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Meet the Great Composers


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Guest bookwormmama

Can someone explain to me what this is? I would love some kind of classical music introduction for my kiddos but never seem to get around to it and need help... does anyone have a link to this program and explain what it involves?



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I use this with my kids. It's a great introduction, but it just barely scratches the surface. If exposure is your goal (like it is for me), then this is a great program to use with the younger set.


What is the difference between Meet the GC and Stories of the GC? I see two volumes of the first, and one of the second. Just more of the same? Or more superficial?

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I used this when I taught Middle School Music Appreciation. It was the first 10 mins or so of class. I had the students read the sheet about the composer and answer the question, silently, while they listened to the music, by the composer, provided on the CD. It is really a nice over view of composers.

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Here is a link for a preview of "Meet the Great Composers" you can also get it w/o the CD


Meet the Great Composers Vol1


Meet the Great Composers Vol2


Story of the Great Composers are for younger children.



How can you tell that Stories is for younger, and how young? I'd like to work on something with my 4th grader next year. Would Meet work for that level? And it looks like the accompanying CD has some of the compositions on it, or would you buy (or take out from the lib) more?

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How can you tell that Stories is for younger, and how young? I'd like to work on something with my 4th grader next year. Would Meet work for that level? And it looks like the accompanying CD has some of the compositions on it, or would you buy (or take out from the lib) more?


If you look at the third link, RR says it is for younger children. The sample page I saw would be okay for my fellow, if I helped him by writing in the answers he gives me.

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