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Posts posted by Elizabeth86

  1. 20 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

    Your local redneck(s) shooting at tannerite?


    Lol we are all local rednecks. Anything like that is possible. 

    I don’t really care what happened as long as it wasn’t on my property. That’s what is worrying me.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Eos said:

    Not a gunshot? That's what I assume here in my rural area. Someone jacking a deer or raccoon.

    My former Marine definitely knows what a gunshot sounds like. Guns don’t shake houses. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, KSera said:

    Are you close to a mountain that could’ve had a rock slide? It does sound like a transformer blow to me. Are you on your local next-door website? This is the kind of thing it’s actually useful for.

    Definitely possible. 
    We don’t have a next door thing, but we do have a facebook page that posts what comes across the police scanner and such. I’m checking but nothing so far. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, SKL said:

    Something big fell off the top of your fridge?

    Something created steam and didn't have an exhaust?

    Some teenagers are fooling around?

    Definitely nothing fell off the refrigerator because everyone could see it from where they were sitting.

    Maybe? Idk what?

    Maybe?? I also am wondering if the neighbors have a meth lab or something. 


  5. I just had a theory but I don’t know. There is an abandoned coal mine entrance just across the road maybe a few miles. I’m wondering if there was an explosion underground. Again, I didn’t hear it so I have no idea. Dh didn’t seem to think that could be it, but I don’t see why not.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

    Something electrical in the roof? A fluro?

    A possum in the roof? (Unlikely I know… what’s the US equivalent)

    My husband looked in the attic a nothing seemed off. 

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Transformer blew in a quarter mile of your house but didnt hit your transmission lines

    I’m checking out the electric company’s power outage map, but looks like nothing reported yet.

  8. I was bf ing the baby to sleep a bit ago. I fell asleep. I just woke up to my dh and kids running all around. Apparently they heard a loud pop/bang that shook our house. We’ve looked at everything we could think of and we have no idea. Help me brainstorm what happened. 

  9. 10 hours ago, busymama7 said:

    I also have kids ridiculously sensitive to the heat and sun even when it's not super hot.   I'm glad your son is doing better. At that age of they weren't still breastfeeding I would probably err on the side of going in especially without diapers but not necessarily in sleep as at that age my kids definitely held it during sleep.  

    Yeah, several of mine (including this one stays dry until morning, but not always)

  10. Also, I think I shared thjs once, but if baby boy had been a girl I wanted to name a baby girl Alice. Apparently this reminded dh of a song he heard while he was in Europe when he was 12. So anytime I brought it up he would say Alice? Who the f*ck is Alice. 😂

  11. 6 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    is he looking better, the same, or worse?
    have you tried Pedialyte for hydration?
    if he isn't getting better, I would take him in.

    He’s napping. We will see how he is when he wakes up.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

    Nothing with electronic controls. Just a straight up, mechanical dial. Nothing much to break! YT has loads of how to fix your dryer videos! 

    We have an ancient one we got off Craig’s List for $35, 14 years ago. Works fine. 


  13. 30 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

    I would see how he is this morning. Is he acting normally? Is he drinking and peeing okay? Did he complain of anything or act abnormally last night before bed?

    Sun poisoning is the result of a severe sunburn. Does he have a bad sunburn with blistering? If so I would lean towards urgent care with vomiting. If he was well protected and hydrated, I would probably just continue to hydrate and only take him In if there were signs of dehydration. If he’s lethargic, not peeing, continues to vomit during the day, is hot to the touch, confused at any time, I would go to the ED and not urgent care.

    Thanks I was hoping you would weigh in. He is not severely sunburned or blistered. We went to the the beach and such and he wore a rash guard and sunscreen the day before. He may be a bit pink, but not severe. Yesterdays plan ended up being lunch and then the aquarium. Lunch ended up being outside and covered, but a long hot wait. The aquarium was hot and had outside parts. I wasn’t expecting any of that so no sunscreen. He sweated a lot and was acting normal all day. 

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