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High school student teaching younger brother?

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My rising 11th grader came to me yesterday and said he wanted to teach his younger brother in math(6th grade):blink:.


He is thinking of perhaps being a math teacher and this would give him a wonderful experience.


And perhaps work on bonding these two before older brother goes off to college.


Have any of you ever done something like this with your high schoolers?


Any pros or cons you would like to share? We would be using BJU 6th grade math if big brother would be teaching.....TT if 6th grader works on his own.





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my 15yo teaches his 11yo brother math, grammar, all subjects when I am not home


My 11yo says his brother does a better job:glare:


I can say my boys are best friends and love doing everything together and that includes an occasional punch in the gut if they start getting on each others nerves.:D


I think it would be awesome to give a whole subject away to teach.


I still plan out everything but the older can step in and teach when I am not available.



Oh I did forget that when he initially started teaching math to the younger brother, he would just tell him a answer instead of walking him through the process of getting the answer for himself. He now does very well in the tutor/teacher roll.

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I think it's wonderful! What a bonding experience. We have had our older dd teach the younger two, French and the older ds, teach math to the younger two.

All of our children are very, very close to each other and supportive. I don't think you can go wrong-older ds just needs to keep up with all of his work.

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Yep, I had already thought of just letting the guys TRY this out and see if it works for both of them first. DS #2 is just about 6 lessons away from finishing his 5th grade math. So, this would be a prime time to get the new 6th grade books out and see how they BOTH do with it.


They are both very MATHY guys.....And older ds wants to see little brother do well......And he is a MUCH better teacher than I am...in math. It is his gift. He has already been tutoring dd (13) in pre-algebra when I just couldn't help her due to teaching someone else.


Thanks for the encouraging words! Think we may TRY this and see how it goes.....





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My ds teaches/helps younger ds in many subjects--math, writing, etc.. It really helps older one for review purposes. My dd last year as Senior taught younger ds Chemistry. It has helped ds to have other "teachers" with different methods and recent experience with the subject matter. Both older dc have turned out to be very good teachers to their bro.



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A great idea!

My son works occaisionally with my 9 year old on art. He is taking an art class in college right now, and it is one of their shared interests. While I was out of the house a few weeks ago, he called me on my cell and said "let me cover these two math lessons with her" - I said - okay, let's try it! They did fine, and moved on to art. (He wanted to do grammar as well, but he decided not to because the book wasn't as easy to understand as the math text - and he hates grammar hahah.)


I think it is great your son wants to be involved, and he will also get a lot out of it too. Just check in and make sure he is doing things right - and maybe this will give you a little bit of a break!

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