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? for those who don't spank/physically chastise

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A lot of you say for disrespectful speech that you will instruct/redirect. What do you do when the child *refuses* to accept the instruction/redirection? What consequence works for you?


It would depend on the situation, the age of the child too obviously. You can only expect so much sense out of toddlers, and from what I can tell, 9 year old boys :lol:

If the child refused to agree that they meant the more polite version of what they said, and insisted they meant the disrespectful version, I'd say "Sorry, my ears still don't want to listen to that. Please come back later when your voice is feeling more polite." Making the situation sort of 'once removed' helps kids with pride issues.



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We practiced different instructions on "Larsen time" and "Mommy time". I told her that there are times when Larsen time is acceptable and times when Mommy time is needed. I expected her to be able to function on Mommy time when told, now that she's practiced.



Thanks for the idea.



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There are so many great ideas in this thread!


For the most part, dd is an easy kid to parent. Reasoning works well with her, but there are times when she can be as stubborn as anything. So it's good to have some fresh, new ideas at my disposal!


Earlier today, I set a rule about how much time she could spend playing with her toy horses. I don't object to her horses, (how could I, since many of them were mine when I was a child), but with the weather changing I want her to be outside more and inside less - and I don't want her simply playing toy horses outside when she could be doing physical activity. Anyway, I set the rule and told her to get her basketball so that we could have a game outside. And her answer was ... that she thinks it's time she hired a lawyer to negotiate these things on her behalf.:001_huh:

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