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Posts posted by Elizabeth86

  1. 1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

    What if you owe in a container first thing, put it under the sink, then after coffee get up the nerve to test it?


    I think I’m going to hold off until Saturday morning for 2 reasons. 1. Dh will be home and 2. That will be 3 weeks out. I don’t think I am now. It’s just been a very weird cycle. 

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, ktgrok said:

    Oh man, been there! That said, you CAN get healthier WHILE pregnant. I've done it. I mean, if you are having hyperemisis or whatever, that's different, but I was way healthier at 9 months pregnant with my last than I am now! I was walking, doing exercise videos, and even going to Zumba!! The zumba instructor was flabbergasted, lol and hugged me to congratulate me on being so fit. I only remember because it was a REALLY sweaty hug!

    But, I bet you aren't. I mean, sperm only live 5 days, generally, at most, and then you would test positive 2 weeks after that at the latest usually. Most newer tests are super accurate even 12 days post ovulation, and many pick up before that with a faint positive. 

    I really appreciate such a positive reply. Very encouraging!! I

    I tested again tonight. I’m struggling with the first morning urine. I just can’t get the courage first thing. lol Still negative. So, 18 days past my last sexual encounter lol. I’ll save one for Saturday morning. I suppose I’m not, but let me tell ya, I feel like I am. lol

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Katy said:

    That’s not true. There’s plenty of studies that showed as long as you’re eating healthy during pregnancy (2-4 ounces of lean protein per meal, lots of non starchy vegetables, some fruit, especially berries), not only will you have a healthy pregnancy, but it’s safe to lose up to 2 lbs per week while pregnant. If you’re eating well and controlling blood sugar if diabetic, you’re as unlikely as anyone else to get pre-eclampsia. They don’t know why, and frankly plenty of people lie about what they’re eating, so they might be skeptical at first. But if they see that you’re maintaining or slowly losing weight, they’ll trust that you’re eating as well as you say. And you’ll be fine. 

    Thanks for the encouragement! ♥️

    • Like 4
  4. 12 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    I have had it go both ways—no cycle between kids 1&2, one single cycle between 2&3, and several I think I am pregnant but no baby moments (some early miscarriages, some long cycles where my body kept trying to ovulate and eventually did—later.

    My best advice is not to rely on natural planning, even if you have been very regular in the past. I used to be a day 29, 9:00 am person….it all fell apart for me.

    I got pregnant when fat and old. Eat healthy, exercise. Health isnt a static thing. Walk, lift light weights, stretch. It’s not like it’s going to hurt. Even if you arent pregnant, you will still be “old and fat”. So, choose to be healthier anyway.


    ETA: After my 5th pregnancy or so, I began spotting midcycle—not due to the act of ovulation, but because I had low progesterone in the luteal phase. I used to have definitive ovulation pain and definitive implantation spotting, but after age 40 all bets were off. 

    I already told dh that if I’m off the hook this time, condoms from here on out. 

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Halftime Hope said:

    We'll cheer for you, either way, Elizabeth! But your story reminds me of my first period after bfing #2 for many months. I felt sooo tender everywhere, so "heavy" in my uterus, very much like I was pg, but the doc said he was almost certain it was that I was getting ready to ovulate for the first time in ~18 months. He was right. And in the next few months I started learning about NFP and the subtle cycle indicators. (I just had no exposure to it prior to that time, even though I had fabulous midwives.)

    I hope this is the case for me. I know ovulation can happen late because I know for a fact that my 4th was conceived on cycle day 30 on my very first cycle after #3. I swear I feel pregnant though. I’m going to buy more tests tomorrow. I’ll take one tomorrow, one first thing the next day and one on Saturday which will be 3 weeks. I guess I’ll know one way or the other soon.

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

    Ugh I just can’t shake the feeling. Missed my first morning urine though because I was too nervous to test lol. Here I am 16 days past my last time I had sex. The test was negative today. I guess I’ll keep testing. 

    Someone please tell me I’m in the clear. 😂

  7. Ugh I just can’t shake the feeling. Missed my first morning urine though because I was too nervous to test lol. Here I am 16 days past my last time I had sex. The test was negative today. I guess I’ll keep testing. 

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Kassia said:

    Imagine no online shopping and no Amazon!  

    My youngest is the only one who grew up totally with internet and she really can't imagine what life was like without it.  It makes us laugh because she's so baffled on how we survived. 

    Yes! All my kids have grown up with internet. It cracks us up when something doesn’t load instantly and they get impatient and then we share the stories of how it was having dial up internet. They also think it is is hilarious Netflix used to mail dvd’s. 

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

    We originally wanted 4.  We hadcdiscussed that afte number 1 child.  My kids were spaced 4.5 and 3.3 years apart. We were trying almost a year for #2, but#3 happened whenI discussed w doctor about how much better I felt when pregnant - my autoimmune mostly go away. Got pregnant that month.   But because I had high need kids, and my RA, AS,lupus, etc got worse and an awful pulmonologist gave me an incorrect death disease diagnosis which I kept from my family, plus my age (33 at last birth), no child #4.  My dh was traveling somewhere that my youngest was so happy when we were stationed in Europe and 3 years we were actually living as a family al the time. My parents both died in their ear) sixties and I didn't want either of us to die before the kids were out of college.   So far, so good. All married, 1  bio grandson, 2 step gds, and a gs from child 2 com8ng in March or April.  And my diseases have gotten worse but I am still alive and sentient.




    That was A LOT! An incorrect death disease diagnosis? I can’t imagine how stressful that must have been.

    You mention that your parents died young. See that’s why I haven’t even thought twice about being an “older mom” because my mom was 37 and my dad was 41 when I was born and dh’s mom was 41 and his dad 43 when he was born. Dh’s dad died at 84 and his mom is still alive and so are my parents. We are in our late 30’s/early 40’s and we still have our parents, so I guess we never give that much worry. I realize our outcome could be different, but…

    Anyway. Still no period, but is felt like it might start a couple times. I’m going to test again this week just to be sure. 

    • Like 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

    I've been wondering--thanks for updating. I had irregular periods, sometimes with nausea, and I often wondered about pregnancy with mixed feelings. And like you, it wasn't so much about adding a baby as it was with pregnancy--a new baby was always exciting to me! My pregnancies were pretty easy relatively speaking, but I had so much trouble getting the weight off afterwards.

    Yes. We are pretty certain we would like another baby, but 

    1. I was overweight and got high bp with the last one. I know losing weight wouldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t have high bp again, but I would feel better losing weight first. I was losing weight well after the last baby, BUT I injured my knee and got very sedentary. This “scare” really makes me want to start getting healthier. 

    2. I have awful pregnancies and I just really wanted to enjoy this summer with the kids hiking and camping and doing all the things we love.

    3. Even though we think ds might benefit from a close in age sibling, I’m adoring him being the baby. 

    • Like 6
  11. 32 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    while you do need to keep testing until you get a definitive answer

    breastfeeding hormones can exacerbate premenstrual hormones making your breasts hurt.

    when I went into peri, Every. single. cycle. . . I would feel like I was pregnant, until my period started.  I did reach a point I was like "oh, my period is going to start soon" . . .symptoms would stop, and my cycle would start.  I don't miss it.

    This sounds miserable. lol

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  12. 1 hour ago, carriede said:

    3 of my 4 kids were conceived during the post-partum-breastfeeding-trying-to-read-symptoms stage.

    If you're not ready to get pregnant, remove the worry and use whatever bc your comfortable with.

    Right and we probably will after this. I am not opposed to another baby. Actually kind of was trying to convince myself ds needs a close in age sibling. I just don’t have very great pregnancies, so being faced with finding out I’m pregnant always feels like doom and gloom even if I have been ttc. If that makes any sense.

    • Like 6
  13. Just now, TravelingChris said:

    Couldn't  your husband wear a c*nd*m if it turns out you aren't?  That was all we used after BC pills caused me to be misdiagnosed w ms and suffer from hemispheric migraines for 2.5 years after I stopped. So we used those only form of bc for 34 years until dh had to get vasectomy since I was going on methotrexate.   No failures and 3 great kids


    We could, but we had great success just watching my cycle for 4 years until we decided to ttc. Yes, I think we will use condoms if this turns out to be a false alarm. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

    Oh, I should not be the first reply here!!!  
    But it’s not even 5am, so…

    I’m one of the women who medical people regretted asking date of LMP. Because, by the time #3 was born, it was around 22 months.

    And #4 was confirmed at my appointment for an IUD.

    And an ectopic pregnancy was detected while I had the IUD I got after him.

    Bodies are frustrating.   
    Being me, I’d keep testing until period or positive. (I’ve been known to test over a decade past dh’s V, too!)

    Yes, considering I haven’t used reliable birth control since something like 2007, I’m not sure why I don’t keep a huge pile of tests. However, I will also NOT go buy one with 5 kids in tow, so it must wait until dh is home . lol All that said, it is not the end of the world, I just really hate not/knowing. It’s all I can think about.

  15. I am breastfeeding ds, so I just got my first period back 1-1-24. I know the first post partum cycle can be a little wonky. I know this because dd was conceived on cycle day 30 of my first post partum period. Well, before this pregnancy I could note my cervical mucus and note ovulation pain. My cervical mucus wasn’t really obvious this month, but I did feel what I thought was ovulation pain on the 16th. So on the 20th I thought I would be in the clear and we did the deed. Well here I am on cycled day 33 and my boobs have been a bit sore for days. I took one of those find out 5 days sooner tests yesterday (but not with my first morning urine because I was impatient lol) It was negative. Oh I am NOT ready to be pregnant again. I wouldn’t too much mind a new baby, but I was NOT ready to be pregnant again so soon. Anyway, not the end of the world . I’m just dying to know either way. I just had to get this out to someone. I just hate stressing about this to dh. He wouldn’t be sad about a baby, but my unnecessary worry does stress him out. Anyway, what do y’all say? With how many days out from possible conception, do you think the test is right or has it not been enough time? I’ll probably have dh pick up some more tests on the way home tonight. I just feel so dumb. I was too heavy in my last pregnancy and my bp got high. I didn’t lose much weight because a knee injury in July kept me sedentary for months and it is just now feeling better. I am not ready. 

    And I just remembered a fun detail. After we DTD I had spotting for the next 3 days .I’ve never had spotting due to ovulation. Do you spot with ovulation?


    I was only able to get tests this evening. SO it was not first morning urine, but it was negative tonight. I’ll test again in a couple days in the morning if I don’t get my period first.

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  16. 59 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

    My husband and youngest daughter tend to be walking recipe blogs...in that there are stories, photos, anecdotes, and memories told way way before you get to the pertinent information. 

    I'm very tempted to say, "jump to recipe" when they start. I just want the answer to my question, not a memoir. 

    Haha this is me. Especially posting here. I type up a whole thing and then think, they didn’t need that. Jump to the recipeS 

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