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Everything posted by Maryam

  1. My dd is doing very well so far with Saxon 87 due to the incremental method & ongoing review. She uses Saxon Teacher CD. There are mixed reviews about Saxon Algebra 1 & 2 and Geometry- especially the new editions. And I'd like to be consistent with Algebra 1 onwards (high school).Should we switch after 87? Does anything in Saxon change with Algebra 1? Any experiences with those who did well until 87? How was Algebra in comparison?
  2. It really is brilliant ! Another fan. Used it for both my daughter and son with great success.
  3. I know! It kind of turned into an art session with my daughter! [emoji28]
  4. Also, how does calcchat tutoring work? They ask questions in a live chat and get help? Any other feedback on / experience with Chalkdust, other Larson videos, Lial, PA Homeschoolers AP Calculus?
  5. Thanks! What free videos come with Larson? And how are these videos different than Chalkdust (besides saving a LOT of money of course). Why do you think you'd prefer that than PA Homeschoolers again?
  6. I want something with clear video explanations, and want to use the same curriculum for both precalculus and calculus for easy transition. Also want the calculus to prepare ds for the AP test. Can anyone share their experiences? Or for calculus would you recommend PA Homeschoolers AP calculus course? Thanks!
  7. I used IEW with both ds and dd and loved the results. At first, I modeled key word choices. As he said on the DVD set, numbers and symbols are allowed. When they started choosing key words, I may guide them by saying, "what are you most likely to remember?" The subject of the sentence is usually known. So in the example you mentioned, he could use: Traveled, 25,000 mi., faster, jet once you use "traveled", you'd remember WHAT traveled. With time, it gets easier like everything else! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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