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Need help finding a dr.

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I've been reading through all the recent posts on medication and DH and I have come to the decision that we really need to talk to a dr. about the pros/cons. I had DS at the pediatrician today and he had no ideas about who to send us to, other than the local children's hospital. I'll go that route if I have to, but it will take us a year just to get a consultation.


Who do you normally work with on meds for ADHD w/ autism? We don't have a pediatric neurologist for DS anymore. Or would a pediatric psychiatrist be better? And how do I go about finding one? I KNOW there are several kids around here on medication, but their parents never told me about it, so I'm hesitant to approach them. I'm just at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed. Thanks for reading.


Oh and we're just outside Houston, TX, if anyone on here already has someone they see.




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I am sorta at the same place you are. So far my investigations seem to point to having a child psychiatrist do the evaluation. I talked to a learning disabilities association I found in the area & they were very helpful providing names of doctors they work with. They also suggested having my ds testing for learning style and disabilities and that sometimes doctors order those extra kind of tests to get a better picture of the child. However, it would cost a lot more too & the testing by the Learning Disabilities center wouldn't be covered by insurance.


Here is a website that has ratings for various doctors all over the country. I've found it to be helpful.


If you find the names of some doctors you can look them up on here to see if others like them.


I am dumbfounded your pediatrician doesn't know who to send you to.


Hope you find someone to help you soon.


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You might post on the general board asking about a Dr. in your area. It gets more views than this board does. If you have a local homeschooling list, you might check in there too. Finding someone who is good and will work with you is so important and it is so daunting. I wish you the best of luck!

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If your pediatrician can give you a referral, would that make the wait time at the Children's Hospital less? I know for us the wait is 3x as long without the referral. We also have said we would take a cancellation with 12-24 hours notice if one became available. By doing that we were able to have our appointment weeks earlier at a clinic we really wanted to be seen at.


We use the children's hospital in another state. It has been a mixed blessing. Some of the staff has been complete morons - but for the most part they have also been the most up to date in research and most willing to work with us. The rest of the staff has been wonderful. You know, just like anywhere else.


I would tink though that living outside of Houston there would be more choices in pediatric psychiatrist/behavioralists. Again, ask your pediatrician. When my son was having serious medical problems 2 yrs ago, we were referred to a wonderful dr that was an adjunct of the children's hospital. She wasn't really on their staff and so was not well known. We were able to see her faster and still have all the testing we needed completed at the children's hospital because she had practice rights there.

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