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Just got back from my WM and they were completely sold out of

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alcohol hand rub - Purell, Germ-x - whatever you call it. Not a smidgen in the whole store. I even checked their bins of trial sized toiletries - nothing! I did find it at my CVS, but their supply was low.


Dh cleans doctors offices at night so this is a staple in our household. We keep a container in our van and he keeps one in his little Kia. He also supplies the doctor's offices with it. Sure hope they restock soon as we go through the stuff quickly.

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Did a grocery trip on Friday. There was a big dent in the hand sanitizer (I had to hold my son up so he could reach to the back of the shelf) and a marked gap in the tissues rows.


In a way, I think that this is a good thing that people are thinking about what they do and don't have on hand. Right now, pretty much everyone is well, including store staff, truck drivers and factory workers. In my mind, if everyone were to actually look at their various emergency prep lists (for hurricane, flooding, earthquake, typhoon, sickness or whatever) and make sure that they have what they need, then it will reduce the amount that has to be produced from somewhere else in the case of an actual emergency.


There is some point where this tips over into hoarding. But I don't think that we're nearly there yet.

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That's scary! I'm in SW VA, and found plenty at our Ukrops yesterday...on sale. Do you have their store near you?



Well, not very near - there's one if Fredericksburg which is about 30 or so miles away. I guess if I get desperate, I'll make the trip.:)

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I grabbed the last bottle of hand sanitizer in the baby section of Walmart and there was one up at the checkout line that I took. I'm guessing there were more in the soap isle. I don't usually use the stuff unless it is flu season. I teach my dc to be careful about touching their faces, etc. until they get home at which time everyone washes their hands. But my youngest sucks her thumb. I think I'm going to get some disinfectant wipes and just wipe down the shopping cart.

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I haven't tried this but I saw this recipe on another board:


1 cup isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)

1 tsp glycerin, stir and put into a bottle.


Shake it up and use. It will be more runny than the store bought stuff, but works as well.

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I haven't tried this but I saw this recipe on another board:


1 cup isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)

1 tsp glycerin, stir and put into a bottle.


Shake it up and use. It will be more runny than the store bought stuff, but works as well.


Wow! Thanks for this - nifty!

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I would just be very careful when using hand sanitizer with little ones. If they ingest it or lick their hands, they can get alcohol poisoning. Read this link, especially the second story. My 2-year old is constantly biting her nails or putting her fingers in her mouth, and after finding out how dangerous hand sanitizer can be, I won't use it on her hands. I keep some liquid soap and jug of water in the car now.



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I went to our local WM yesterday too. I bought the last bottle of regular strength Tylenol (for me). THey were OUT of Jr strength Tylenol and Jr Advil. They were also out of Robitussin DM. THere were other product areas on the shelf that were empty, but those were the things I was buying for "right now" use, not "what if" use. Also, the hand sanitizers were gone.

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