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Everything posted by countrymum

  1. Also there aren't many pictures even with the stuff they left behind packs..... idk....just thinking i guess
  2. I don't know. Somehow the spine seems over her head too.....and it jumps around between world and American. So were doing the napolian world at the same time as american revolution.... I'm not sure she's really connecting with it.....
  3. I am still not satisfied with history. We have mostly done Simply Charlotte Mason history (spine book + novels read and narrate with 3 optional term projects). My one (9) likes it. My other (7) not as much. She likes the stories, but she doesn't like to narrate. I finally split them up for science this year and both are thriving. Older is doing God's design for heaven and Earth, while younger is doing Lets talk science 2 from Master Books. Older loves to the point text, expiraments and then orally answer questions. Younger loves the notebook pages and little experiments. And they both love the time with mama;) Younger is also loving song school spanish this year. (Older is doing this too and doesn't like it much, but he doesn't want to learn spanish or any other language so he's doing this for some easy exposure.) Would you split them up for history too? Would I have time? (We have a 4 yr old and 18 mo old too)? I'm kind of wondering if they really like a textbook better? I looked at masterbooks Americas story, but the text didn't read as smoothly as I likes and son would have really disliked the notebook. Could you give me some ideas and thoughts? Notgrass, mystery of history, make my own....i never get notebooking pgs or projects planned....keep on with SCM....any brilliant thoughts. I love history, but for some reason, I have never found a grove with history in our homeschool.
  4. I'd look at Kate Snow`s website. She has a lot of good information. https://kateshomeschoolmath.com/ She even has an article about when to switch math programs. I have learned a lot there. I'm not sure if it's on her site, but from an e-mail course she did a few years ago, she said that Rod and Staff was her favorite traditional program. Memoria Press has information about that one. It is more slow and steady than Abeka. I have heard Abeka is jumpy. My sis in law used to teach Abeka in Christian school and didn't recommend it. She really likes Bob Jones much better, you could look at that one too. She says it builds concepts much better and teaches in ubits with sprial review. Its colorful. I use and love RightStart with my suspected dyslexic, but it can take a long time and it's expensive. Also a bit harder to jump into later, but perhaps worth looking at especially for younger. It is parent intensive, but for me so was anything, if we were not doing the program together, I had to stand over the child saying "look at your paper" "do the next one".... so I appreciate the interaction in RightStart. I am using the games more this year and really seeing the value in them. Actually spend the time to dig into the book. Lots of practice that is not dwalded over! Id really look at that with any program! I think there is a 15% off free shipping thing now so call them. https://store.rightstartmath.com/math-card-games-kit/ In short: Bob Jones Rod and Staff RightStart Add in the RightStart games for practice insttead of some problems no matter which program.
  5. I'm going to try apples and pears that 8filltheheart recommended for a possible dyslexic, definatly spelling struggler boy. However, he has a younger sis (7) who is more of a natural speller than he is, but is not great. She reads beautifully(has for well over a year) and can memorize for a test well, but her spelling is probably not great, but I'm not really concerned at 7. For her would you suggest; Ignoring spelling till next year Doing apples and pears with brother (not worried about compitation here they know each others stregnths and get along well and combining is good as there are 2 younger ones) Getting How to teach spelling for her (just the manual or the workbook too) Finishing up Rod and staff grade 2 from last year (it's easy for her, but I'm not sure if it does any good)
  6. Yes to mms. I have Strayer Upton....i have used it in the past for this and perhaps its the best thing.....I was trying to get away from me copying the problems and my 4th grader isn't ready to copy yet. I do love Strayer Upton though. I have another vintage series too....thats the kind of drill I'm looking for. I am looking at a Study time arithmetic 4 workbook only though. Im wondering if i could cross off instead of copy? Its only $14. Any thoughts?
  7. We use RightStart as our math curriculum. Next year we will have kids in C and E. I really like it and its going well. However, my kids don't really like the games and we have 4 kids (1 baby) so its hard to make time for them. We play enough for levels a and b, but I'm looking for some drill type supplement for c (2nd) and e (4th) for next year. I have been using old texts and copying extra problems but that takes time and mental energy too;) I do have Kate Snows books that we use too, so I'mnot looking for a way to teach math facts. I'm wanting old fashioned calculation speed practice. Think column addition of 3+ numbers, mental speed, and basic algorithm practice. We've got good conceptual instruction so I don't really need that.
  8. My children have enjoyed the Alice and Jerry books. Imho they are more interesting than pathways readers. Rainbow resource sells them https://www.rainbowresource.com/hSearch.jhtm?keyword=alice and jerry books Neighbors on the Hill may be a bit easy but its a fun story. I'd start with it and then go on. My kids liked some better than others, so if one is too boring you can skip it. All 3 at each grade level are a simular hardness Here is a series list in order. https://www.librarything.com/series/The+Alice+and+Jerry+Basic+Readers We also use christian liberty nature readers. You could start with grade 2 or so. I use AAR, but found that adding Alice and Jerry to it helped my kids fluency tremendously! I also have the kids read Christian Liberty readers aloud to get practice applying phonics to science words. And they are interesting and short. Each section is only 1 page or 2.
  9. I am still curious about AAS. How long did you stick with it before seeing "progress". AAS, Traditional Spelling (MP), Apples and Pears, my own OG approach blended with studied(?) dictation..... How to decide?? I think we need dictation, some phonogram review, and lots and lots and lots (ectra) of practice reading and spelling and writing and oral spelling words. Any other thoughts? Would yoy do studied or cold dictation?
  10. So do you use the workbook once, then review on board or never use it at all?
  11. Sorry, I meant to ask when did you START with Apples and Pears? Was it right after the child could read well or when? Thanks. I'm wondering if he's ready. Some people were saying they had hit walls with it. I'm good with modifying and slowing down.... He likes the Memoria Press book I have. It may help, I own it.....I am going to spend some time reading the Apples and Pears book tonight. I am not too worried about his spelling. My own spelling was terrible through high school....and I graduated with honors and liked school. I think an Orton Gillingham class during college and spell check finally helped me. I want to slowly and non stressfully work at it.
  12. 8FillTheHeart when did you use Apples and Pears? Thanks to everyone for ideas. I am listening and still thinking. The Memoria Press spelling book has phonics review (phonogram drill and writing phonograms), some dictation, weekly tests and coloring of vowels and vowel teams and consonants and consonant teams (somewhat like spelling you see). I have it already so I can look at it best. Of the other options, I am so far most interested in Apples and Pears.
  13. I am stuck with spelling with ds 8 almost 9. We did AAS 1-3. It did not seem to help his spelling at all. Then we did most of Rod and Staff spelling 2 (misses 2-10 out of 12 each week-normally 3-5.) this year. His reading took off and so did his writing at the end of last year, so I have increased his reading and writing also this year. Currently, he is reading Farmer Boy and Silver for George Washington and doing lots of copywork and writing with me spelling it for him. His spelling has perhaps improved a tiny bit this year. He can spell cvc words and a very few sight words. I think this is more due to copywork than our spelling. For next year: I have Traditional Spelling 1 from Memoria Press (perhaps add in more OG style phonogram drill) Go back to AAS (when did experienced users see improvement) Make my own with my language toolkit from EPS and my notes from the Orton Gillingham training I took? Try How to teach Spelling from EPS https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/002898/How-to-Teach-Spelling.html?trackcode=googleBase&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp002898&sc_intid=002898&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlI6_ppWs6QIVAz6tBh2wBgBiEAQYASABEgIxavD_BwE I am a firm believer in OG for reading for any dyslexic student. It is what I used to teach ds to read. He knows all the phonograms. I am not as sure about spelling though. (Also he may or may not have dislexia. He does have spelling trouble though. Little sis spells better.)
  14. I use RightStart as our math curriculum and really like it. I must think like Cotter in some ways;) I don't however like the games. I find them tedious and too many pieces. I have used addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts that stick. I am going to order the division one for next year. I love the combination of focused oral practice with me (the game) and then worksheet work. I also just got flashcards for more X practice, i haven't found them necessary for + or - yet. We do some part of facts that stick 3 or 4 times a week till the book is over. I do Rightstart B in 1st with addition facts, RightStart C in 2nd with - facts, RightStart D in 3rd with X facts, and RightStart E in 4th with division facts that stick. So far i have been able to skip most of the games in RightStart ed2 by subbing in facts that stick and some handwritten drill pages or kumon. So I would say that facts that stick are very different from RightStart games;) Facts that stick are more efficient and too the point and more targeted to drilling a small set of facts at a time then adding on to it to achieve mastery.
  15. I am using RightStart e2. My oldest is just finishing up D this year for 3rd grade. I've loved it. Almost every lesson has some independent parts and it flows nicely. I've pared it with multiplication facts that stick and also made up a few of my own drill pages as i don't do games well at all! I was about ready to quit after C last year and am so glad I didnt. My daughter is finishing up B this year also. I think C is my least favorite level. It is complicated and parent intensive ( moreso in my opnion than A, B or D). I'd say if its working try D at least for 2 months. That's just my 2 cents. Ive changed math programs in the past and i really see the benifit of sticking to one. They all build a bit differently...not saying you can't switch, but it's really easier not to. For history, I really like simply charlotte masons guides. They are just the right amount of structure and are a light enough schedule that if we have time and motivation I add to it.
  16. I really like and use RightStart math and AAR. I have taught 2 to read with AAR so far. This year we are finishing up RightStart B and D. I am a fan of finding what works for you the teacher and sticking with it all the way up for everybody. You get good at teaching it and learn the stregnths and weaknesses of the program. Sometimes I skip or condense lessons or spread one out a few days. I also often write out a quick drill rather than play a game ( a toddler and baby need me too). Use your space for the basics that build and have the potential to leave holes. With that in mind, I would take RightStart with any manipulatives you need for about 1/2 the lessons in each book. With a bit of creativity, you probably only need the abacus, those cardboard base 10 cards and abacus tiles, place value cards, and pattern squares (perhaps the drawing tools depending on where you are in c). I'd skip, wait on, or teach another way any lessons requiring the math balance. That with the books won't take too much space and math continuity is important. Take the next level of All About reading (3 books). That with paper and pencils is all you need. Do copywork and 2nd grade reading practice from library books. Study British culture for history/ social studies using real places and books. Read library books for science. If your worried about 2nd grade science bring 1 traditional textbook (Bob Jones, old public school text....) and have the child read it to you for science and reading practice.
  17. I had (dark ages;) facebook in college and when it got so big I deleated my account.... Is there anywhere else to get the mom made notebook pages? Or do you know if i can use the HOD new ones without too much trouble? Thanks
  18. Thanks about the updating guides now to go with those pages. That makes sense. I think I'm going to start bigger with the notebook pages (we like the looks of them) and an old guide. If its too hard to figure out too many pages I'll buy a new guide;) I am planning to keep my old math (rightstart) and grammar (Abeka) and try putting ds 8.5 and dd almost 7 ( already reading and writing at at least a 2nd grade level) in bigger for a Jan-Dec year.
  19. I've been looking at Heart of Dakota recently. I`ve seen some used guides. How much do they change their guides from year to year? I'm particularly thinking of the little hands to heaven, bigger hearts, and preparing hearts. Additionally any thoughts, reviews, musings......
  20. I like Boy of the Pyramids by Ruth Fosdick Jones for this age. It is a light interesting mystery set in Egypt that my children enjoyed. It is not at all scary and does not talk too deeply on religion. Simply Charlotte Mason has reprinted it. https://simplycharlottemason.com/store/boy-of-the-pyramids/
  21. I like Nature in A Nutshell Over 100 Activities You Can Do in 10 Minutes or Less The really don't take long and the children always enjoy them. They are nature based but have ideas for all 4 seasons. Ideas like dense dip why is it easier to float in the ocean than a pool or watching to see if ants like fake sugar. There is a short like 1 paragraph explanation after each one.
  22. The reasons it takes so long are partly me and partly children dwadleing. It can take me time to move from 1 thing to the next with the baby and toddler needing me too. It helps when I have school books and supplies all put and sacked up on the table the night before. It just seems that i have too much to do 1 on 1 with each one. I try to do preschool too about 2-3 timed a week as little guy really likes it. He gets lonely during school time playing by himself. Having them move toward independence in a few things means that I can help without them being needed 100% of the time like in AAS. I'm am also not sure whether it's"working" or not. My older child more often than not doesn't remember words. He spells phonetically, but a few weeks later doesn't remember if its pain or pane or payn or sky or skie..... The younger one has a quite visual memory, and I've wondered if studied dictation would help her later... Really just more thoughts; thanks all
  23. We have 4 children. I have been using All About Spelling (AAS) levels 2 and 3 currently with my 2 school aged children (3rd and 2nd) grade. I like it and it seems to be working fine. Neither can really "spell" much yet but they are young and they do seem to be progressing. With that in mind, the school day is taking too long. We start around 8:30 and with a short lunch break aren't done till 3 many days. Some of it is dwadling and some is the toddler and baby. We do All About Reading(oldest is finished) and RightStart math(which I love) so alot is mama heavy. Handwriting for both and Grammar for (3rd grader) are mostly independent. We do Bible, history, science, spanish, ect together for about 1 to 1.5 hours. It just seems like an independent spelling might help. I don't have any with dislexia that I know of. They both can read chapter books like Childhood of Famous Americans or Little House in the Big Woods. However, they both mix up b, d, p sometimes bet are improving and sometimes flip words when reading. Any thoughts On shorter days or spelling???? I'm considering Spelling by Sound and Structure and Building Spelling Skills, I'd even look at an old speller. I'm open to about anything now....
  24. My kids are younger than yours but I've looked at lots of math curriculum. I am using RSe2 with my upcoming 1st and 3rd graders. One thing I'd say is to ask the people at rightstart about your dd they have some great ideas. If rightstart is allowing your daughter to grasp concepts and build a good base, I'd be very hesitant to switch before prealgebra. Her are some ideas. Also I think you could jump into Prealgebra after level f. So if you did level d and 1/2 e this year than e and 1/2 f next year finishing F by the end of her 7/8 year then do say BJU or another prealgebra and algebra sequence your not really behind. She sounds like she would really be in 4th agewise this year anyway so that would have her doing Algebra 1 in 9th which is a developmentally great time for lots of kids. Do you really want to call her 5th grade now and have her graduate at 17? Just some thoughts. If you really think changing curriculums would be good, check out math mammoth. Its similar to rightstart bit more independent and very workbookish and you can either use the full curriculum or the topical ones. You may want to look at the math mammoth topical books or new review books for your son for practice. I also love Kate Snow's math facts that stick and Kumon books for adding drill to rightstart.
  25. I am currently using RightStart 2nd edition A and C with my children. I really like the lessons and its clicking with my kids. I will do D and B next year. However i have 2 additional littles and getting to games often enough is hard and getting harder. I see D says to play games at lest 3X a week. Has anyone found some other way to drill and practice other than just making up problems like are in the game you missed? Any thoughts are appreciated...thanks
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