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Hey Torrance CA People!!!!

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So here's my "Rural PA girl moves to CA" update. Dh and I went to CA last weekend and actually found a place to live...I'm still gasping with surprise over this. It's a tiny rental but it's real nice and super clean.

So....Torrance people! I'm coming to your neck of the woods - what kind of good hs support group/co op/park day/ library/ sports can you do some braggin' on? Hook me up! I'm ready to meet some new friends and learn all about sunscreen since it's 33 and drizzly here in good ol' PA.

I did just about die when i saw the traffic. I also had a good laugh (politely, to myself) when many well meaning folks told me that I would have to get used to diversity in Ca since PA doesn't have any. I held back from saying,"Gosh! You mean I'll be around non white, non heterosexual individuals?" It was amusing to think that there's some idea that PA is covered by a force field that keeps the population homogenized. Or at least the non white part hidden :glare: So I'll have to watch my mouth for a bit :tongue_smilie:

Ok ladies...I'm all ears!



ds 7 dd4.5 dd almost 2!

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So here's my "Rural PA girl moves to CA" update. Dh and I went to CA last weekend and actually found a place to live...I'm still gasping with surprise over this. It's a tiny rental but it's real nice and super clean.

So....Torrance people! I'm coming to your neck of the woods - what kind of good hs support group/co op/park day/ library/ sports can you do some braggin' on? Hook me up! I'm ready to meet some new friends and learn all about sunscreen since it's 33 and drizzly here in good ol' PA.

I did just about die when i saw the traffic. I also had a good laugh (politely, to myself) when many well meaning folks told me that I would have to get used to diversity in Ca since PA doesn't have any. I held back from saying,"Gosh! You mean I'll be around non white, non heterosexual individuals?" It was amusing to think that there's some idea that PA is covered by a force field that keeps the population homogenized. Or at least the non white part hidden :glare: So I'll have to watch my mouth for a bit :tongue_smilie:

Ok ladies...I'm all ears!



ds 7 dd4.5 dd almost 2!


Ha ha.. Funny post. Glad you found a place. Hope you enjoy our weather, while you're stuck in your traffic that is! :auto:


I recommed the book Fun & Educational Places in So Cal. It is by Susan Peterson & will run you around $15 but will become your best friend. You can find it at Costco sometimes but AAA all the time.The book has HUNDREDS of fun/educational places to visit, their cost, their hrs & info & a very detailed description of the locations (we're talking from parks, to fun restaurants to Dland).


Have a safe move!!

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I recommed the book Fun & Educational Places in So Cal. It is by Susan Peterson


I happen to know that a *new* revised edition of this book is coming out next month, so you might want to wait a wee bit. :)


And welcome to the beautiful chaos that is California. :001_smile:



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Hi, I live in Santa Clarita in North LA county, but I googled up homeschooling in Torrance and came up with this: http://sbhn.50megs.com/ It is called South Bay homeschooling Network, and it looks like a thriving group with lots of activities in or around Torrance. It is also non-sectarian (as you'll read). Seems like you could get some good "lay of the land" from this group. Welcome to CA, btw!


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That's hilarious. You'll have to get used to the lack of intellectual diversity out here... everyone trying to out -green, out-PC each other, and you've already gotten your first taste of the typical Angeleno's disdain for everything outside the LA bubble (well, except for Vegas, maybe).


We also like New York City :tongue_smilie:


But not Vegas, yuck!

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