and play with them a bit. I think it's also time to dig out my copy of WTM again...I haven't seen it for a while, obviously, because if I had, I probably wouldn't have asked this question. :001_smile:
  4. If this is the blogger I'm thinking of, then yes...if I had the time and resources she did, I could feed my family on $800 for the year. What a lot of people miss is that while she's only aiming to spend $800 in the year out of pocket, she's getting much, much more than that in actual value of food purchased. Coupons, rebates, reward dollars...it all adds up, and quickly. Even if I could, though, I don't think I would. There is a time-money trade-off involved, and I'm not sure all that time would be well spent saving money when I could be dedicating it to hanging out with my husband and my boys. I'm willing to pay a bit more for food if it means I have more time to enjoy my family.
  5. I'm new here, and to "official" homeschooling, with a question about the WTM history rotation and schooling multiple children. If you've BTDT with 2 or more, could you help me figure this out? My older son will be starting history, almost certainly using Story of the World, next year. The problem is, his younger brother will be just turned 5 when the rotation starts over, and I don't want to throw him into history in the middle of the story, kwim? Not to mention, he'll be newly 8 when we reach the modern era, and I'd rather he have the extra year of maturity before we tackle that particular section of history. In about 2 years, we'll be on the road for a good part of every year, living in a 5th wheel with my husband as he travels the country for work. (Right now, he works a good distance from home and "visits" on occasion...not very good for the family!) Basically, this means I need to plan ahead for a bare-bones and flexible setup for both boys, combining subjects whenever possible to conserve space and save time. So on to my question, which would be better in this situation: 1) delay history by a year for my older son, covering something else in 1st grade and starting Ancients in 2nd; 2) start SotW as suggested, but expand on various topics to spread the 4 years into 5; 3) other ideas I haven't thought of yet? TIA!!
  6. I've had experience with Cox giving us a better rate when we called to cancel most of our services. We were going to drop down to cable phone and internet only (from a package bundle with digital cable & extras) and it was actually *cheaper* to take their offer, which was still a bundle of cable/net/phone. 'Course, this is in Kansas. I'm not sure if there are state or regional differences. It can't hurt to try. For your electric bill, I wouldn't count on anything changing your rate, but I'm not sure about Verizon.
  7. MMMmmmm...curry. My favorite for quick cold snacks/lunches is a curry chicken salad. In a decent-sized mixing bowl, I mix a big can of chicken breast (I get it at Sam's Club...just drain and shred) with a combo of the following: Finely diced grapes and/or apples Chopped celery Finely diced carrots Chopped walnuts and/or pecans Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip to consistency Curry powder and hot curry powder to taste I change quantities and substitute as necessary, experimenting with other veggies/fruits/spices/whatever's on hand, but this is the basic recipe. Serve on crackers, bread, pita, tortillas, etc.
  8. This is an amazing deal, if you're interested in the HOP products. A few days ago, I purchased Hooked on French Deluxe and Hooked on Spanish for a little over $31, shipped, after combining the discount code (slick50) and the sale price. The original price was something like $170 for both.
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