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Runners-thinking about doing my first 5k-no idea how to prep!

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I used to jog for exercise when I was young, been out of it for ten yrs having kids-done it a handful of times but not regularly. I did jog probably 20 times last summer. I have jogged maybe 12 times so far this spring, very off and on. I can do 3 miles fine.


I'd like to jump start a more regular exercise routine by pushing myself to do a big 5k around here but it's May 30! Is that sufficient time, since I can run that distance already? If I run about three times per wk and do some strength/core training, should I be ready? Any special foods I can eat to best prepare-extra protein or anything? (We are all organic and eat pretty healthy already.) I read a couple things on Runners World about 5k's that was linked awhile back; just wondering if I'm not giving myself enough time to prep after so much time out of the loop. Thanks for any advice!


(Also-do people wear MP3s when they do this kind of race? I can't run w/out my music!)

Edited by HappyGrace
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Thanks! I printed out C25k awhile back for dh, but I can already do their max-3 miles, 3x/wk-so does that mean I'm ready for a 5k? :)


I was going to recommend Couch to 5k as well, but looks like you're covered! If you're already running 3 miles, that's about a 5k.

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Thanks for the links-I read some and I'm pretty discouraged-I didn't realize it was all so complicated :tongue_smilie: I'm not sure I should do the race now. I thought it was like if you can run that distance, you can do the race, but I guess not :blink:

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Thanks for the links-I read some and I'm pretty discouraged-I didn't realize it was all so complicated :tongue_smilie: I'm not sure I should do the race now. I thought it was like if you can run that distance, you can do the race, but I guess not :blink:


I did C25K a couple of years ago and ran a 5K the week after I finished. I did just fine and it was a blast! What does the article say that complicates matters?

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This page had me pretty freaked out-talking about doing certain amounts of hills, and farteks, and doing sets of repeats at certain time intervals :001_huh:-very helpful stuff, but made me worry that maybe I can't be ready 27 days from now!



Thanks for your post-I probably would have given up if I hadn't read it! I'm still not positive because even though I can run the right amount, I haven't been at it as long as you would have been during your training weeks. They did warn against running a race if you haven't been at it a certain number of weeks due to possible tendon/ligament damage.

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Oh, okay! See, I didn't realize that!! And I'm pretty sure my tendons/ligaments would be okay since that's the distance I run usually. I really thought I was missing some big puzzle piece! I'm still nervous about it, but I am trying to live my life more fully now that I hit 40, so I guess I'll "just do it"!

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