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Explorers' Bible Study or Bible Study for All Ages?

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I have no experience with Explorers, but I've been using Bible Study Guide for several years now. I think your kids might be a bit young for it right now. I started using it when my oldest was 6 or 7 and my 2nd was 4 or 5, and, while the younger could follow along, I don't think he got a lot out of it at that age.. I've tried folding in my younger two in the last couple of years and my dd was okay with it, but my youngest has a terrible time sitting for it. I've actually stopped having them sit in for it because ds was just too distracting. So, while you could do it, they would probably get a lot more out of it if you waited a couple of years to start it.


Hope that helps.

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When my daughter was five, I used the free Bible sheets from Calvary Chapel (usually just the colouring page and the questions) and a the Story Bible by Catherine Vos. It was her absolute favourite and she still asks me to do Bible study that way, and she's now 8!


We re doing Explorer's (with my 11 year old son) nd we quite like it. You can actually download Explorer's study for free--you just have to stay on the Ball and download a lesson every week. It'll help you get a feel for it though, and how well it may work for you.


Calavary Chapel:


The link goes to NT, but they have the OT as well.


Explorer's Bible Study:



you'll want Beginner's 1.:D

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10 yo dd was in Discovery: In the Beginning study of Genesis (Explorer's series) all last year, and it had a real impact on her. She is currently on the second of the series, Discovery: Early History of Israel, and she really likes it too. This series is thorough, yet simple. It is very easy to teach, could even be independent for older kids. I also like the way it uses very good visual maps.


I don't know about the other series you've mentioned, but we have no regrets about the Explorer series whatsoever.




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We LOVE Bible study for all ages with the student pages. I used it with my DD11 and DS4 this year and they bothed loved it. You can add in the songs and we read the bible story out of my DS Beginner's Bible to keep his attention and out of the bible for my DD while he colored his student page. The student pages have great application ideas to go along with the bible passages. They both love the student pages.

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When my daughter was five, I used the free Bible sheets from Calvary Chapel (usually just the colouring page and the questions) and a the Story Bible by Catherine Vos.


:001_smile: This is exactly what I've just started doing with my littles.

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Using Bible Study for All Ages here. Simply because my dd is pencil phobic and I she would have learned to hate Bible if I had made her do all that writing.


I give her the intro page, she takes the reading assignment off of it and reads it in her own time (you can just read it aloud), then we do the drills (memorize the books, the 12 disciples, the days of creation, ect...), review and current lessons discussions orally each day.


We both really enjoy the program. Right now I am only doing it with my oldest, and I read story Bibles to my younger dc one on one just because I enjoy it. :D As they get older through I will fold them into BSGFAA with my oldest.



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Doing BSGFAA with ages 9 and 6-they LOVE it! We do use the student pages-I actually prefer the classic pages. I wanted to make Bible meaty but still enjoyable-didn't want to get too workbooky with it, and this fits the bill! (Older dd does do other Bible stuff that involves workbooks, so I didn't want to overkill.) I absolutely love being able to have both kids working together.

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