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What do you think about weekend "educational" getaways?

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Okay, here's my plan this morning. :001_smile: What if I found a graduate student who needed to make some extra money and started planning weekend learning activities for homeschoolers. I could get a person who is seeking a degree in biology and maybe he/she could lead a weekend of activities related to the living creatures and plant life in the area. I have 12 cabins on a beautiful cove on the Lake of the Ozarks with paddle boats, large swimming pool, kiddie pool, lots of boat slips, a volley ball area, picnic pavilion with a bunch of tables and chairs beneath it, etc. I could offer group pricing and humongous discounts to get the weekends going this year and next. I could even do weekend pertaining to art, music, creative writing, etc! Would you all think that would be successful?

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I really want to offer specials to homeschoolers because I was part of that community for such a long time. Are there such things as homeschooling paintball groups? I have a whole hillside there on the lake with no cabins, just trees, perfect for a paintball war! Are any of you in MO? It's also not extremely far from St. Louis, maybe 3 hours.

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We have the same sports issues and time issues here. What would make you WANT to do it? What I'm thinking now is just to offer a couple of these themed weekends this year and seeing if it works. I am going to see if I can find out the email addies of the home school groups within a 3 hour radius of the resort and start getting feedback from them. It would be so much fun to see the home school community able to use this place.

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I know there are some local colleges here that offer weekend accelerated/intensive classes for gifted students that are from what I hear well attended, so I don't see a reason it couldn't work.


If you have the availability, you might consider offering some of these sorts of things as "homeschool camp or mini-camp" during the week in the spring or fall, as homeschoolers have more flexibility. That might help with the sports issue and weekend time pressures that families already feel. I have seen something of the sort offered by a local living history site, don't know how well-attended they are, though.

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Oh, my goodness. I love the living history idea. I am going up there this weekend to rip out carpet and paint a couple of cabins so I am going to pursue that one. We would love to start filling the cabins up in the fall and spring so I love that idea, too. I am offering a lot of discount to groups right now just to get "butts in the seats," so to speak. The resort is in Sunrise Beach, MO and our website is Shangrilares.com if you all know anyone in the MO, IL, KY, etc areas interested! I have redone several of the cabins and the look is completely changing so the pics on the website will change next week. I am open to any groups, and will be thrilled if you all would pass the word along. If anyone mentions Well Trained Mind in an email to me, I will give a 20% discount on a cabin rental! Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

Edited by Mad Charity
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I really want to offer specials to homeschoolers because I was part of that community for such a long time. Are there such things as homeschooling paintball groups? I have a whole hillside there on the lake with no cabins, just trees, perfect for a paintball war! Are any of you in MO? It's also not extremely far from St. Louis, maybe 3 hours.


I don't know if this would appeal to you, but you could consider turning part of that hillside area into a natural play area adjacent to your shuffleboard, etc. I was part of a workshop on putting one of these in at one of our local parks this coming summer and am *very* excited about the possibilities. Might make something a bit unique about your location. If not the hillside area, take a look at some of the "living willow" structures. They take a lot of sun and might make an interesting addition to the existing play area.


http://www.ecoschools.com/CreativePlay/CreativePlay_wSidebar.html has some info if you aren't familiar with it.


A very popular activity at one of our local parks was a "fairy house" day where folks would come and make fairy houses out of natural materials, go on a walk to see examples/make examples in the woods, etc. Sounds like something you might be able to build a theme weekend around.


Also, here's an example of the kinds of accelerated courses at various colleges so that you can see some of the sorts of topics covered (this isn't the one from our area, just found it).


Edited by KarenNC
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Karen, I you have been so helpful and I appreciate it soooooooo much. If your ever in MO, just email me and you got yourself a cabin.:D


:001_smile: Thanks for the very kind offer, but I don't know when that might be. We have friends in St. Louis and visited them about 3 years ago, but don't know if we will make it back that direction any time soon (we're in NC, hence my board name). Unfortunately, there are so many great places we'd like to see and so little time (and money) to do it.


Best of luck with your projects! Something else that occurs---have you considered some sort of "intro to homeschooling" family retreat as a possibility, especially in the early fall? Sort of a mini-conference/retreat, possibly even focusing on a single type of homeschooling--say classical or Charlotte Mason (sounds like your setting might lend itself to some of that) or a "learn more about" a particular style of homeschooling? Or how about a WTMer-weekend for folks in your area ;)? Host a "how to get your homeschooler ready for college" weekend program?

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It all sounds great. I am going to work on contacting the home schooling groups around here and seeing what I could offer. I have been talking about the living history weekends and such to my friends in my cul de sac, my husband, etc, and everyone says they would drive up here for that! We live 9 hours away, by the way. A Lewis and Clark weekend would be cool here, too. I appreciate your help very much.:001_smile:

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I live in St. Louis and as a child spent almost every weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. Around the Sunshine beach area too. I have not been back for many years but hear the lake on the weekends are very busy. Would you be able to offer programs to families during the week that they can use vacation time? Do you have a website? Is the resort functioning now? I would be interested if you get something lined up. One suggestion might be to get a booth at our CHEF conference in June with flyers and information. You could really get the word out that way. Let me know if you might be interested in this and I can get you information.

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One thought for you....


My kids love sleep over summer camps, but they have several friends who can't sleep away from their family.


What about setting up a summer camp for the kids, where the adults can come and have their own free time, but the kids are in a 'camp' all day. The adults would have a nice set of days, free from kids.


You could theme it like you have already mentioned, with art or history, or just fun 'summer campish' with simple, but fun activities.


After you get successful with the kids camp, you can add in adult activities.

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I live in St. Louis and as a child spent almost every weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. Around the Sunshine beach area too. I have not been back for many years but hear the lake on the weekends are very busy. Would you be able to offer programs to families during the week that they can use vacation time? Do you have a website? Is the resort functioning now? I would be interested if you get something lined up. One suggestion might be to get a booth at our CHEF conference in June with flyers and information. You could really get the word out that way. Let me know if you might be interested in this and I can get you information.

Yes, the resort is functioning now. I am here painting cabins and tearing out carpet as we speak! Our web site is http://www.shangrilares.com and I am updating the pictures this week. We have done quiet a bit of updating of the cabins since most of those pics were taken. Can I get the email addy or website for the CHEF conference? I would love to look in to that!

The lake is very busy! I've never seen anything like it. We, fortunately are in a quiet cove and sort of off by ourselves. We have a nice little play area, volleyball, swimming pool, and tons of room to run, play, and explore. It is truly amazing. I am about to pass out because I've been working all day here. My crews have shown up to help with the refurb so I will be able to do some more planning and homework on all this tomorrow! Thank you so much, let me know what I can do to get the word out! Christy


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Sounds very interesting! I'm also in TN, but my husband is currently stationed not too far from Lake of the Ozarks in MO. I'll be burning a path between here & there over the next year or so. Keep us updated!

I would love to offer you a military discount. Let me know when you are headed this way, it would be a great get away spot for you all. Is he at Ft. Leonard Wood? I am trying like crazy to figure out the best way to advertise there. I have paddle boats, swimming pool, kiddie pool, etc. http://www.shangrilares.com Email me when you head this way and I will slash some prices. :D Christy Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

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We live near Kansas City and we would love to be able to attend a weekend, workshop, or day camp style getaway for homeschoolers. I already visited and bookmarked your website. Keep us posted.:D

Would you mind letting me know the best way to get in touch with the homeschool groups in KC? I have a lot of fishermen who come here from there. I need to hit the newspapers with some line ads, too. I will let you know tomorrow what I come up with as far and weekends and themes go! Thank you! Christy Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

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I think this sounds FUN--esp if it turns out to be WTM'ers!!! If we could afford it, that's absolutely something I'd travel all the way from Tx to do. Dh says he'd rather buy land & replicate your idea. I think I'll head up the "research" division of his plan. ;)


Good luck--I hope you have great success & a blast doing it!

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