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Multiplication Computer Game...


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I don't know how you ladies feel about using a computer game to reinforce the times tables, but I just got an email notice that there is a $10.00 off sale on Timez Attack that is good through 5/1/09.


I used the free base version of this game with my daughter for 3rd grade and she really loved it. She wanted to play it all the time and it really helped her with her multiplication. I just wanted to give a heads up to any moms who might find this useful for their little ones.


You can download the free version here.



And the full version sale link is here.



I hope this is helpful to somebody. :)




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Thanks, Jen! We had an older version of the free game on our computer that recently died a tragic death :tongue_smilie:, so I just downloaded the new version of the free game. My ds knows his multiplication tables, but we need to work on speed, so this game will be great.


I was trying to remember the name of the game just last week, and for the life of me, I couldn't think of it, so I'm glad I saw your post today!


Thanks again!



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Thanks, Jen! We had an older version of the free game on our computer that recently died a tragic death :tongue_smilie:, so I just downloaded the new version of the free game. My ds knows his multiplication tables, but we need to work on speed, so this game will be great.


I was trying to remember the name of the game just last week, and for the life of me, I couldn't think of it, so I'm glad I saw your post today!


Thanks again!





Cool!! I'm glad it worked out that way. :) My daughter loved the game too. She still asks me to play it. I had it on a now deceased computer as well. hehe I'm going to go ahead and get the full version since it's on sale. I think practicing the times tables is always a good thing no matter how old they are. :)

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Just bumping this up because my boys LOVE timz attack (we have the full version). ds9 says it is better than XBox and, before we told him he didn't have to ask, begged to play it. Now ds7 is starting to play, with ds9's encouragement.


I like the little guy on the game. He's so cute. I wish they made an addition/subtraction attack for my youngers.

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Just bumping this up because my boys LOVE timz attack (we have the full version). ds9 says it is better than XBox and, before we told him he didn't have to ask, begged to play it. Now ds7 is starting to play, with ds9's encouragement.


I like the little guy on the game. He's so cute. I wish they made an addition/subtraction attack for my youngers.



That's great!!! :) How many levels are there in the full version?? Just curious. :)

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I'm not sure how many levels. I think my older son keeps re-doing levels. I just checked the game and he's on the 7's.



Cool! Yeah my daughter loved the free game and played it for a long time. She kept begging me to get the full version and I told her I would at some point. I'm going to buy it now that it's on sale. :)

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Just bumping this up because my boys LOVE timz attack (we have the full version). ds9 says it is better than XBox and, before we told him he didn't have to ask, begged to play it. Now ds7 is starting to play, with ds9's encouragement.


I likee little guy on the game. He's so cute. I wish they made an addition/subtraction attack for my youngers.


I have the full version as well and agree that an addition subtration one would be great. I'd buy that one up in a minute. We had the free version and the kids used it for two weeks then begged for the full version. They have used it daily since and love it. Even ds4 sits and watches them and tries to help them along. It's so cute and he even seems to be picking up basics.



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I just bought mine! :) My daughter's all excited. I ordered the CD in addition to the download just to have a back up. It said on the check out page that if you order more than one you get an additional $15.00 off! I thought I would just add that piece of info to this thread as it may help someone. :)




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Just thought I'd give this a little bump, in case anyone else is interested.


We already had the free version of the game, but I'd forgotten all about it. I decided to go ahead and order the full version, and we downloaded it yesterday (the CD will arrive in the mail in a few days.)


According to my ds, the full version is much better than the free version, and is well worth buying. My ds already knows his multiplication facts pretty well, but I wanted to work on speed. (We have Quarter Mile Math, but ds says Timez Attack is a lot more fun.)



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Just thought I'd give this a little bump, in case anyone else is interested.


We already had the free version of the game, but I'd forgotten all about it. I decided to go ahead and order the full version, and we downloaded it yesterday (the CD will arrive in the mail in a few days.)


According to my ds, the full version is much better than the free version, and is well worth buying. My ds already knows his multiplication facts pretty well, but I wanted to work on speed. (We have Quarter Mile Math, but ds says Timez Attack is a lot more fun.)





Cool!! We did the same exact thing. I just got my CD in the mail yesterday in fact. My daughter said the same thing about the full version. She LOVES it. She's been wanting to play it all the time since we got it. :)


I think today is the last day of the sale so if anyone is on the fence this would be the day to decide. :)

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