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Anyone buy seeds from Survival Seed Bank?

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I'm concerned w/what I've been reading and hearing about "terminator" seeds. I just saw an ad for the Survival Seed Bank, I'm just wondering if anyone has done any business w/them. Someone recommended the book, Seeds of Deception...I'm beginning to think the world isn't what I believe it to be. I mean, I know people think "conspiracy theories" are crazy but really, considering history and sin nature, these theories make more sense than the idea that any group of people (or gov't) is benevolent and looking out for the common good of the general population. Has that really ever happened in the history of the world?? It seems to me that there has always been a person or group of people looking to control others.


Anyway, I'd love to hear if anyone know anything about this Survival Seed Bank. Thanks!

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Well, my thing that would make me NOT buy from them is their marketing thing. I got an ad folded up in an envelope, hand addressed to me. It made it look like it was from a friend I have in CA who goes by J. Come to find out, it is a marketing ploy.


If someone really wants to help out and has an honest business, they will not resort to sales tactics like this.

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It's funny you said that....

I got the EXACT same thing in the mail just yesterday. I was trying to think who I knew that lived in CA. Let alone signing it "J". I couldn't come up with a living soul, so I knew it had to be some kind of marketing ploy.

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It's funny you said that....

I got the EXACT same thing in the mail just yesterday. I was trying to think who I knew that lived in CA. Let alone signing it "J". I couldn't come up with a living soul, so I knew it had to be some kind of marketing ploy.


Maybe they just do things by hand?

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I'm concerned w/what I've been reading and hearing about "terminator" seeds. I just saw an ad for the Survival Seed Bank, I'm just wondering if anyone has done any business w/them. Someone recommended the book, Seeds of Deception...I'm beginning to think the world isn't what I believe it to be.


Anyway, I'd love to hear if anyone know anything about this Survival Seed Bank. Thanks!



Just wanted to jump in here and offer some peace... it is very normal for you to feel all of this... especially with the news and media storm... but you need to realize that there is nothing new under the sun. If change is about to happen, it will happen. But fear shouldn't control your decisions. God is in control.


I've never heard of the company you mentioned... but have dealt with this company that produces their own heirloom seeds (organic). They are great!






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