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Need! Link to calculate weighted grades

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Here is how to do it.  Say you want to have the grade 60% tests, 25% for homework, and 15% for the final, and the student has a 92% average on tests, a 100% average on the homework, and an 85% on the final.


Do this:


92 x 0.6 = 55.2


100 x 0.25 = 25


85 x 0.15 = 12.75


Then add them up: 55.2 + 25 + 12.75 = 92.95


ETA: I just realized that maybe you're talking about calculating a weighted GPA.  That isn't quite so straightforward since the amount of credit given for honors, AP, DE etc can vary depending on the school.

Edited by EKS
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If you are talking about doing this in a spreadsheet, here are some equations you can use to calculate weighted GPA:


First, add column A called "Class Name" (which is not used, but important).


Second, add column B called "Class type" which contains "REG", "AP", "IB", or "HON".


Third, add column C called "Weight" to calculate the class weight:



Fourth, add column D called "Grade" which contains "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", or "P".


Fifth, add a column E called "Points" to convert the "Grade" and "Weight" to a weighted number for that course:



Sixth, add column F called "Hours" which contains the number of hours the course meets.


Seventh, add column G which calculates the number of "GPA hours" to consider for the calculation with each class (this allows handling of Pass/Fail classes):



Finally, add column H which divides the total number of points by the total number of hours:



All of the above equations would be for calculations in row 6 and would the result in H6 would be the GPA for all classes in rows 2 through 6 (five classes).  Column headings would be in row 1.  You can then simply copy these equations into more rows to add more classes.  (In other words, you can copy the above equations directly into the appropriate cells in row 6 of your spreadsheet and then copy that row into rows 2 through 5 (and 7 up, if desired) to complete the spreadsheet.)

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