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Would you all pick Saxon or BJU if those were


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your two narrowed down choices? I have an upcoming 2, 4, 7th grader. We have been doing BJU and I am concerned about the length of the lessons in particular. I also don't think my youngers are mastering their facts.


I know that they are 2 totally different programs. We are coming from MUS so BJU seems more identical to it than Saxon. I do need a "teacher" long term for sure.




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I think BJU develops concepts much better than Saxon. Saxon can get you doing math without really fully understanding it. I know because I used it in highschool when I was homeschooled. I'm good at math but I don't feel that I really understood it like I should have. I've taught BJU and Saxon in Highschool to homeschoolers and BJU is more difficult to teach from than Saxon, but I think it is worth the effort. The only thing is that if you are weak in math you'll have a hard time and might want to get the BJU video teachers to watch.

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Thank you so much for the response! We have been using Homesat actually this year but my youngers are very WEARY of the long lessons. They are doing GREAT however they don't like it. I know that's not what matters and in the long run I suppose all lessons will be long. There is no way I could present the information as "fun" as the DVDs do so I guess I just need to watch it with them fast forwarding where I can to shorten the lesson.


Thank you!


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I MUCH prefer BJU in the lower grades. Unfortunately, it is not spelled out quite clearly that you are to drill facts daily with triangle flashcards, fact drill sheets or drill games. The length of the lessons are quite long...but so are Saxon's if you count in the meeting time...the drill time and the lesson/ hw time. I try to split up our drill/ review time from the lesson/ assessment time.


I feel BJU covers concepts much more clearly...doesn't skip around while children are mastering new concepts and does not have too many problems on the page...which could send my kids into convulsions.


After the grade 4 book, we transfer to CLE Math 4 (yes...4) as it is a year ahead of BJU in concepts....Also lots of drill, repeat and review and not too many problems on the page. Big PLUS...it is workbook style...no copying problems wrong.


We do CLE math until we finish the 8th grade book and then switch to Saxon Algebra 1 and follow that series until we are finished with High School.


So, after 14 years of trial and error in math books...this is the sequence I have come up with to do the "job" most thoroughly.


I just wish I had it so laid out writing...sigh.....



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Another vote for BJU. I had to teach Saxon for awhile (2nd grade classroom), and the scripted lessons drove me crazy, plus I keep hearing the reports of students who can "do" but not understand with that program. I'm using BJU Math 1 with my 1st grader, and we really like it. The TM is full of useful information, it teaches for understanding, there are far more manipulatives than MUS, and it has a fun presentation overall. Nice!

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We like Saxon here and plan on sticking with it through high school. Right now I've got one in 6/5, one in 5/4, one in 2, one in 1, and one in K (we've used Saxon from the beginning).


I know a lot of people complain about Saxon, but it gets the job done well here. My kids know their math facts, and we haven't had any problems with understanding concepts so far. We've recently switched to using the DIVE cds for 5/4 and up, and they are great.


Now, they don't jump up and down for joy when they do math, but they don't hate it, either.

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Thanks ladies for the detailed responses!


I am going to stop and plug in for the Math lessons and fast forward when necessary. I certainly need to add some review. I guess I was just looking for an easy way out although I don't think Saxon would be it. After leaving MUS, I am very pleased to see the manipulatives and concepts presented like MUS. I feel like I am getting the best of both worlds. I just need to SHORTEN the lessons for my 1st and 3rd graders.


Thanks again for taking the time to read and respond,


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