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I have a Couple of Quick Questions for Runners Please.

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Q. #1:

Before our out-of-state move last fall I was beginning to run. (Used to run in college. Started back after 15 years-ugh!) I was following the Couch-To-5K plan, and was comfortable at week 5 or 6, I think.


Anyway, after the move, I couldn't get back into a running groove, and I've basically done nothing since November, or so.


I'm starting back, and Week 1 of the C25K was brutal, so I did it for two weeks. Now I'm beginning week 2. It's feeling tough, but I make it through without feeling terrible. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good.


My question is, if after Day 1 of week 2 I'm feeling like I could keep running after my time is up, should I skip to week 3's routine? Or should I stick it out and go gradually?


Q. #2:


What do you do about water when you're running. Especially now that it's starting to heat up? I don't like plastic water bottles (Aquafina, Ice Mountain, etc.) , and have looked into the Swiss bottles, but those seem so heavy. I've seen some plastic bottles that are BPA-free, but they seem kind of bulky.


So, what you do run with in order to stay hydrated?


Thanks so much!

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I don't know about #1, as I've never done Couch-to-5K, but here are some options for water:

1. I hate carrying water with me, so I do without unless I'm doing more than 9 miles (more than 6 in the dead of summer). I'm sure others will be able to suggest ways to carry water.

2. Try to do double or other loops where you can leave water stashed at your starting point, loop back to it and then run out again. Where I run, people do this all the time, leaving water either at their cars or just under a bush. In my neighborhood, I'll sometimes leave water in my mailbox.

3. Look for points along your route where there are water fountains or convenience stores (it is easier to carry cash than water).

4. On very long runs when I've trained for a marathon, my husband and kids have met me at the turnaround point and brought water and snacks. On shorter runs, perhaps your kids could bike with you and carry water on their bikes. My kids love to ride their bikes with me when I run (though I'm currently in such bad shape that I'm too embarrassed to have them bike with me).

Hope that helps,


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But I would still do each week, but maybe do it for fewer days. Like right now,go on to wk 3 don't stay at wk 2. Then if you are always going over for wk 3, move on to wk 4.


Water: I carry something like this. But I do carry either a Sigg bottle or a Klean Kanteen, not a plastic water bottle. Believe me, once the bottle is full, you won't notice the extra weight for the bottle itself. :)

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I stash water in bushes. My neighbors think it's hysterical.:D Take a cheap one because it might get stolen, I know. If I run downtown I either put a bottle behind the wheel of my car so I can grab it as I run past or I carry $5 in my bra so I can buy some along the way. Yes, I use sweaty money...

I don't recommend upping your miles too much at one time, it might end up setting you back. Have fun! You are doing great!

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