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Why do you LOVE using WinterPromise?

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So, nobody loves using WP :001_smile:?


What really draws me to them is the MYO books, the timeline cards, the notebooking pages, and the maps. I love having all of the little extras to add to the study.


Would love to hear if anyone else really likes this program as I am trying to decide between them, Student of the Word, MFW, and TOG.



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If you can't get any answers here, I'm sure the folks on the Winter Promise forum can tell you what they like. I'm going to be using WP Sea and Sky with my oldest next year, so I've been spending some time over there lately. It's not a very active board, so it may take a few days to get some responses, but you may have better luck there than here. I know what you mean about the MYO books and notebooking. That appeals to me too. I hope it agrees with my 12yo. :001_smile:

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Love the books (lots of pictures and color-I used AW and AS 1), love the hands on, love the access to the owners. In the end I was planning to move to TOG after doing AS 2 and S&S, but decided to do it earlier when they came out with the no resale policy. Though I am considering using some of their science again. :D



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I no longer use WP, but when I did I loved their book choices! We didn't personally care for the notebooking, MYO pages, etc. because my son is just not into that type of stuff. He doesn't like crafts, or notebooking. :tongue_smilie: Maybe it's a guy thing. Anyhow, coming from years of SL, the history book choices WP had were wonderful! I loved them, my son loved them!


I now use TOG and honestly, I feel it is a lot like WP. TOG also has wonderful, colorful, picture-ful history book choices...and we have enjoyed them all.

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I love Winter Promise. We've done AS1 and are currently finishing AS2. Next year we will do CATW.


I love the book selections, the hands on activities, the website suggestions, etc. I love that I don't have to plan; I can just open and go. However, if I want to tweak the program, it is easy to do so. I like how the hands on activities are listed and I can just pick and choose what I think my kids will enjoy. I like that the pace of the reading is do-able. When I used Sonlight I always felt angst if I was behind. I don't use them for language arts but I love them for history.

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Please share what it is about this curriculum that makes you want to stay with it?


This year we are using S&S with our 15yo and AW with our 6yo. It has been a wonderful year.


I want to stay with WP especially with the 15yo, because this has been hands-down ds's smoothest year at home. The schedule (changing direction second semester), the book selections, the topics covered- everything combined to make this year wonderful. I haven't had to have a single nag-fest to demand that he complete his work.


The great outline and the OLG made it easy to beef up the history and science for high school. Although I did end up creating our own guide so that everything would be on one sheet to hand to ds, I did the least amount of tweaking that I have ever done and DS has earned 2.5 credits- nag free!


He has earned a credit in Modern History. We used all of the history titles except The Story of the Wright Brothers which we replaced with The Wright Brothers; How They Invented the Airplane by Freedman. We just viewed the early history as review. First semester we added Power Basic World History 3 and some 20th century photo type books. Second semester we used the OLG additional history text that added a focus on aviation history to ds's study of modern history.


He earned a 1/2 credit in oceanography. We added 5 chapters from Apologia's Marine Biology.


He earned a 1/2 credit in astronomy. We added Universe, The Story of Astronomy, George's Secret Key to the Universe, and a bunch of videos and whatnot.


Used with the schedule in S&S, I also gave him a 1/2 credit in religious studies for Our Place in Space.


I wouldn't have a problem giving him the literature half of his LA credit from the OLG S&S lit suggestions, but honestly we didn't end up using many of them. :blushing: So, it would be no problem for a high schooler to squeeze 3 full credits out of S&S with the OLG.


Yesterday we made the decision that the 15yo will be doing WP's QMA next year. I actually caught him smiling about school curriculum!


Until last night I had planned to create my own 1-year US history for the 15yo, because he needs a credit in US history and in 2010-2011 I wanted him to do CATW (with addition's from Jenn's losbanos) with the little man.


Now, I have no idea what we are doing. :confused: I already have the HOD Bigger guide and quite a few of the books to use with the little man. WP doesn't have a 1-year US history option. I had planned on the two of them both doing a 1-year US history at the same time, so that my head would be in one topic. However, I have already gotten excited about using HOD Bigger with the little guy, so I will probably use it anyway.


Seeing ds smile about school books is totally worth rearranging the topics of the next several years.:D



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Oops, I didn't post about the 6yo! AW has been a blast!


We have loved the One Small Square books and honestly that was part of the draw to HOD Bigger: it also uses a couple of One Small Square books! Although the little man is a mathy guy, if you ask him to tell you his favorite part of school, he will tell you that the animal books are his favorites.


Although AS1 and AS2 look like a lot of fun I had planned for him to do a 1-year US history next year and WP doesn't sell one. Today the plan is

1st- HOD Bigger

2nd- WP CATW

3rd- BF History of Science w/ Calvert's CHOW package

4th- SL 3+4

5th- SL 5

6th- SL 6

7th- SL 7


SL was the perfect fit for my oldest. However, WP has been such a perfect fit for middle ds that I may change my mind. I'll have to wait and see how the little man learns.:lurk5:



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What I love about WinterPromise:


1) Great book choices- visually appealing and easy for us to grasp, and both fiction/nonfiction choices.

2) A smörgåsbord of activities from which to choose, including mapping, notebooking, timeline work, paper crafts, cooking, construction crafts, DVDs, and websites.

3) Integrated readers and creative writing offered in the LA.

4) The LA is gentle but thorough.

5) The themes are interchangeable in sequence, so it makes it easy to combine kids who are far apart in age (mine are 3.5 years and 4.5 years apart).

6) Super simple easy to use instructor guide.

7) Everything is usually included, so there are no needed library trips.

8) A four day schedule and manageable pace keep me "caught up" most of the time. Plus if we really want to *add* something in, we can figure out a way to do that without getting way behind.

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We're using Quest for the Ancient World, and I find it has its pros and cons. We're using the 4/6 guide and I'm finding it to be very time consuming. We rarely get to do the hands-on projects because of all the reading. Most of the books are wonderful, but they seem to be, level wise, all over the spectrum from very easy to very difficult. One of the best things about it is the way the author integrates the Mystery of History with the Kingfisher Bible and notebooking. They also have exclusive rights to a book called Lamps, Scrolls, and Goat Skins which is a gem! I'm not sure I would use this program again, but I would certainly use some of their other topics.

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